The Socialist, Russophilic views of young Joseph Goebbels


I gathered this information from the biography of Goebbels written by David Irving, here:

When Goebbels entered politics in the early 1920s, he was a sort of "Nazbol" type, or at least clearly a representative of the more left-wing section of the Nazi movement:

pp. 22-23

What were his politics at this time? His reading had vested him with some surprising inspirations. The memoirs of August Bebel (1840–1913), the founder of the Social Democratic party, had taught him not to lose heart.43 The real workers, Goebbels concluded, were in fact nationalist to the core. The Jews, intellectually head and shoulders above Bebel, had run rings around him. Goebbels for a time even described himself as a German communist; but this was more for the Russian origins of communism than for what it said as a creed. He read the diaries kept by Henri Alexandre de Catt as private secretary to Frederick the Great and three times afterward quoted the monarch’s dictum: ‘Life becomes a curse, and dying a duty.’

When he plowed through Richard Wagner’s autobiography he identified painfully with the maestro’s anguished struggle to survive in Paris, and with his physical suffering. He saw Wagner as a wage-slave enchained by the ‘filthy Jew’ Schlesinger.44

Looking around, he scowled at his smug, shallow-minded, pinstriped contemporaries, their lives dominated by the pay packet, football, and sex, and he understood why the communists hated the bourgeoisie.45 In July 1924 he began holding little political meetings at his house (in his parents’ absence), at which he described the great socialist experiment in Russia – ‘the glow from the east,’ he called it in Latin in his diary: Ex oriente lux. Only the Jewish nature of the Bolshevik leadership bothered him. ‘Men of Russia!’ he wrote. ‘Chase the Jews to the devil and put out your hand of friendship to Germany!’46

He was not however an international socialist. The great Germanic works inspired him. He immersed himself in Johann Sebastian Bach’s Saint Matthew’s Passion, and discovered Wagner’s Meistersinger.47

Thus Goebbels was horrified by the idea that German nationalists might end up serving as mercenaries of Western capitalists against the USSR, like the Ukrainian nationalists are right now footsoldiers of globalism against Russia:

pp. 30-31

This was a trenchant theme in all his writings, as was his somewhat ritualized affection for Russia: in the fourth issue he proclaimed, ‘we can see the commencement of our own national and socialist survival in an alliance with a truly national and socialist Russia.’41

When Gustav Stresemann signed the Locarno pact of nonaggression with France and Belgium (guaranteed by Britain and Italy) Goebbels was therefore appalled. An ugly vision seized him – of Germany’s sons dying in the service of western capitalism, ‘possibly, even probably, in some “Holy War” against Moscow!’42 'We shall be the mercenaries against Russia,’ he repeated gloomily a week later, ‘on the battlefields of capitalism. . . We’re done for.’43

Locarno, he argued, meant not peace but war. He foresaw a gigantic armed struggle against the Soviet Union using German blood. ‘And presiding over it all is the Jew, both in the ranks of world capitalism and concealed in Soviet bolshevism, egging on the Russians and Germans against each other. . .in one last orgy of hostilities.’

Likewise, Goebbels at first saw the insanity of Hitler's "Lebensraum" program, trying to put "an end to Russia as a state" as it was written in Mein Kampf:

p. 36

At Bamberg on the appointed day, Sunday February 14 [1926], he met Gregor Strasser early and they agreed their plan of action before walking over to the meeting. Hitler drove grandly past, before halting his chauffeur and offering Goebbels his hand. The young man took it, but the laugh was on him. Hitler had packed the audience with loyal local officials: he spoke for four hours about high politics and diplomacy, and Goebbels thought it prudent, on balance, to keep his mouth shut. He heard Hitler oppose all thought of dispossessing the princes and landed aristocracy (they were of course prominent among his backers). ‘For us,’ ruled Hitler, ‘there are no “princes,” only Germans.’ He forbade all further discussion of the party program: It had been sanctified by the blood of the party’s first martyrs.

I am quite stunned [wrote Goebbels the next day]. What kind of Hitler is this? A reactionary? Astonishingly clumsy and unsure of himself. The Russian question – he misses the point entirely. Italy and England ‘are our natural allies.’ Awful! ‘Our mission is to smash bolshevism. Bolshevism is a Jewish sham! We are to disinherit the Russians!’ All 180 millions of them!!!

But Hitler soon charmed him with his hypnotic charisma, and thus Goebbels ended up serving an anti-Russian cause in spite of his initial reservations:

p. 39

He willingly accepted Hitler’s invitation to the Obersalzberg a few days after Weimar. Emil Maurice, Hitler’s chauffeur, drove them out to the idyllic Lake Königssee; Hess and his girlfriend Ilse came too. Up at his still modest mountain villa Hitler dilated on Germany’s social and racial questions; Goebbels fell in love with him all over again and decided that here was the creator of the Third Reich: ‘Catlike – crafty, clever, skillful, compassionate; but like a lion too, roaring and larger than life.’56 Infected by this prolonged exposure to his idol, Goebbels saw in the sky a white cloud shaped like a swastika; it could only be a portent of his destiny. ‘Now,’ wrote Goebbels, hypnotized, leaving him on July 25, ‘the last doubts in me have vanished. Germany will live! Heil Hitler!’57
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And here is proof that Goebbels was not alone in his views - there were also other Nazis in the 1920s who did not like the idea of fighting against Russians on behalf of Western moneymen:


Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Then he figured out a good part of the real answer. It had something to do with loving your people ("nationlism") and working together ("socialism").

But there was still a smidgen missing, else it'd've worked out better. It had to do with the enemy.

Even so, it's an important part of a good solution. The Reds, the Redskins and the Bluebloods hold additional keys. I should know, as I've figured out the real answer.

There are other helpful ideas from other groups, too.

A long time ago, people who wanted everyone to work together also wanted everyone in Europe to be friends. This was called socialist internationalism; we'd now call it Pan-Europeanism.

Socialist "internationalism" was against what we would now call "globalism". Many leftists still are, even though leftism has been hijacked by bourgeois liberals (i.e. right-wing corporatists - the left side of the capitalist class, and therefore right-wing from a Marxist perspective, which equates the right with the class interests if the bourgeoisie).

There was also a time when all socialism was racialist and Jew-critical.

There was even a time when "feminist" just meant that you didn't like the idea of women selling themselves, you thought girls should learn about home economics, and you wanted mothers to stay home and look after their families, instead of working for greedy capitalist exploiters who only wanted to make more money.

In those times, feminists wanted to keep women out of the work force.

But all manifestations of feminism since then are anti-feminine and anti-woman. So "feminism" is somewhat of a misnomer.
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If you synthesize left and right wing views, you can blame capitalism for anti-populism. The idea is that people put their greed and selfishness in front of their people. If you synthesize left and right wing views, you can then have a more mild critique of the Jewish question, because you use capitalism to explain part of why people act the way that they do, thus Jews became open to mild criticisms but not full blown Hitler style antisemitism. The Strasser Brothers for example supported a more mild critique of Jews.

Hitler brought his views into the national socialist party. National Socialism could have been anti-war and therefore not anti-Russia.
To say the least, Hitler's racialism wasn't confined to national borders. Pan-nationalism supports borders within Europe. Hitler didn't respect the nationalism of other nations. He wanted German imperialism and to cleanse Russians not from Germany but from Russia itself.

Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
Hitler held negative opinions, regarding selected European nations, especially pointing out France's decadence. But he never intended on replacing them or desecrating their artwork, given that he was an artist himself. He didn't even destroy entartete Kunst of which he connected to Jewishness.
His Barbarossa Campaign was aimed at displacing Slavs of whom he catagorized as Subhuman from territory he intended on populating with Aryans

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
And now, the world's preeminent nazi organization (3rd assault brigade Azov) is acting as the lapcucks for Zelensky and Globohomo

We were just talking about how the corpse of naztional sozialism has been reanimated by financial alchemists in Ukraine as the spearpoint for every kind of degeneracy and corruption that exists, fighting for gaytranz, BlackRock, the Fedrule Reserve, homo rites, and even mass immigration.

Broadly speaking, this is where nationalism is leading
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I am quite stunned [wrote Goebbels the next day]. What kind of Hitler is this? A reactionary? Astonishingly clumsy and unsure of himself. The Russian question – he misses the point entirely. Italy and England ‘are our natural allies.’ Awful! ‘Our mission is to smash bolshevism. Bolshevism is a Jewish sham! We are to disinherit the Russians!’ All 180 millions of them!!!

On this Russian "Victory Day," it is worth observing that Goebbels' first impressions were all too correct, and Hitler had made a disastrous strategic miscalculation with his Lebensraum dream.

His megalomania was undisguised, as he, in Mein Kampf, openly stated his will and intention to put an end to Russia as a state, the same way Alexander the Great had destroyed the Persian Empire (and then filled it with Greek colonies):

The Persian empire in the east is ripe for collapse. And the end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. We have been chosen by Fate as witnesses of a catastrophe which will be the mightiest confirmation of the soundness of the folkish theory.
Our task, the mission of the National Socialist movement, is to bring our own people to such political insight that they will not see their goal for the future in the breath-taking sensation of a new Alexander's conquest, but in the industrious work of the German plow, to which the sword need only give soil.

And therefore Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, even in the midst of an anti-Soviet tirade, could not help observing that the Nazis had squandered a truly unique opportunity when they failed to make Russian nationalists their allies against Bolshevism:



And today, these Russian (non-Sovok) nationalists explain what the WW II means to them, saying much the same thing Solzhenitsyn did:

At the start of the war, most Soviet citizens weren't exactly eager to fight for the Politburo. Hundreds of thousands surrendered, many greeted the strangers with flowers — that's how much they hated the Soviet government. They didn't know yet what the strangers would be like. In those months, city after city was lost, field army after field army was encircled and destroyed. Because the will wasn't there. The arrogant invaders — stupidly buying into their own war propaganda — managed to treat the people of Russia even worse than the Soviets, threatening them with open slavery and extinction. They went all-in on the idea that the master race would inevitably win the world war and there was no need for compromise. They turned the conflict from ideological to biological. They made it existential. That's never a good idea when dealing with Russia.
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