Advice to Beginning Programmers


I frequently get asked 'how can I break into the IT world and make good money'. It's a very reasonable question, and here is my latest stock advice:



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@Charles Silvius Haddock you've got me reading this now. I love functional languages. Good stuff.

(I subscribed to Apress books which Springer bot, for 75 USD a year, which is a great deal for computer books... not sure if it is still available but honestly a better deal than O'Reilly ... I remember telling Michael Hart back in the day... 'O'Reilly called me and promised me "the whole nine yards" like an FTP site and all sorts of good stuff... but they never delivered'... a week or so later I got an email from him... 'Yeah, you were right. They made lots of promises to me too but like you said, no follow through.')

We Benedictines are on our own I tell you. [1] Have to build our own infrastructure and rebuild Western Civilisation... for the umpteenth time.
