Giorgia Meloni's private life mess


Well, Woddy and other haters of Meloni are going to enjoy this messy drama - hopefully the "Brothers of Italy" can soon find themselves a genuine masculine leader:

But it is actually not Andrew Anglin, but "Mundabor," this Trad-Cat of Italian origin who lives in England, who has the most powerful take on the matter - he sure has an acid tongue:

Some Old-Fashioned Moralising For A Friday Night

Posted by Mundabor

Hitting the wall as a single mother. Goes for Prime Ministers, too…
The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, has today officially announced her separation from her – what a horrible word – “partner” and father of their daughter.
Sad, in a way. In another way, I would say, pretty much announced.
Msssss Meloni was living with her – Lord, give me strength… – “partner” in what is more properly called a concubinage. This means that, yes, they were not married.
They were, to my knowledge at least, not married in the Town Hall, and they were, vastly more importantly, not married in the Church. They were living in defiance of those very same Christian values Giorgia Meloni wants to defend.
A little piece of advice or two for Msssss Meloni are here in order.
The first: men want to copulate with every girl that is not on a tree by the “three” (this is an Italian saying, so Mssssss Meloni knows it). A woman who does not want to be a single mother is well-advised to train and exert her leg muscles in such a way, that they remain conveniently shut. No, she should not rely on the man to do it for her. See the above saying. And no, the man will not remain pregnant. She will.
The second: the sacrament called marriage imparts on the couple what is called a sacramental grace. It does not mean everything will be a bed of roses. It does not mean there will be no challenges. What it means is that the Lord will help the spouses to overcome the challenges and remain faithful to the mutual bond they have accepted in front of Him. Alas, we are talking supernatural stuff here, not relationship advice from Cosmopolitan.
If there is no marriage, there is no supernatural help. What God has not tied together, men will tear asunder.
Mssss Meloni is an intelligent woman. She has the brain smarts and the street smarts. What she did not have, is the muscles I have mentioned above.
Let this be, then, a cautionary tale for all the young women – and all the parents raising girls – out there.
Men want to copulate with everything that is not on a tree by the ‘three”. Unguarded, unchaste behaviour will lead to a whole lot of issues, from unwanted pregnancies to concubinage.
Don’t expect men to become women for them. Men will be men. This is the FIRST lesson every mother has to teach to her daughters. Let the mothers warn the girls, then, and the girls be guarded, then men need women to channel their sexual energy in the proper direction. They will respect and love them the more for that.
And no, no, and no: not even being Prime Minister will save the “girl” from that most horrible of destinies: the aged single mother desperately looking for an ersatz-father of her out-of-wedlock child.
That most dreaded ‘Facebook status’ is now the one of our very own Primo Ministro. Let’s see how you like it, Giorgia.
My prayers go to the poor seven years old girl.
Let’s hope that, growing, she will act more intelligently than her mother.
I dont get this sudden outrage, it's been 10 years of the couple living together and 7 years with a daughter.
People live together without marrying because they can easily split, of course.
Out of a 10 couples I personally know -- which all would identify as catholics-- , only one got married before having children, all the others firstly go to live together, then have children, then maybe marry, then split or divorce if married.
It's how italians -and europeans in general I'd say- do, that's why there's no outrage at all here, at best you can hear that it was better they were married but it's not a big deal.