Hail Hate

Hail Hate
Hail Hate. I'm back. It's been a while.

Hate is a beautiful emotion. To complete and utterly despise someone. Should we go on about how beautiful it is when we love what is ugly? It is beautiful in its ugliness.

Hate is like a drug I inject with a syringe. It keeps my body in its natural acidic state. I do not feel right without it. A little hate and I am just right.

I never said I loved a particular ethnic group. At least I do not discriminate. Hate is allocated accross the entire human race.

88 usually stands for Heil hitler but I am using it for “hail hate.” So in that way I do say 88.

The exotic enjoyment of hate has me back writing a post after a long layoff. The great hate. Despising the existence.

Hail Hate!
Hate is essential to the musician as his piece isn't sounding properly.

Hate is essential in arts, and essential also to the listener or the spectator.

Hate is also essential to the constructor, as his own building is about to fall due his own errors.

We could make many other examples, in the end the Hate is essential to a civilization.
We should define what is hate and hatred: quite surprisingly for the the Webster's , Hatred is only extreme dislike or disgust
While for Hate it attaches a psychological connotation: intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury
Wikitionary instead gives for Hate the same definition of Hatred given by the Webster: extreme dislike or disgust

But I would say that by the current dominant culture Hate would be defined as "irrational unjustified pathological impulse of violence",
by which the "extreme dislike or disgust" are not legit inclinations;
as we are not anymore allowed to dislike or disgust something on our own -- the dominant culture willing to suppress our instincts, our nature, which must be substituted by dictated unique implanted cloud thinking.

Sticking to the bare definition of Hate as 'extreme dislike or disgust', I'd note that eliminating such moods implies the decadence of a civilization;
as deprives the human being of a fundamental vital instinct that moves us towards beauty and order and justice.
Its removal resulting in forcing people to accept what they strongly dislike and disgust.
In the end it's a step forward in the direction of the dehumanization and transhumanism.


An important point about the English word 'hate' I learned from Basil Fawlty and Errigal: it has a different meaning (or intensity) in American English and Irish English.

Americans use the term almost like 'a sort of dislike'... but the Irish reserve it for only 'existential enemies'.

It's worth noting that hate costs less in America than in Ireland.