Hitler and Christianity

I agree that Hitler got more anti-Christian over time, but couldn't express it openly because he wanted allies against the Soviet Union. So while he privately viewed Christianity with contempt, in public he sought an alliance with Christians. Table's Talk is another source which some people doubt the legitimacy of. However, the people who doubt it are usually people trying to reconcile Christianity with Hitler.

I note that 3.5% of the German population was "deist" and 1.5% "atheist." In a vanguard type leadership, you don't adopt to what the majority of people want. That's populism. However, Hitler could largely keep his views in his inner circle and maintain a public facade that he had no opposition to Christianity. He was simply waiting for later. At the opportune time after the war, his true opinions on Christianity would show.

Many Christians believe in replacement theology, which is a mainstream viewpoint that Jews are no longer the chosen people. Still, as Constantin Von Hoffmeister says, Christian antisemites deserve to be ridiculed. I think this of the most extreme antisemites.

I think wikipedia is a pretty fair source and it's heavily moderated. You can't just post random garbage on wikipedia and not back it up with a credible source.