Recent content by Dr. Alan James 2.0

  1. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Dr. Breck intro

    Go ahead and ban me if you so desire.
  2. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Dr. Breck intro

    Your assessment is far off, at least in my case. I have no problem with criticizing organized religion or nationalism whatsoever. I don't even consider myself a nationalist at this point. I think you know people's problems with him go far deeper than that and I'm not sure why you said that. He...
  3. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Dr. Breck intro

    I must say, after taking in Breck's videos and giving them some thought, I find his analysis quite accurate in many ways and it it explains a lot of the dynamics here. Now I understand why someone like Clefty is not only encouraged but protected. My biggest mistake has always been being too...
  4. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    The Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    Allay -good word (y)
  5. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Dr. Breck intro

    Breck - can you post the hyper links to your show separately in the future. thanks in advance DAJ
  6. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Your Lupercalia er Superbowl predictions

    The audience will note my prediction came to pass :boss:
  7. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Your Lupercalia er Superbowl predictions

    I made that mistake last year -- truth
  8. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Your Lupercalia er Superbowl predictions

    BTW, I loath all sportsball but Football is the gayest one of them all...Many homoerotic aspects to football. There- I said it.
  9. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Your Lupercalia er Superbowl predictions

    I predicted a Chiefs victory several weeks ago on my show. The NFL is a Sports Entertainment Company (just like the WWF) which gives them the legal right to fix games whenever they see fit. Now that Sportsbooks have gone mainstream and national, billions of dollars are at stake just from the...
  10. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Sayings From the Talmud

    You left out the one where Christ is boiling in a vat of feces :mad:
  11. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Dr. Breck intro

    Wodders, I can't help but think you are intimidated by his animal magnetism.
  12. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Old Time Cold Remedies that Used to Work

    also, a more modern remedy that works is a nebulizer loaded with H2O2 and a few drops of iodine really helps get rid of nasty coughs.
  13. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Old Time Cold Remedies that Used to Work

    A wee little bit of warm whiskey sipped slowly does wonders from my experience.
  14. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Dr. Breck intro

    You set off my Jewdar when I saw pics of you in the past.
  15. Dr. Alan James 2.0

    Dr. Breck intro

    Something in real life came up that could not be avoided. My girl needed my help with something so the decision was easy. I'll leave you my number so we can talk and set something up in the near future. Hail victory!