"Based" excerpts from comic books (and other image media)


In the same manner, Mozart had been conspired against by Italian music cliques, also partly due to ethnic animosity or rivalry - the myth that he was poisoned by Antonio Salieri might have been inspired by this reality:

Mozart, too, lived in Vienna in just as poor circumstances as Gluck and Haydn had at first done, but refused, nevertheless, an invitation of Frederick William II, who offered him a well-endowed position as court musician in Berlin. Almost all his operas were performed for the first time in Vienna, although they seldom ran for any time, owing to petty and nasty intrigues: at the first night of Figaro the Italians of set purpose sang so badly that the thing faded, although it was at once a wild success in Prague.


Lord Osmund de Ixabert

I X A B E R T.com
In the same manner, Mozart had been conspired against by Italian music cliques, also partly due to ethnic animosity or rivalry - the myth that he was poisoned by Antonio Salieri might have been inspired by this reality

The point that you hast made isn't invalidated by the the use of a fictional example - truth is often proven by the fictional example alone, requiring no other further support. But it is worth pointing out, for those more interested in facts (as opposed to the truth of the thing):--there are indeed a lot of 'myths'connected with this Mozart character. (actually lies that could no longer be plausibly sustained, and had to be dropt to maintain the plausibility of the rest of the plotline that the court historians handed down to us....) If anyone is interested in the topic I shall be delighted to expatiate further on the matter, be it in the present thread or elsewhither.​


Here is a high-quality comic book adaptation of Richard Wagner's Ring cycle - it is not spoiled with any modernization attempts, and even contains some hints of Wagner's original anti-Semitic subtext, like depicting the treacherous dwarf Mime as a "Jewish" figure, who tries to have Aryan Siegfried to do the hard work for him and then eliminate him:

And here is, from the same author, a comic book adaptation of Richard Wagner's Parsifal:





Here is (ahem) ... an interesting viewing experience: a decadent Western hipster reviews a schlocky Indian nationalist Bollywood film:

I think I can observe that even though this freakish reviewer probably supports Antifa in real life, he/she just cannot help being charmed by the outrageous jingo chauvinism of this silly film - it is like exposure to something so out of your everyday experience.
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Years ago (before the start of the current Ukrainian conflict) the provocative Slovenian band "Laibach" made this music video that should warm the hearts of anti-Angloids like Woddy - they symbolically depict England as a decrepit and decadent country that still entertains outdated delusions of superiority towards the rest of the world.

I think this is a pretty common view of "Perfidious Albion" among those Eastern Europeans who are not sworn Atlanticists:


Rawhide "Doug" Kobayashi

Сила бога-нам подмога
Years ago (before the start of the current Ukrainian conflict) the provocative Slovenian band "Laibach" made this music video that should warm the hearts of anti-Angloids like Woddy - they symbolically depict England as a decrepit and decadent country that still entertains outdated delusions of superiority towards the rest of the world.

I think this is a pretty common view of "Perfidious Albion" among those Eastern Europeans who are not sworn Atlanticists:

Half the idiots in the comments are saying "God Save the Queen", completely missing the point that most former Yugoslavians have an endlessly burning ember of hatred for Anglos in their heart.


I remember that "Yggdrasil," the grand old man of WN intellectuals, had this film on his list of pro-White cinema, and indeed, it is one of the most unapologetically pro-White frontier films out there, not necessarily demonizing Indians but not apologizing to them either. Yggdrasil also noted it was one of the rare films to explicitly mention the phenomenon of White slavery, or "indentured servitude," in colonial America.

And btw, the main villain - a race-traitor White merchant who is dealing with the Indians - was played by a Jewish actor (Howard da Silva, aka Howard Silverblatt). On the other hand, the film's director, Cecil B. DeMille, was himself half-Jewish by birth, and so was the female main character, Paulette Goddard (born Marion Levy).

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And here we have a sort of negative example; this was the kind of soulless modernist music that the Portuguese Far Right dictatorship sponsored in the 1960s - no wonder they collapsed ingloriously in the 1970s, if this was the kind of art they thought could glorify Portugal, this stuff that could have been composed by such a subversive atonalist Jewish composer as Arnold Schönberg, and with no Fascist sense of grandeur whatsoever:

Braga Santos' Symphony No.5 was composed between 1965-6, being commissioned by the Estado Novo Government through the National Broadcasting Station, for the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the regime. It was premiered in Lisbon on 1966, performed by the National Radio Orchestra conducted by the composer. It was awarded a UNESCO award in 1968. Braga Santos never wanted to leave the country, and in order to survive in the regime, he was forced to write works to be performed by government institutions, despite the criticism received by opponents.



This comic, made at the height of Reagan era by the underground comic legend Robert Crumb, shows how the 1960s Radical Leftist types like him saw the "Authoritarian Right" or Fascist types - this is of course a malicious caricature, but I cannot deny that it makes some genuine points too.

For the way these Fashy guys, with their macho blustering, get into a mindless internal quarrel at the end as if mirrors the way European right-wing nationalists massacred each other in two world wars, after which liberals inherited the earth, so to speak. (For example, what other motivation could Mussolini have had to make his disastrous attack on Greece, except to swing his dick around?)

Even today, we can see the meatheaded ultra-nationalists of Ukraine cheerfully getting themselves killed, apparently out of sheer joy of fighting. And already in antiquity, cynical Roman statesmen thought it would be best to get the war-loving Germanic barbarians to kill each other.











This here is not directly connected to any political issue, but those who know about the history of ideas will appreciate this clever parody of Cartesian philosophy, which is known for its rigid rationalistic dualism, or separation, of mind and body. Both religious and political traditionalists have plenty of cause to condemn Descartes for creating the "Enlightenment mentality" with its tendency to indulge in radical, abstract philosophical theories.

The conservative Thomist thinker Benjamin Wiker depicted Descartes' legacy in this acid manner:

HOW GRATEFUL WOULD YOU BE IF YOU CAME TO ME COMPLAINING of a headache and I chopped off your head? Certainly, I fixed the problem – and permanently so! – but at a rather higher cost than you’d hoped for.
René Descartes’ Discourse on Method has had a similar effect on the Western mind. Descartes’ little book has done damage to us precisely by seeming to do good, like a bull who kindly offers to straighten up the china shop. Descartes attacked skepticism, but only be denying reality. He confirmed the idea of the immaterial soul against the pronouncements of the crass materialists of the day, but only by recreating us as insubstantial ghosts trapped in clattering machines. He proved God’s existence, but only by making it dependent on our thinking Him into existence. By his good intentions – if indeed they really were good – he fathered every flavor of self-congratulatory solipsism, led us to believe we are no different from robots, and made religion a creation of our own ego. Thanks a lot, René.
If Descartes is the father of modern dualism, what does dualism itself beget? A walking philosophical bipolar disorder, a creature who is not at home in creation, a creature who dwells in dual extremes, either as wholly a ghost or entirely a robot. One day he feels that he is a god, a purely spiritual being, capable of completely mastering and manipulating all nature (including his own body) as he would any machine, and the next day believes that he is a purely material being, a helpless machine entirely mastered by the mechanics of nature.

And the comedian Robin Williams could aptly play this kind of Cartesian kook - from Terry Gilliam's 1988 film The Adventures of Baron Munchausen:

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Here is available the well-known comic-book news report Palestine by Joe Sacco, made in the early 1990s, during the first Intifada - I guess this could be considered a mildly anti-Zionist work (written from the Leftist point of view, of course):

But one of the most interesting anecdotes Sacco relates comes right in the beginning, where he contrasts an "Arab normie" with an "Arab militant." Two Egyptian Arab dudes, one of whom is clearly not much of a Muslim - he drinks alcohol, consumes Western pop culture, and would like to marry a White European woman. And has "no problem" with Israelis. He is the sort of religiously indifferent cosmopolitan guy that globalists would like to turn all Muslims into.

But the other one is clearly much more serious-minded fellow - a fanatic who wants to "smash Israel," reads and thinks deeply and clearly cannot be bought off so easily with Western pop culture. In short, he is an "Identitarian" who has ideals and consequently a fierce attitude:


