"Far-right" Argentine candidate Javier Milei, in his own words

Rawhide "Doug" Kobayashi

Сила бога-нам подмога
Straight from the horse's mouth:

On foreign policy:

What are your main foreign policy proposals?

My natural allies are the United States and Israel. I don’t want to have anything to do with the communists of Cuba, China and North Korea. What does this mean? Trade with whoever you want, but I’m not going to foster those relationships.

On Religion:

Are you going to convert to Judaism?

A. I’m considering it.

Q. What’s preventing you from converting?

A. If you’re Jewish because your mother is Jewish, you’re not obliged to comply with the principles of Judaism. If you convert, you’re obliged to do so. If I’m president and it’s Shabbat, what do I do? Am I going to disconnect from the country from Friday to Saturday? There are some issues that would make [the religion] incompatible. The rabbi who helps me study
says that I should read the Torah from the point of view of economic analysis.

On Las Malvinas (aka the Falklands):

Q. In the case of the Falklands Islands – a major issue for Argentina’s foreign policy – you propose replicating the transfer of sovereignty from Hong Kong to China made by the United Kingdom.

A. Yes, it was a virtuous exit, without a warlike conflict. Why can’t you copy the things that were done well? It has to be a solution that satisfies [the UK], that satisfies Argentina and that satisfies those who live on the islands.

On pets:

Milei has four British mastiffs. He named all of these large dogs after famous economists: Murray (after Rothbard), Milton (after Friedman), Robert and Lucas (after Robert Lucas). He considers them to be his grandsons. They’re the results of a clone of Conan, who died in 2017.

On telepathy with his deceased mutt:

Q. Is it true that you’ve had telepathic conversations with Conan?

A. They also say that my dogs are my advisors and they’re fabulous, because look at everything I’ve achieved in terms of results.

On Dollarisation:

Q. Why do you want to dollarize the economy?

A. The question is the other way around: why not dollarize?

On Ecuador being an impoverished shithole, despite dollarisation:

. The problems that Ecuador has today aren’t consequences of dollarization, but rather, the consequences of Correa’s populist policies, which caused a lot of fiscal imbalance [because he] financed [his social programs] with debt. But the case of Ecuador is a super successful case.

Conclusion: Another neoliberal globalist who wants to do to Argentina what Larry Summers did to Russia cannot be defined as "far-right" or even "right-wing" in the classical sense, seeing as all of his policies support globalist capitalism over national sovereignty, and his chief benefactors and allies (by his own admission) will be the United States and the bizarre, non-sequitur of "Israel".

His election would be a breakthrough for the United State's attempt at recolonising the Americas (as he promotes dollarisation exacrly at a time when the world is desperately trying to off-load their dollars), as his economic policies make implicit the United States would have ultimate control over Argentina's economy. But ultimately would destroy Argentina's social fabric and societal balance in exchange for cheaper Levis' jeans.

Rawhide "Doug" Kobayashi

Сила бога-нам подмога

So basically, he is a classic George W Bush style neocon (i.e, which Andrew Sullivan succinctly defines neoconservatism as "simply about enabling the most irredentist elements in Israel and sustaining a permanent war against anyone or any country who disagrees with the Israeli right. )", who loves government cheese and excess, but only if it goes towards military spending and police funding.

What an absolute shit human being, let alone political candidate.
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I agree with the opinion that pro Israel and far right are mutually exclusive political tendencies which is weird, as things Jewish often are, since Israel is a national socialist state. Politically, Jews are the Caucasians who hate all other Caucasian and this fits with Jews are the far right who hate all other far rightists (provided those far right groups are Europeans.) Outside intra-European political conflict, far right is simply the natural order of things.



A former small-time rock musician and athlete, Milei opposes abortion and supports gun rights. He has criticised worker-friendly labour laws as a “cancer,” said the state is the “basis of all problems,” and praised US gangster Al Capone as a hero.

Here you may see why Milei might find Al Capone inspirational:

"This is going to be a terrible winter,"' he went on. "Us fellas has gotta open our pocketbooks, and keep on keeping them open, if we want any of us to survive. We can't wait for Congress or Mr. Hoover or anyone else. We must help keep tummies filled and bodies warm. If we don't, it's all up with the way we've learned to live. Why, do you know, sir, America is on the verge of its greatest social upheaval? Bolshevism is knocking at our gates. We can't afford to let it in. We've got to organize ourselves against it, and put our shoulders together and hold fast. We need funds to fight famine."
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Rawhide "Doug" Kobayashi

Сила бога-нам подмога

Here you may see why Milei might find Al Capone inspirational:

"This is going to be a terrible winter,"' he went on. "Us fellas has gotta open our pocketbooks, and keep on keeping them open, if we want any of us to survive. We can't wait for Congress or Mr. Hoover or anyone else. We must help keep tummies filled and bodies warm. If we don't, it's all up with the way we've learned to live. Why, do you know, sir, America is on the verge of its greatest social upheaval? Bolshevism is knocking at our gates. We can't afford to let it in. We've got to organize ourselves against it, and put our shoulders together and hold fast. We need funds to fight famine."

Praising literal criminals as heroes and worships Jewish power...this guy would have been a Republican senator for South Carolina if he had been born in the US

Rawhide "Doug" Kobayashi

Сила бога-нам подмога
Oar an Argentinian Bolsonaro copykat? Wasn't it once claimed that immitation is the highest foarm of compliment?

Bolsonaro was generally pro-Israel because he had to appeal to a massive evangelical Christian base within his coalition (and Evangelicals tend to be the most maliciously traitorous fifth column in any country they are hosted in to a nation's sovereign interests, even worse than the Zionists), but he was also strongly pro-China and pro-Russia and ultimately disappointed the Israel lobby with his pragmatic approach to geopolitics.

Aside from that, seeing that he was an ethnic German and Italian from Southeastern Brasil, I can't exactly see why he would have any strong love for the Jew or his agenda.

Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
What does an oaverwhelminly Catholick nation care about any opinion uttered from an Evangelical minority?
I'm suspecting, Boalsonaro had his strings pulled from a higher international influence of which he omitted mention of



Argentinian Truth Bombs On Francis
AUG 19​
Posted by Mundabor​
God is unable to p-p-point f-f-fingers!!
“Leftist son of a bitch”.​
Truer words were never spoken.​
Mind, I do not know this Milei guy, and I don’t know whether the outlandish assertions about selling children etc are true, or the usual smears that the press always throws at people who don’t talk like their masters who meet in Davos want them to talk. Kudos for the climate intelligence and the guns, though.
Boy, it’s so refreshing to see someone who says what so many think!​
The linked article says that the conservatives in Argentina are largely silent after Milei’s truth bombs. I believe they are! They are not going to come out and say “No! Francis is A.Good.Guy!!”. They are, as it is to be expected, keeping an embarrassed silence about what they know to be true.
The simple fact is this: most Catholics have a natural resistance to calling the Pope, whom they know to be a leftist son of a bitch, a leftist son of a bitch. In this, the traditional respect of the Pope certainly plays a big role, another one is likely played by the fear of giving ammo to the enemies of Catholicism. But this one is not a Pope like the others, and he does not deserve to be treated like the others. This one is one who is shamelessly abusing the prestige of his position to push an astonishingly anti-Catholic agenda, without even making an effort to conceal it. If you avoid criticising him (and criticising him harshly) you are playing his game, allowing him to exploit his position to damage (and, in his dream, cancel) Catholicism.​
That such frank words about an Argentinian pope would come, of all people, from an Argentinian politician is a fitting punishment for this, let us say it again, evil imbecile.​


qui transtulit sustinet
Not getting a good impression. First of all, his face reminds me of the demented junkie villain from the weird movie The Professional.

Definitely a neoliberal, not at the level of Trump, who at least spouted populist rhetoric even if he failed to deliver. Maybe Argentina despite its great potential is behind the times, because this guy seems to be rehashing Reagan's talking points.

Nonplussed as to why he wants to be a Jew. Argentina has a Spanish past with large Italian influx. Why not go with nominal Roman Catholicism? I don't get it.

Falklands ain't going over to Argentina but I understand why a demagogue would beat that drum.

Note that I have no animus against Argentina. I think Argentina deserves better.