Donald Trump Thread

So what's your opinion of Donald Trump? When Trump first got involved in politics, I was happy to see an independent leaning person go at the neo-cons. The way he attacked the neo-cons at first gave me a lot of reason to praise him. Once in power though, I started to view Trump as somewhat of a sell out and a person without clear principles. Meaning he's the enemy of the enemy, but not necessarily the friend.

At the time Biden was elected I was no longer a Trumper. The truth is that Biden isn't getting much done either, because of Joe Manchin mainly. I see politics as a battle between greater and lesser evils. Trump is an assimilated Republican. The question is whether he's the greater or lesser evil.

Nikephoros II Phokas

Staff member
Trump didn't have enough experience to "drain the swamp" and his views were so unfashionable among Washington elites that men with experience to run things were impossible to find. In the end, he had to appoint and rely on people his supporters would otherwise find contemptible like neocon retreads, shady profiteers and outright grifters looking to make a buck flocking to his government. Then there were the denizens of the swamp - the multitude of nameless, faceless bureaucrats that carry out the functions of government - working in unison to undermine and prevent any real reforms from taking shape until the uniparty could reclaim their position of power. The intensity and structure of the uniparty system handicaps any sort of alternative political view coming to power through "democratic" means.
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Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
TRUMP is good in that he's shaken things up and brought some worthy issues into the overton window.

As NIKE says, the US deep-state regime has too much entrenched power and momentum to be thrown out by a mere election - or a dozen of them.

I began to sour on TRUMP when he started bombing Syria over bogus chemicool attacks... and expanded the ZOGmil mission there.

Then in 2020 came the pardons for war criminals, shysters and scum rappers, while totally nignoring Julian Assange.

Fuck TRUMP... but I would voat for him still, just to rebuke the regime's orderly consolidation of power.

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

I think Trump and Biden are the funniest stand-up comedians on the world political stage.

I used to think Trump was the funnier of the two, but now that we are a couple of years into the Biden presidency, I find Biden's stand-up comedy routine to be frequently funnier, and funny frequentlier, than Trump's comedic performances.

But both of these comedians have offered a lot of value to the world of comedy; and for that they will always have my sincerest appreciation and gratitude.

It would be impossible for me to hate either of them even if I wanted to.​
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Trump is funnier live but Biden is funnier on rewind. When you take Biden's gaffes and play them all together it's funny, but in isolation the gaffes aren't all that funny.

Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron 2020 came the pardons for war criminals, shysters and scum rappers, while totally nignoring Julian Assange...
A chain of events from Shabbo Island:

"Trump on Foreign Policy
It is a good thing that millions of people are willing to vote for a candidate who claims to be anti-interventionist. Whether he actually is that, however, outlines the problem.

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Positions
When Trump attacked Jeb Bush on the debate stage for his brother (George W Bush) allowing 9/11 and invading Iraq, he claimed to have always been against the Iraq war. However as listed above, he was recorded on radio supporting the Iraq invasion himself.
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Now, compared to what came before him, it is fair to say that George W Bush was much worse on foreign policy, invading both Iraq and Afghanistan. Barack Obama too collapsed the Libya regime with a no fly zone and repeatedly threatened “Assad must go.” Going up against Hillary Clinton (who voted for and championed the Iraq invasion and was Secretary of State during the Libya no fly zone), it seemed that Trump was talking himself up as the anti-interventionist candidate. His record, once in power, was not anti-interventionist.
Trump talked a good game. A good thing to take from this is that millions of voters are willing to vote for a candidate who threatens the foreign policy establishment. However, Trump only threatened the establishment and did not actually drain the swamp.
Trump is the front runner to reclaim the GOP nomination for the 2024 election. I notice some people have not caught onto to Trump and still think he would be better on foreign policy than Biden. He may be better on Ukraine/Russia, but taken as a whole, Trump’s foreign policy record is not good or as good as the impression he lets on. I can understand opposing Biden’s foreign aid to Ukraine, but Biden has had a better record than Trump in the middle east.
It is reasonable to debate lesser evils, but let us not get carried away and make Trump into what he has proven not to be. That the establishment flips out over the threat he poses does not mean that he actually actualizes that threat."