Insights from the Right that the Dissident Left can (or ought to) appreciate

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

A piece of advice that doesn't seem particularly applicable to the dissident left. Emotionally unbalanced children are not dissident. They are promoted by the system. No, we are talking about insights from the (dissident) right that can or ought to be apprecited by the dissident left.

What is the dissident left? That segment of the left that speaks some truth, gets suppressed for it, doesn't appear on any mainstream platforms, and isn't being promoted by the system.

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

The number of them matter not. If they are not dissident, they are not relevant to the thread. You are referring to other people than the ones I have in mind. By the way, ninety-nine percent of any group of people is going to be trash. The impression you have of the left is similar to my impression of humanity in general. Ninety-nine percent of the left are indeed just as you have painted them. I perceive ninety-nine percent of the right in a similar light. But I ignore the majority in both cases. The majority are always the sheep, who will blindly comform to anything, even if it flies in the face of their original views, as long as it done in the name of their own team, since they have no principles or values of their own. This is true of the left and right equally.

(The sheep appear to have values because they are under the leadership of people who pretend to have values and principles. They really care about social status, which they associate with values and principles, and merely want to be on the winning team.)

Whatever the proporiton of them we are adderssing, my question stands. What are some insights from the Right that the Dissident Left can (or ought to) appreciate?

The number of leftists relevant to this discussion could only be a small proprtion of self-identified leftists as a whole. This is as a matter of definition. For we are dealing with the dissident left. Not the mainstream left. The majority of any large group cannot be 'dissident'. Otherwise they would be lopping their own heads off.

I am not interested in the mainstream left, which is the majority of people calling themselves leftists; and neither should you be. But you evidently are interested in them since you keep bringing them up.

It is better not to address them at all. The majority of leftists are as un-noteworthy as 99% of right-wingers. Most right-wingers are retards and cuckolds. I am only interested in that special 1% of the right, and the same of the left, who are rejected by the mainstream because of their dissident views. What makes a person dissident is telling the truth, not their affiliation with the left or the right. Neither side has a monopoly on truth.
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The far right has people like Jared Taylor who don't push the idea that Jews control everything. The far left needs some people with the balls to come out and accuse people on the far left of substituting "Jew" with "White" and otherwise talking like Nazis. Of course they would accuse me of "white fragility" for this.


This Leftist academic dork had apparently bought the obsessively Judeocentric post-WW II narrative wholesale:



Charles Kingsley noted this smug Progressive attitude already in the early Victorian era:

Have they not held that, on the whole, the problems of human nature and human history have been sufficiently solved by Gibbon and Voltaire, Gil Blas and Figaro; that our forefathers were silly barbarians; that this glorious nineteenth century is the one region of light, and that all before was outer darkness, peopled by ‘foreign devils,’ Englishmen, no doubt, according to the flesh, but in spirit, in knowledge, in creed, in customs, so utterly different from ourselves that we shall merely show our sentimentalism by doing aught but laughing at them?
