English Grammars and Sentence Diagramming




'E 4 Thai' website

Still looking for a diagramming source: https://welltrainedmind.com/wp-content/uploads/GftWTM_SWBK1_sample.pdf

Other sources consulted:



How I learned English Grammar....

Mostly from the Macmillian handbook of English, which was fine into the 50s and probably the 60s.

Note: large 58 MB download from Iran. Your choice. Hope this edition includes 'how to diagram sentences' unlike recent Murkin education.


Well, shit. Looks like we may have to go further back. I was expecting 800 pages. Maybe it's good as far as it goes.

- 1954 publication looks ok.

Might be obliged to 'free the Supine' here, now that the Mouse is good.[1]

[1]: https://time.com/6551496/mickey-mouse-public-domain-steamboat-willie/

Screenshot 2024-01-24 5.08.35 PM.png

Probably decent given the Kindle cost but not consulted: