Criticizing Donald Trump (from the Right)

Apparently father time has caught up with Trump and he's starting to gaffe like Biden. It's other Republicans who are calling him out on that.


Apparently father time has caught up with Trump and he's starting to gaffe like Biden. It's other Republicans who are calling him out on that.

You don't suspect that's the Uniparty MSM running a Narrative, then?

Last time I looked, the Republicans hated his guts.

I call Last Minute Hail Mary pass to Nikki in NH.
I asked chatgpt :
Is Donald Trump isolationist in his foreign policy?

It replied:
Donald Trump's foreign policy has been characterized by a mix of isolationist tendencies and more interventionist actions, making it difficult to categorize him strictly as an isolationist. During his presidency, Trump often expressed skepticism about international alliances and agreements, emphasizing an "America First" approach that prioritized U.S. interests above all else. Some key features of Trump's foreign policy that reflect isolationist tendencies include:
  1. Criticism of International Agreements: Trump frequently criticized multilateral agreements and organizations, such as NATO, the United Nations, and the World Trade Organization (WTO). He argued that these institutions were taking advantage of the United States and pledged to renegotiate or withdraw from certain agreements.
  2. Focus on Bilateralism: Trump preferred bilateral negotiations over multilateral agreements, believing that this approach would give the United States more leverage in negotiations and better serve its interests.
  3. Trade Protectionism: Trump implemented protectionist trade policies, including tariffs on imports from countries like China, Canada, and the European Union. These measures were aimed at reducing trade deficits and protecting American industries, but they also drew criticism for potentially sparking trade wars and harming global economic stability.
  4. Military Withdrawals: Trump announced the withdrawal of U.S. troops from various regions, including Syria, Afghanistan, and Germany. While these withdrawals signaled a desire to reduce U.S. military involvement abroad, they were often met with concern from allies and critics who feared destabilization or the resurgence of threats in these regions.
However, it's important to note that Trump's foreign policy was not consistently isolationist, and he also took several interventionist actions during his presidency. For example:
  1. Military Strikes: Trump authorized military strikes against targets in Syria, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, signaling a willingness to use military force to respond to perceived threats or enforce U.S. interests.
  2. Engagement with North Korea: Trump pursued diplomatic engagement with North Korea, including high-profile summits with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. While these efforts aimed to address nuclear proliferation concerns, they also raised questions about legitimizing an authoritarian regime without significant concessions.
  3. Support for Allies: Despite his criticisms of international alliances, Trump maintained strong relationships with certain allies, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia, and provided military and diplomatic support to these countries.
Overall, Trump's foreign policy can be characterized as a mix of isolationist rhetoric and interventionist actions, reflecting a complex and sometimes contradictory approach to America's role in the world.
In other words, Chatgpt agrees with me that Trump talks isolationism but practices interventionism.