Home-schooling as opposed to Thchooling:

Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
Continued from this archive: http://www.thephora.net/forum/forum...-europe-must-re-christianize/page5#post197070

Rusty Mason said:
...We homeschool, with an emphasis on a classical Greek and Latin education...

The best reason for doing so:


A Francophoan Swiss family had rather died than switch, following a warrant to be served against the patriarchal member of whom had arranged home-schooling for his son:

...The officers at the apartment had been there to execute a warrant in connection with the home-schooling of the son...


Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
Details of this Prepper family's wealth has been retracted by English-language media. However, French media has not yet done likewise:


... Le domicile est décrit par le quotidien local comme "un appartement aux airs de bunker et fenêtres calfeutrées (...) laissant penser que ce clan évoluait dans un milieu survivaliste". La somme de 30 000 euros a été retrouvée...

The 8-year old victim, unlike her older brother, has never set foot in a Publick Schroowl


Preface on Homeschooling


Lord Osmund de Ixabert

I X A B E R T.com
The 'managers of men' probably want fewer people in the public school system, and they probably also want the better elements of the rabble to start homeschooling and private-schooling their children. That's why they are deliberately making the public school system as unappealing as possible to all sane parent.... The 'elite', too, want fewer of those people around.

This suspicion of mine is supported by the fact that they are also encouraging those who remain in the public school system to take a shot that is designed to sterilise or covertly euthanise a percentage of those who take it. (I predict that the percentage of the injections that contain sterilants or lethal ingedients is going to increase by increments until only the most idiotic people of the targeted demographic backgrounds will continue taking the shots on a regular basis. For the intention is eugenical, and our leaders are not quite as nefarious as people imagine.)
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Just one moar reason:

When I decided to homeschool my children (a decade or so ago) I made a list of pros and cons of the existing system. When I got to 80 cons, I was weeping and my mind was made up. I'm sure my list today would have a couple hundred moar.

It was obvious even back then this was going to end in tears.

You don't really need all that much reflection to rend your garments, anoint yourself with ashes, and beg forgiveness from Heaven, if you are going to subject your children to such things.

The Mandate of Heaven is long gone in Western lands, and the only way out lies through repentance, and whatever peoples that may imply.
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Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
Satanists organize afterschool Satan clubs, teaching benevolence & empathy, critical thinking, problem solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty,” and “compassion (once taught at public schools, decades ago):

...More “After School Satan Clubs” backed by the far-left group The Satanic Temple (TST) are popping up in public school districts across the country...

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Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron

...The problem extends to the subversion of public schools and classrooms. Gender fluid propaganda, an concept backed by NO scientific evidence, is being taught to very young children in place of core academics. As test scores and reading comprehension plunge in America our kids are being brainwashed with woke nonsense, often in secret as teachers and school boards refuse to divulge their lesson plans.

Ten years ago, teachers knew their place in society...
Stop the progressive madness, before the next leapfrog issue is pederasty or bestiality. Perhaps both at once. Who is their Wizard of Oz directing this Marxist crusade to oblivion?



Who is their Wizard of Oz directing this Marxist crusade to oblivion?

Here's the book explaining that.
It's a satanic talking head, sort of like robocop, only taken from a criminal not a policeman, alleged to work via 'The Science' but in fact possessed by daemons. Madeleine L'Engle had a similar vision of 'It'... the Brain directing the echthroi (Schmittian existential enemies) in her _A Swiftly Tilting Planet_ trilogy.

Everyone be N.I.C.E. now.
