Lewis Carroll: Greatest Logician to have ever lived. Never wrote a single piece of fiction.

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

I X A B E R T.com
Lewis Carroll is the greatest Logician to have ever lived. He is one of the few men to have consciously grasped the Higher Logic. Many employ it, all great poets, prophets, and artists require it, but few are those who have grasped the nature of it, as a Logic unto itself.

His Alice in Wonderland I regard the first and only treatise on the Principles of that Higher Logic. It should be the Bible of every logician. Every student of philosopher who wishes to learn anything about the Higher Logic, and study its principles, should read Lewis Carroll.

Lewis Carroll was a logician, first and foremost. Never wrote a single piece of fiction.

Edward Lear is another logician, widely misundertood as a writer of doggerrel and nonsense verse. His poetry is the exact opposite of nonsense. It's a treatise on logic, written according to that logic, and in the medium most befitting of that logic.​
