Looking for archives

To clarify though, I don't have the backup that was taken while logged into thephora using the lyceum (and racerealism.com) to get the passwords, I only have thelyceum itself. I do however have a 2013 backup that's converted to mybb - thus still maintaining the original posts before they were later pruned. That was the one that got dropped off rhetorus.

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

I X A B E R T.com
Permit me to set the historical account aright: the forum designated as Racerealism was not employed to purloin any individual's passwords. In truth, the only participants within that forum were myself and "Sleep...", a fellow I met through the Children of Millennium assemblage.

I recollect that amidst your ripostes, it was postulated that such nefarious deeds were executed via the aforementioned website. However, we mustn't conflate the truth with the fabrications that Fade invented in retaliation against the destruction of the Lyceum forum.

Thomas777 and Starr, whose passwords I distinctly recall being taken, were both of them members of the Lyceum, but they never enrolled themselves in the racerealism forum, which had become a desolate gathering place.

Such transgressions of yore scarcely necessitate resurfacing; indeed, the sole soul persisting in attempting to vindicate the entire matter is none other than FadeTheButcher. It is precisely for this reason that one ought to exercise the utmost caution and eschew placing faith in his personage. He has never apologised for what he did, doesn't regret it, still lies about it. Would do it again, if it benefited him.​
I think the reason I am interested in this "neo-phora" is because it is witness to trolling unhinged. I want to read the archives, when they are updated by Macrobius, to read my own trolling. Trolling is something that is done with adrenaline, but then laughed at with humor years later. Thephora used to have good trolls.