ChatGPT weighs in on 'Return to Office' orders (RTO)


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#NFTApesNoLongerBored #AmIAPet ?

'It has come to the attention of our woke staff that the above twat needs context': Sraffa's discussion of the zero sum game between Labour (w) and Capital ROI (r) will do nicely....

Me to a boss-man about 7 years ago: 'You know what Primate Status Anxiety is right? Because I saw that on the faces of everyone in the room when you said that. Do you know how this ends?' [1]

[1]: - However much you like your Neo-Liberal Corporate Game... It was Earth (irl) AAAALL ALONG...


tfw -- I get to deliver my VERY BEST lines in performance reviews.

'Yes, I learned one thing this year. I learned I need to S-P-E-A-K V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y'. Of course I wasn't fired for saying that. And the entire division involved was laid off by corporate. Because of the (obviously coming) firing I got the 'standard' year end bonus so I would be nice and not sue anyone (self-criticism session was irrelevant even if my boss hated me at that point) *AND* severance on top of that. I figured this out in August and told my wife 'watch what happens next'.

Corp surfing in search of nice severance packages is a good mid-career game for the young men here. They are always generous BECAUSE THE ELITES FEAR YOU.

'I'm gonna code me a mini-van'

Learn what you can control in life, and what you cannot. Stoicism will set you free, and lead you to Christ.


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If my meaning above is not clear, a dog chained to a tree can run and run around the tree until he chokes himself. Darwin isn't happy about this outcome.

Love your Race. Become a Human again.

The Human Race must know itself to become Free.

Remember... God is GOOD... ALL THE TIME. His ways are INSCRUTABLE, and we are His servants. Be excellent to one another.

Be for hire, and worthy of your wages, not for sale.
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A couple of more or less interesting articles only partly written by chatGPT ;)

May own comments: as a 'computer scientist' hat-wearer now and then, I don't think the public discussions of these matters are adequately informed by an understanding of how a SPECIFICATION differs from a MODEL in the sense of Hoare Logic verification of a programme (did the programme do what you asked of it? [bug or defect] ... will it always? [provably correct by formal methods])

The basic principle of Hoare Logic is that the MODEL (generated content being a snapshot of the model for given inputs) must imply the SPECIFICATION (prompt) -- that is, in an IF... THEN implicative relation ship, the one forbidden condition is that *IF* the protasis (iffy thing) should happen to be true (hey look... output)... *THEN* the apodasis (then tihng) should not be false. That is, the model output should fit the prompt.

I predict what will happen is they models will be run multiple times (maybe, millions and billons of times) and the output will be scored by a second model to pick the best fit to both the prompt-as-specification but also the 'and all these other policies which must be implicit enforced). A simple starting point would be 'sentiment analysis'[1] (akin to Social Credit scoring for you CT types).

Of course the model and the specification might be represented by two highly trained neural nets battling out the policy v creativity confict.

Google GDELT knowledge base looks like it's being retired these days.

Original of this poast is on this Tunisian Thread:

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Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Verily, good sir, I find the anomolous depictions of eyeballs, in photorealistic "AI"-generated simulacra of human physiognomies, to be a matter of considerable curiosity and fascination. These eyes, they are oft bereft of any semblance of animation, embodying a quality that is vacuous and hollow, and frequently verging on the comically absurd.

One might contemplate, why is this so? Why is it that these counterfeit eyes, which so meticulously counterfeit the visage of the human gaze, cannot seem to embody its very spirit, that aethereal essence that illuminates from within?

Indeed, one might posit that the art of duplicating a human eye in all its subtle intricacies and minutiaeis a formidable enterprise, one that necessitates not solely an apprehension of the delicate mechanisms of the eye itself, but also a sensitivity to the delicate nuances that imbue the human gaze with such singularity.

The very quintessence of a human eye is not merely a question of optics, but also of that intangible spirit that animates it. And this, my dear sir, is a conundrum that the artificial intelligencer has yet to surmount, for the spirit is induplicable, it cannot be ensnared, it can only be perceived.

Having said that, I must humbly apprise you, my dear sir, that I am eternally, with the most ardent and steadfast of interests, at your most gracious service. I remain, ever devoted to your command, your grace's most humble servant, LORD IXABERT.​
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