Forum Format vs. List Format

One of the great things about websites that run on a forum format is that someone can be a total nobody and still start a topic. Everyone has essentially the same capability to start topics based on the merit of what they actually post, not based on some brand name or popularity contest. The focus is on what is being written more than who is writing it.

Social media has gone away from the forum format to the list format, except for reddit/4chan. The result is that you see big divisions between haves and have nots. I like the old days when big forums had the ability to stimulate discussion. Too bad I trolled those days away.
With the list format the conversation loses direction. Who are you talking to? You're basically talking to yourself and all your followers, but it's not targeted into a category based on shared interests. If Lebron James starts talking politics, his list of sports fans don't care about that. I really have the forum format. It's the format of the proletariat.


Social media has gone away from the forum format to the list format, except for reddit/4chan. The result is that you see big divisions between haves and have nots. I like the old days when big forums had the ability to stimulate discussion.
Me too, for a different reason: forum dialogue is persistent, including necropoasting. Scroller social media is transient. That serves the needs of big tech to have constant "fresh content" (remember the 1990s) but works against the user. Reddit unfortunately is dedicated to far-Left censorship.