Edward Teller, Martha Nussbaum, Nietzsche, Narnia, and the Hypnosis of the Narrative


some Whitespace thing...

I once listened to Edward Teller lecture at a hostile 'progressive' audience at MIT. He was a very charismatic speaker and could 'hypnotise' his Progressive opposition. He reminded me of earlier lectures in college by Martha Nussbaum on Plato. She essentially pushed Nietzsche

Both of them seem to have learned from Heidegger whom I think was the source of this 'alchemical knowledge' (how to hypnotise students) in the 20th century.

Both of them curiously reminded me of CS Lewis and his 'The Silver Chair' (of the 7 planetary spheres in that series, the lowest, about Luna)

Nussbaum used a sing-song voice, and dressed in those days a flirty Femme. She consciously tried to *seduce* her audience, to her interpretation of Plato. I learned young (1980), that such people are not be trusted.

However, my observation of Teller and his captive MIT progressive audience taught me a lot.


Anyone who does not know that Heidegger used to hypnotise his students probably shouldn't read this tweet of mine...

About Alexander Dugin, who should probably know better. Don't Google {Dugin "yours in sparks"}



Anyone who does not know that Heidegger used to hypnotise his students probably shouldn't read this tweet of mine...

About Alexander Dugin, who should probably know better. Don't Google {Dugin "yours in sparks"}

You might, after all, get this as the first 'hit'. First time is always free.[1]

[1]: https://tunisbayclub.com/index.php?threads/the-fable-of-darya-dugina-a-trumpetess-of-empire.1462/

More on Exoteric vs. Esoteric Judaism

There are others. I do not condemn any man for losing a child. If I met A. Dugin IRL, I would give him a hearty Golden Circle abrazo, like any Mexican or Caribbean Bro, and an Orthodox Russian Christian kiss on both cheeks.

But he's a Holy Fool[2][3]. He would do well to follow the example of our blessed mother in Christ, St Xenia.

[2]: see also St Salo, the patron saint of fools and puppets. https://publishing.cdlib.org/ucpres...nk.id=ch4&toc.depth=1&toc.id=ch4&brand=eschol

[3]: 'El Salo', a bocadillo's best fren https://www.unima.org/en/colloquium-puppets-healing-spirituality/

Screenshot 2023-03-27 11.58.37 AM.png

What is Salo? I think that is up to you. Not even the King and Queen can tell you what you want to be.

Do not succumb to the sleep of hypnosis, however. The Lethe... you want al-Lethe-uh (aletheia)... TRUTH. Not the forgetfulness of the LETHE of dreamtimes, ab-original style.

The Niptic Unsleeping Fathers are here for you.[4]

[4]: https://tunisbayclub.com/index.php?threads/draft-on-homeschooling.1634/
