Commonwealth nations uneasy about putting Charles III on the money

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Permit me to exalt & tender obeisance to the reign of our august liege.

May his régime perdure for untold annals, bestowing upon the polity unwavering equanimity, abundant affluence, and monarchical splendor

Let the imperatorial fasces be brandished with imperturbable puissance, astutely helming the Empire through the oscillations of time, with sagacity and magnanimity.


Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
Randy Andy would never have jumped at the sight of plastic wrap, like a traditional housewife would jump at the sight of a mouse in her kitchen


Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
Which issue might that be and between whom? The attention it has gotten already has become flattering

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Randy Andy would never have jumped at the sight of plastic wrap, like a traditional housewife would jump at the sight of a mouse in her kitchen

View attachment 1047
Finally, a man I can relate to. I remained incognizant of the existence of cling film till I was 11 owing to my family aversion towards the introduction of any 'plastics' (as they called them), & other noxious synthetic rubbish, into our abode. Such ignorance ought to evoke sentiments of pride.

I persisted in nescience apropos the signification of 'plywood', the difference between basketball and hockey, the existence of pecuniary dispensaries, credit cards, the names of nearly all celebrities (outside of the world of classic rock and a few choice actors such as Christopher Lee and Vincent Price), till but a pittance of yesteryears ygo.

Myriad curiosities continue to occasion astonishment at my nescience, among my personal acquaintances; hereat retrospectively copious pride burgeons.

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
King Chuck 3 is too good for Brutain

That doesnt mean that King Chuck 3 is a good man,

It just means that Brutain is that bad