Bactra, Beautiful with Banners


Attention Conservation Notice: I have been formally accused of Shalizism by no less than Mike of Stormfront.

The Bactra Review​

I have to sing about the book I read
To reach the suqs and madrassas of Cyberistan, and with them you, Dear Reader, the Review comes by caravan from Bactra. The caravans take off at right angles to the Silk Road, crossing the mountain wastes and deserts of the Real World (so-called), by yak, by camel, by foot: and sometimes a part of the manuscript gets left behind in a nameless caravanserai at the edge of the Tarim: and sometimes it comes down from the roof of the world illegible: and sometimes the caravan master decides to make war, or a pilgrimage, or a city: and sometimes more white matter is added to the salt flats, or the snows, or the sands, and it never arrives at all. Patience.