The Tunis Obesity Lounge



My comment:

Nice thread on the topic, really

Heart disease is the leading cause of death

But it’s insulin resistance that causes heart disease, strokes, cancers and other inflammatory conditions

Since your doctor won’t help you avoid it, here are 42 sentences that will:
1) Insulin resistance occurs due to poor metabolic health

2) When you eat, your pancreas naturally releases insulin to absorb the sugar out of your blood stream into the muscle, fat and liver cells
3) If sugar levels are chronically elevated, your body, like a drug addict, requires more insulin to have the same effect

4) You can be insulin resistant without any symptoms, since it’s a leading indicator and blood sugar is a lagging indicator

5) Once the pancreas is forced to start putting out more insulin, the body begins the process of dealing with increased inflammation

6) Over 88% of the population are not metabolically healthy based on blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides or waist circumference
7) Type II diabetes is really an advanced case of insulin resistance

8) A waist measurement of 40 inches or more for men is linked to insulin resistance which also happens to be the average waist size for men over 25

9) You can have insulin resistance without being overweight
10) Exercise and physical activity allow the muscle to pull sugar from your blood stream and use it for fuel

11) Walking before or after meals, even for just 5 minutes, helps to stabilize blood sugar
12) Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue, the more of it you build, the more insulin sensitive you’ll be, all else being equal

13) Added sugar and refined grains are the foods most closely linked to insulin resistance
14) Drinking your calories is a recipe for poor metabolic health

15) Heart disease is an inflammatory cascade kicked off by insulin resistance, not cholesterol or meat

16) A diet high in omega 6/omega 3 ratio of fatty acids is linked to increased inflammation and disease
17) Seed oils (canola, safflower, sunflower, soybean etc) have high omega 6/3 ratios and are added to the majority of packaged foods because they are cheap and have a long shelf life
18) Eating more eggs and less toast for breakfast will improve your HDL (good cholesterol) while decreasing harmful triglycerides

19) Sun exposure decreased insulin resistance, insulin levels and triglycerides in a study on diabetics
20) Inactivity and obesity are the number 1 associations with insulin resistance

21) Carbs are not the enemy for everyone but for those with insulin resistance or specifically type II diabetes, reducing carb intake should be a focus until a normal baseline is achieved
22) Fasting has shown promising results for glucose control, gut health and improving insulin sensitivity

23) A high triglyceride to HDL ratio is one of the biggest risk factors for increased mortality

24) Conversely, a low ratio drastically decreases mortality risk. Triglycerides and HDL are both affected by improving your metabolic health

25) Resistance training raises HDL and lowers triglycerides and blood sugar
26) Inflammation to blood vessel walls leads to a cascade that can eventually choke off the blood supply resulting in heart attacks and strokes

26) Abdominal fat and insulin resistance results in inflammation to your organs that can eventually result in various cancers
27) Muscle mass lost due to aging greatly affects insulin sensitivity but can be combatted with resistance training

28) Studies show strength-trained 70 year olds can have greater quad strength than untrained 30 year olds. Resistance training is the fountain of youth
29) Insulin resistance places you at a higher risk for:

-Type II diabetes
-All-cause mortality
-Majority of cancers
-Alzheimer’s disease
30) Insulin resistance is prevented or reversed by:

-lifting weights
-shedding weight
-regular activity (walking)
-reducing processed foods
31) Reversing your insulin resistance will result in:

-improved energy levels
-less cravings for junk food
-improved mental health
-longer, happier life
32) Your children are more likely to have insulin resistance if you do, though this is more due to sharing your lifestyle than your genetics

33) Diets high in protein are inversely correlated with insulin resistance.
34) Refined grains like breads and pastas are quickly broken down into sugar in your blood stream.

35) Chronic sugar in your blood stream is damaging to the blood vessels, and results in crashes in energy when your body has to respond with a burst of insulin.
36) Type II diabetes occurs when your pancreas fails to produce enough insulin to manage the sugar, but the damage starts well before the that

37) Cardiologists we’re not important doctors years ago because heart disease is a modern issue caused by factory food and inactivity
38) Reversing even advanced insulin resistance is possible with the right mental fortitude, plan and lifestyle adjustments. But the longer you wait, the more challenging it becomes

39) When in doubt, eat farm foods. Meat, eggs, dairy and whole vegetables.
40) Resistance training helps build and maintain muscle, even in the elderly which is perhaps when it’s needed the most.

41) People with heart disease have more linoleic acid in their fat tissues. Linoleic acid makes up 20-70% of seed oils like soybean,canola,sunflower and corn
42) Exercise is important, but an active lifestyle is just as critical. Walk, bike, chase your kids, take the stairs, pick a 5K race and put it on the calendar as motivation.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this thread:

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I hope these help. But if you seriously want to take back your health, join other men on the same journey.

DM me: “Life”

Our “90 to Life” program provides the information, accountability and direction you need to boost your energy and get you back to a fulfilling, healthy life.

- 30 -

Discuss, gents. Sound advice or not? btw, it's pretty clear from the scientific evidence that 'Alzheimers' is simply late stage Diabeetus... Macro's claim not mentioned in this thread. But something to think about. I think we will be seeing a *lot moar Alzheimers* quite soon...

If he'd given me 153 sentences[1], I've have known he was for real. Philokalia thing... read Evaragios.


Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
Check out book titled 'Obesity Code'

Many good bits of info contained there in, particularly regarding insulin resistance

Americans diet was not especially healthy in the past, people ate 3 meals a day, BUT did not snack in between meals

gradually people began grazing all day long, not allowing insulin levels to drop, this creates insulin resistance

resistance is created by high and sustained levels of some substance, this happens with antibiotics too

I dont disagree with anything in the OP


Responding to the Tunis version of this thread:

I've never met a thin person who knew what keto was short for.
Christians who know what 'fasting breath' (cause by ketones) is are pretty rare too, considering the three duties of Prayer, Ketosis, and Almsgiving are in the Sermon on the Mount.

'You smell like you are engaged in askesis, podvig, and the Greater Jihad of Spiritual Struggle against the Somatic adversary, my dear. Death to the Flesh and victory to the Body!'

St Augustine called Tunis a 'Flesh Pot' (Cartago Sartago) for a reason.[1]

Sweet smelling Victory.

[1]: Screenshot 2022-10-14 4.35.12 AM.png

Citation needed:

sartago: Probably still `frying pan' (Lev. 6.21 [quoted at qu. hept. 3.15], `in sartagine, in oleo fiet, consparsam offeret eam'), but perhaps of the contents rather than the instrument at s. 273.8.8, `oderunt martyres lagenas vestras, oderunt martyres sartagines vestras, oderunt martyres ebrietates vestras.' Souter s.v. takes it as `a heated instrument of torture,' citing Cyprian Fort. 11, but that is clearly not what it is in A.'s sermon.

Probably, Leviticus 6.21 should be our motto for this thread `in sartagine, in oleo fiet, consparsam offeret eam' -- offer your frying oleomigraine fat in the fleshpots of Tunis Bey, as your Jihad unto the Al-Lah.

Fiat Oleo.

Screenshot 2022-10-14 4.38.33 AM.png
Bacon pieces of Meet Offering...

We suport LGBT... Liquor, Guns, Bacon, and Teats.
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Lord Osmund de Ixabert

What you call 'obesity' is caused by malnutrition in 100% of cases. That's why the 'obese' both crave food (and crave the bad foods the are familiar with), & their body retains as much fat as possible. That's what a malnourished body does, especially when it eats toxic junk that the body has to protect itself from by storing it in the fat.

"But I eat a lot of vegetables! I'm still obese, & I eat healthy," says the obese ignoramus. Exactly. You don't even know what food is, never mind nourishing food. Vegetables and grains are not food. They are foodlike things that are missing dozens of nutrients that only exist in animal flesh, and you can't digest the few nutrients that do exist because of the inability of the human digestive system to break down the cellulose which compooses the wall of every cell of every plant in existnece. It can only be broken down by cooking the plants at a temperature that also destroys the nutrients, which are much weaker than the wall that protects them. And any that survive are not bioavailable anyway. So every time you try to eat healthy by eating more vegetables, you're just making yourself less nourished than usual, assuming that this goes hand in hand with a reduction of your meat consumtion.

The only way out of this (aside from the unhealthy options such as starving yourself, which damanges your organs and removes the protective layer of fat that guards your organs from the myriad of toxins that you have dumped into your body on a daily basis for your whole life)--I say, the only way to get better is to eat the natural human diet of raw meat, raw blood, raw eggs, raw animal organs, raw honey, and the occasional wild fruit in season for hydration. That's the truth of the matter.

Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
Post-conjugal warfare accidently combatting obesity.
Here, rare femnominal incel metamoarphosisterhood:

...Zyzz fans tell the story of an avid computer gamer, frequently rejected by women, who at the age of 17, sold his World of Warcraft profile to buy a gym membership. In just a few years he transformed himself from skinny geek to muscular Adonis...