Race Without Racism

"Race without Racism
To encourage a positive sense of identity without stepping on others is a difficult tightrope to walk.

Would it not be easier to just see the world in black and white instead of seeing shades of grey? Yes it would be easier, but we have to face reality. Is the concept of ethnic identity always bad? It can be bad if used to harm people. However, to paraphrase the late Lawrence Auster, saying that race is always bad is like saying the human hand is bad because it can be used to kill people.
What about cross racial political collaboration? Clearly any pragmatic person who is against the system appreciates people of other races that are also against the system. The fact is that White Males vote against their own economic interests and are far too prone to excessive patriotism. I can appreciate any political dissident of any race. We have the remember the analogy of the termite, or the ant and the anthill.
What about socialism? Socialism would dismantle any so called “White privilege.” True socialism would also get rid of reverse racism (though many do not understand this). While it would get rid of an oppressive system (one ruling over the other), it would also allow various ethnic groups to put their survival in front of capitalist interests. To say socialism means death to Whites or death to non-Whites is to promote a false ideology of racial grievances instead of true class based economic socialism. Unfortunately, many people pass themselves off as “socialist” and promote those grievances, especially in America.
What about disentangling class from race? In today’s society, it is increasingly possible (focusing on America now). In the time of slavery, race had a class component to it because Blacks were often slaves. Granted, there were White indentured servants, but that is not the same. Boomers still had a wide racial income gap between Blacks and Whites. That income gap is closing, but it is closing with Millennials because Whites are getting poorer not because Blacks are getting richer. To put it simply, White privilege did not trickle down to the next generation. It should be easier now to disentangle class from race.
What about mixed race marriages? The only problem is the effect it has on birthrates. One wants to extend a degree of tolerance, but it is also true that taken to extreme levels, the various ethnic groups could collapse altogether. There is a moderate position. The currently levels of admixture are not high enough to threaten the survival of any ethnic group. However if the birthrates ever got low enough, something would have to be done to raise them back up. This is not racism, it is a universal principle that is applied to everyone and has nothing to do with preserving either White privilege or those who discriminate in reverse.