Your Cat Will Kill You and make it look like a traffic accident

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
I never ackshually tested pozz for plazmosis, but I just assumed I hav it since I remember running across cat turdz in the sandboxes a lot when I was a kid

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
I am ackshually an excellent driver with a perfect record, drive 1 ton trucks with 18 foot trailer everyday no problemo

I am probly more friendly to risk-taking than the average Grug but never on impulse

Mayb I dont hav the brain parasites,

Immune system stronk

Nikephoros II Phokas

Staff member
A few things about T. gondii - the study often cited where mice and rats lose their fear of cats due to the mystical properties of T. gondii has not been replicated despite numerous attempts - another victim of the replication crisis. It could be just more academic fraud to add to the pile - probably driven by the birb lobby who are constantly working toward a Final Solution to the cat question . Secondly, the antibody tests used for T. gondii aren't able to distinguish between very similar related infectious protozoa like Neospora caninum. You would need to do culture tests to distinguish between them and none of these studies pay for that. Lastly, T. gondii doesn't invade human nervous system tissue unless its a GRIDS patient or something like that and at the late stages where it's definitely producing symptoms. For the most part they are wiped out fairly quickly at most they make a few bradycysts in muscle tissue.
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