ChatGPT thread

Chatgpt gives results for Hunter Wallace, Hunter Wallace's real name if you know it (don't want to out), Occidental Dissent, Martin Lindstedt, David Duke, Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer. Unfortunately it does not recognize thephora.


Chatgpt gives results for Hunter Wallace, Hunter Wallace's real name if you know it (don't want to out), Occidental Dissent, Martin Lindstedt, David Duke, Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer. Unfortunately it does not recognize thephora.

I'll bet Co-Pilot (Bing) can halp with this.


Be aware, that all LLM models in widespread use, however, are 'fine tuned' using Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Q-Learning (policy control) to primarily limit political expression.

But we're small fish here and it's not worth paying Kenyans 2 bucks an hour or less (like FB/Meta) to keep us under the radar.

Enjoy your freedumbs and keep using mis-spelling is my advice.