Deconstructing CNN Liberal Russia/Ukraine War Propaganda

By Jason Unruhe of Maoist Rebel News.
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CNN propaganda is usually among the best of the liberal media establishment’s propaganda. Usually, it requires more effort to fool liberals than it does conservatives. Case in point, a recent CNN article attempted to paint a false narrative and present falsehoods about the inter-imperialist US/Russia conflict in Ukraine.

Emotional lines calling for sympathy for fallen soldiers of the Ukrainian army like:

“These days, Lychakiv has become the burial ground for hundreds of service men and women killed in the most recent wave of Russian aggression. The sense of pain is palpable. When I visited the cemetery a few weeks ago, howling winter winds competed with the heartbreaking sound of wailing mothers and wives mourning the loss of their loved ones. Many of the downed fighters are in their 20s — in the prime of their lives.

Here in Ukraine, the losses are so vast that they touch pretty much every family, contributing to the sense of weariness that has covered the country like a cold blanket of snow…”
Where are these compassionate words for the 26,000 women and children murdered by the Israeli army that CNN and the rest of the entire US media keep making excuses for, covering up genocide for, and won’t even use the word ‘killing’ in their articles? Children are blown apart by bombs, food supplies burned, UN aid workers murdered en masse, and the mainstream media like CNN say nothing. They bemoan to admit these things even happen and do their best to minimize them when they do. But Palestine isn’t an ally of the US. Their lives, the lives of these children US tax money supports the murder of, don’t matter.

Russia and Ukraine are guilty of war crimes in Ukraine, but the US is guilty of genocide in Israel.

The falsehoods are laid on thick too. We’re not being given an accurate picture of what the situation is really like for the Ukrainian military. Casualties have been far worse for the soldiers of Ukraine than the media is willing to admit. Ukrainian puppet President Volodymyr Zelensky’s claims that Ukrainian military deaths are around 31,000. Not even the US believes such numbers. The Pentagon disputes this and claims that it is closer to 70,000. Here’s some interesting information that might put all of this in some context. Zelensky’s claim of 31,000 dead came on February 26 of this year. However, on January 31st, Zelenskyy told the media at an end-of-year news conference that military officials are requesting the conscription of “an additional 450,000 to 500,000 civilians to help replenish the country's armed forces and spell soldiers serving on the front lines.” It requires 500,000 soldiers to replenish those lost? That’s a lot more than 30,000 even if you account for the injured. It seems the realistic request by military officials contradicts Zelensky. Now we have a better sense of how awful the combat situation in Ukraine actually is.

To give it some perspective, the mainstream media already acknowledges that conscription is done at gunpoint in Ukraine. Men of military age and physical ability are grabbed off the street and thrown into vans to be forced to fight in the war. The phenomenon is so pervasive that many men are terrified of their morning commute to work. Others refuse to answer a knock at the door, fearful of “the olives” coming to take them away for the war. Yet that same media would have us believe that supposedly Russia is taking Ukrainian civilians and making them fight the Ukrainian military. I’ve yet to see any evidence.

Other lines from the article are much easier to see through:

“Ukrainians have managed to destroy about 50% of conventional Russian military capability.”
This line is just simply nonsense. Russia hasn’t even deployed 50% of its military. Most estimates put it at around 30%.

No good US propaganda would be complete without trying to convince the public that they’re invested in this war as well. The success of the US ruling class in their proxy war against the Russian ruling class is something that the average American should be passionate about. By that, they mean you should support unlimited funding for their war effort.

“In considering the way forward, Johnson and his Republican colleagues should note the number of Ukrainians who paid the ultimate price to not only defend Ukraine, but also to slow the onslaught of Russia’s land-grabbing, creeping authoritarianism. The battleground is in Ukraine, but the stakes for democracy go beyond borders.”
This reminds us that whenever the US is pushing for involvement in or causing war, it’s always for freedom. They, the ruling class and its coercive arm of the state and propaganda remind us that we must always be willing to do their bidding for the “cause of freedom.” Remember, we’re the good and holy West, we’re the ones who stand for truth and freedom, so if we engage in war, it must be for the right reason. If the war is wrong, it means America is wrong… and that means you’re wrong. You’re not wrong, right?

But remember, no matter how much you don’t want to be involved in another war - in the chain of America’s unending wars - it’s good for you.

“While millions of Americans feel that they are suffering economically, the pain could be even more acute if the Russians disable Ukrainian ports such as Odesa – a crucial component of the global food supply chain.”
No matter how much the US budget might suffer, no matter how bad your education and healthcare get, we can never let a war go by or things will be worse. If the Russians win this one, they’ll choke out and starve the whole world! The claim here isn’t explicitly being made, but it’s heavily implied by claiming that “the global food supply chain” is threatened by Russian control of a port. A tactical and economic benefit, yes. A global catastrophe? No, nothing even remotely close to it.

As a matter of fact, Ukraine’s largest purchaser of its grain is China, Russia's closest ally. It’s estimated to be about eight million metric tons worth of it. Am I supposed to believe that Russia is going to suddenly cut off China, Spain, and Turkey (another Russian ally) from grain? Do these three countries constitute the “global food supply chain?”

Interestingly, Russia is the world’s largest exporter of grain in the world. Their grain is exported to China, the Middle East, and Africa. These places constitute a large majority of the world’s population. This is far from the global food epidemic that US propaganda would have us believe. Russia doesn’t have an interest in causing global hunger any more than the US does. The capitalist class is always looking for a way to make more money, but a global famine is not the best way to do it. Doing so would cause far too much instability in global markets for other capitalists to tolerate it.

Why lie about something like this? It’s quite simple. There’s a careful psychological balancing act here. The US ruling class would like you to see a grim picture of Ukraine (which there certainly is) in order to build public sympathy for them. That sympathy is to gather support for sending more money and weapons to fight the expanding Russian imperialism with US imperialism. However, if the picture is too realistic, and the public sees how bad the situation really is on the ground, they’ll begin to see it as the lost cause it very probably is. People’s emotions, their heart heartstrings are like puppet strings; pull too hard and they snap in two rendering them ineffective.

The US ruling class has spent a good deal of effort instilling a lack of basic empathy into the American people with often repeated underhanded racist propaganda from both the liberal and conservative perspectives. The main tactic here is to show the white faces of Ukrainians and juxtapose them with the White Christan Evangelical “freedom-loving” American patriot that forms the basis of American fascism. All too often the enemies of the US empire have been portrayed as illiterate, cave-dwelling brown-skinned people. One need look no further than the oft-repeated description of Russians as “invading hordes” or “brutal orcs.” You only need media propaganda pieces telling people how the Ukrainians are just like the Average American.

Lines like this are intended to make Americans feel like it’s their war too: “In many ways, this is also America’s war – except that the Ukrainians are the ones fighting and dying in it.” At least they’re inadvertently being honest here. This is America’s war, a war its ruling class oligarchy wants against the Russian ruling class oligarchy for control of Ukrainian resources, markets, and labour. They want the average American to pay for its war for profits.

The working-class American has no interest in sacrificing themselves or their tax money to fight another rich man’s war.

No to NATO and Putin. No to Russian and US imperialism.
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