The Right to Remain Silent

I chose this category because of the survival part of it, not the outdoorsmanship part of it.

"The Right to Remain Silent
The right to remain silent is very powerful.

In America, The Fifth Amendment grants the right to remain silent. However, this post is not limited to an American audience.
The late Edward Briemann Jr., a close friend and political ally, gets credit for pointing out how powerful that actually is. It is almost a direct quote of his to say “people do not realize how powerful the right to remain silent truly is.” Because he passed away, I can write that he said he would have done more jail time if he did not know how to shut up. Lawyers have also advised me this and Ed said that any lawyer would advise this.
It does not just apply to the legal system, however. As I wrote on Reddit in a viral thread, keeping your mouth shut is something you should do as an employee in a large corporation. See the screenshot:

There were many times in business where I got punished for doing my job correctly. Once the office politics start, people want “yes men.” The lesson I learned is to just tell people what they want to hear, even if they say they are looking for feedback. You cannot trust corporate bosses to be mature enough to handle the truth.
Notice, I wrote large corporations. Small businesses are frequently different, where it is more of a “sink or swim” environment.
Why do I not elaborate more and why is this post short? It is my right to remain silent!
The Fifth Amendment may be updated to the right of not owning a smartphone and of not using the socials.

Also the right of not being associated with a personal code, which tells everything even if you won't speak.

Err, no need to change the Amendment, but the need to have laws reflecting its indications - the right to remain silent well coded in the law.
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