Insights from the Shoutbox


  • Phoron: the whitepill is tho that it was a TEMPORARY setback thats been corrected
  • Phoron: many good men died, maimed, captured, humiliated because of understimation
  • Phoron: I dont think the frontline would be much different if they hadnt attacked from the north... but many lives would be spared, and there would probably be less aid in the pipeline
  • Phoron: Russia playing it completely different now and aside from the failed river crossing west of severodontesk, no real setbacks
  • Phoron: it also boosted Ukrop morale greatly and help spur the flood of western AID
  • Phoron: Kiev-Kharkov was a disaster, theres no way around it. Bunch of Russians captured there, lost and captured vehicles in abundance, VERY humiliating
  • Phoron: good lesson: NEVER underestimate the enemy

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Ixabert: Brainwashed slaves are eating garbage and taking pills, while the enlightened ones are breeding human babies for food. It is all quite hilarious because of how retarded everyone else.
Ixabert: Fat people don't realise that their double chin, fat stomach, fat thighs, etc., are not actually filled with raw animal fat. They are walking garbage cans because they never eat raw animal fat. They are full of transfats which the body stores as toxins. Cooked puffy polysaturates plant oils which cook and harden in the body. Dead cells. Cancer cells in between trying to heal and so on. They have unnatural bodies. It is impossible to do this in nature. No one before civilisation ever looked like this. If lucky they will get acne, because that's the white blood cells bringing out toxins.
Ixabert: Fasting makes you feel good because you are starving and eating yourself (eating raw meat). Your body starts eating the protective layer of fat around the organs, the fat in your brain (one of the reasons why studies show that vegan brain sizes decrease), etc. Of course it makes you feel good because you are eating human. Fasting is cannibalism. There's no argument. It feels good because you are engaging in cannibalism. Welcome to the raw meat diet.
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  • Wodwo: Sarasvat South Indians will aid me in my quest to put the Vaishyas in their place
  • Wodwo: Parasites
  • Wodwo: I would like to cast aside the notion that traders and merchants provide anything of value
  • Petr: That ideal Hinduism is just something that exists inside your own head.
  • Wodwo: Hinduism is, unlike Abrahamism, a living, growing religion, so yes
  • Petr: So you admit you do not actually like modern Hinduism, at it exists, very much at all, and would like to "reform" it.
  • Wodwo: The Laws of Manu were misinterpreted by German and British Indologists who relied on pandits from North India who had a fucked up conception of caste
  • Wodwo: I've long said over and over again, if I could have one lasting influence on modern Hinduism, it's that I get people to reconsider Vaishyas as the lowest class for their parasitism
  • Petr: So the Laws of Manu, that Nietzsche admired, actually got it very wrong?
  • Wodwo: Because the Vedic caste system was misinterpreted in the Dharmashastras, specifically the Manusmriti. There was no assessment as to spiritual vocation in the original text, shudras being "the feet" was a metaphor for how they do the work that carries the rest of society, not to suggest they were lower (only Dalits are delineated as such)
  • Petr: You are just projecting modern Fascist anti-bourgeois sentiments to ancient Hinduism.
  • Petr: Yeah right. So why did they consider Vaishyas to be above Shudras, let alone Chandalas?
  • Wodwo: There is something about the Vaishya's attitude that makes him lower than a dalit
  • Wodwo: All Brahmins latently consider Vaishyas to be among the lowest life forms on the planet so he would naturally feel that way

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Wodwo: Hinduism is, unlike Abrahamism, a living, growing religion. The Laws of Manu were misinterpreted by German and British Indologists who relied on pandits from North India who had a fucked up conception of caste. I've long said over and over again, if I could have one lasting influence on modern Hinduism, it's that I get people to reconsider Vaishyas as the lowest class for their parasitism.
Petr: So the Laws of Manu, that Nietzsche admired, actually got it very wrong?
Wodwo: Because the Vedic caste system was misinterpreted in the Dharmashastras, specifically the Manusmriti. There was no assessment as to spiritual vocation in the original text, shudras being "the feet" was a metaphor for how they do the work that carries the rest of society, not to suggest they were lower (only Dalits are delineated as such). There is something about the Vaishya's attitude that makes him lower than a dalit. All Brahmins latently consider Vaishyas to be among the lowest life forms on the planet so he would naturally feel that way.

I agree with Wodwo's positive assessment of the Hindu religion,--if by "Hindusm" be meant the set of beliefs and practices legitimately derivable from the contents of the Vedic scripture (not the modern abomination known as "Hinduism", which has assimilated the beliefs and mythologies of the various pre-Aryan indigenous cults of India, and corrupted what remains of the original Aryan beliefs).
However, I concur with Petr if he suggesting that Hinduism is a dead religion. For that which in modern times we understand by the term "Hinduism" is not the original but a syncretic mongrel abomination. The founders of that religion, and the Vedic philosphers of antiquity that followed, would be horrified and apalled by it; nor would they recognise it as their own religion.
For the beliefs and practices of modern Hinduism, considered in their entirety, do not bear the slightest resemblance to the faith of their forefathers; nor for that matter do their forefathers bear any resemblance to their descendants; for the syncreticism of religion in this case went hand in hand with the hybridisation of the races and intermixion of castes--the latter in particular being the worst abomination. This unquestionably has been the worst thing that has ever happened to the peoples of India. It has proven quite destructive to the Hindu religion in particular. If you are praising modern Hinduism as a living religion, you would probably hate the original religion; because they are the furthest removed from each another.
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Ixabert Ixabert: They are even intermarried with the saudi arabian monarchies through the moorish monarchs of spain that intermarried with the catholic monarchs who succeeded the islamic ones; to make a long story short, the present queen of england is a descendant of the prophet mohammed, according to official genealogies. TARD! Reactions:piscamaniac Friday at 12:59 AM

Ixabert Ixabert: They own most of the world, either directly and officially, or indirectly and covertly through their control of the global financial system through the 'jewish' (teutono-sephardic) banking dynasties that are subordinate offshoots of the same family. Friday at 12:58 AM

Ixabert Ixabert: The prime ministers and presidents are the actual ceremonial figureheads, having no real political power. The official 'ceremonial figureheads' are the ones who actually have the greatest political and legal power, officially owning most of the land in the world, holding the only legitimate and publicly recognised claim to rulership. Indirectly they control much of the remaining portion of the world. The crown hides its power in plain sight, by making a big public display of it. Their power is hidden by the fact that they are the official kings and queens.


This is even more the case than previously -- note the beneficiaries of the wars of the 20th century. Powerful dynasties in Austria and Russia destroyed, then the German Reich also. I think we can safely say China is a vassal state of the Crown too in a lot of ways, at least its financial system certainly is. Whatever royalty and aristocracy there is left in Europe is undoubtedly more powerful than suspected also.

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Some true observations on the respective merits of Islam and Christianity.
Phoron: Arabs and Mozlems are to their praiseworthy credit, far less polluted with this Jewed-out financial system. See Hawala Network if interested.
Ixabert: Islam is a guidebook on exactly how to get away from the devil, and keep the devil off your back. A step-by-step manual.
Phoron: I will read the Quran this winter.
Ixabert: Xstianity is great because there is a naïveté & purity to it that should exist; but Islam is a step-by-step manual on how to keep the devil away. It's practical.
Phoron: CHRIST aside from the salvation He facilitates is invaluable in teaching mankind how to be civilized, forgiving, and merciful. To not be a CHIMP or a seething grudgebeare.

Barmuda: Why do people pay any attention to pollsters after the lessons of the last few years?

Chos. Haddock on the Freemason Question:
Charles Silvius Haddock : re: freemasons, they are mainly a club for men and mutual aid society right now. there is some evidence that they were a kind of "mystery school" with specific spiritual doctrines and practices but much of the original meaning of them was lost over time, and this is the opinion of the masons who have studied the matter. their material success and worldwide influence is largely owing to their doing what works, i.e. maintaining networks in an age when most of them have fallen away. also, in our time, a lot of masons are working-class, although this would be kind of like a return to their tradition. supposedly they began as a guild of stonemasons in the medieval times. there is a theory that masons themselves have pushed that they were intermingled with the templars after that order was suppressed.

piscamaniac on the DPRK:
piscamaniac: Defectors have testified that most North Koreans are unaware that any sexual orientation other than heterosexual exists.

Petr and Bardamu:
Petc: Cicero in his advice for orators said that public speech should not be either too rude or too precious.
Bardamu: Take that advice, Petr.

Misc. one-liners:
Grimsrud: Russians won't fight unless there are psychopathic commisars waiting to shoot them for failing to show enough courage in battle.
Cole: Reminder that it's "the Ukraine" and the capital is Kiev (pronounced Kee-ev).
Wodwo: Niccolo is a recalcitrant homosexual.
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Lord Osmund de Ixabert

A discussion touching upon the nature of Protestantism, Catholicism, and Trinitarianism.
IXAB : You are too bright to be a QAnon believer, Macrobius. You no doubt promote it because you think it is good for morale. Mr. Vox Day (another fellow too bright for QAnon but pushes it nonetheless) hinted that he only promotes qanon because he thinks it good for morale, but isn't quite convinced of it himself. The plain truth of the matter is that trump is a traitor, qanon is most likely Israeli intelligence, and when it comes to predicting future polittical events, there's no reason to take qanon seriously, since my batting average is far higher than qanon's (near perfect, and I make just as many predictions), and I am not "in" on anything that's going on, as qanon pretends to be. And I do not say this out of vanity; even Toad has a better batting average than QAnon.
PETR : Ixabert wrote, "Vox Day... hinted that he only promotes QAnon because he thinks it good for morale, but isn't quite convinced of it himself." This is a deeply morally compromising attitude - spreading falsehoods just because they might raise spirits. In the reformation era, Protestants were outraged at invented monkish legends and miracles that had been spread just "to make people more pious." (Or worse, to make people go on lucrative pilgrimages to the monastery housing the bones of an invented saint who had done invented miracles, and stuff like that.) That was without a doubt the origin for many RC/EO miracle-mongering stories that were invented or at least spread uncritically - that they were "good for morale," or might make simple people more pious. Such an undiscriminating attitude tainted by association any real holiness that monks might have possessed.
IXAB : Protestants, as their name might suggest, are at their best when they are attacking, criticising, denouncing, denying, shaming, idol-smashing, destroying. Protestants appear to me an essentially destructive force, and I mean that in a strictly praiseworthy sense. Historically they are doing their best when they are destroying lies (even pious lies), smashing idols (even 'Christian' idols), denouncing corruption, exposing hypocrites, criticising outmoded dogmas, and pushing for the aboolition of outmoded traditions ripe for dismantlement. Protestantism at its best is more deconstructive than constructive.
PETR : Protestants seek to build on the rock of Christ. That is their positive foundation. Even if all the buildings raised on that rock were demolished, again and again, one can still build anew on that sure foundation.
IXAB : The negative & destructive side of the Protestant denomination seems to me the true raison d'être of the Protestant religion; its rightful place & function within Xdom. Its god-given historical rôle. For Protestants have never done very well with regards to construction, i.e. making positive judgments about what dogmas are to be believed, discerning the true from the false, the essential from the incidental.
IXAB : When Protestants try to be constructive, the result an endless ideological spiraling characterised by factionalism & sectarianism. Once that happens talking to them about certain subjects is like talking to a brick wall. I've tried it myself.
PETR : But Unitarians who deny Christ's divinity are not Christians. They are closer to Muslims, even though they might still be thoroughly tangled with the cultural heritage of Trinitarian Christian civilisation.
IXAB : The Trinitarian vs. Unitarian debate is a perfect case in point. They both make undeniably true points that neither side seems capable of addressing (and I am not taking a middling position on the matter, saying that one is 'half' right & the other is 'half'; There are many things that the Trinitarian is 100% right about & the Unitarian entirely mistaken, & there are certain things that ther Unitarian is 100% right about & the trinitarian refuses to address).
IXAB : Xianity seems to me to embrace Trinitarianism & Unitarianism; otherwise we'd have to exclude a good number of universally esteemed men who were active during the first 300 yrs. of Xianity, many of them regarded as the fathers of the Church. The belief that God is One and not Three, by the way, does not necessarily imply a denial of Jesus' divinity; for one can believe in that he partakes of the qualities of divinity, and esteem him a divine being, while disbelieving the notion that Jesus is 100% identical with the Most High. The Muslims, for instance, regard Jesus as divine in the sense that they believe him to be the incarnation of the divine spirit (ruh allah) and the personificaiton of logos, both of which entail a belief in his divinity.
IXAB : I have noticed that the Unitarian will never address certain truths that the Trinitarian regards as central to his argument, while I have yet to come across a single Trinitarian consider many seemingly undeniable truths about the Bible and early Xianity that perfectly consistent with the Unitarian position but incompatible with Nicenaean Trinitarianism. Iesus Christ did seem to subscribe to a 'Unitarian' conception of God. Some of the things that Xt said do seem irreconcilable with the Trinitarian doctrine, at least in the precise form that the Trinitarians have thus far presented it.
IXAB : The Protestant religion exists; therefore it must serve some purpose or function in the overall plan, since there is nothing under the heavens that is unforeseen by god, & does not ultimately serve god's will, in my view, though often in ways that the finite mind will never be able to rasp. Pious lying has proven a strong temptation even in otherwise good people. We needed Protestantism to destroy it. For such lying is destructive to the church.
CLEF : Inventing beliefs to boost morale or "make people more pious" happened long before the "reformation era" and hasn't ended. Believing we have a shorter list of "what must I do to be saved" is a prime example.
IXAB : Believing that the list, short or long, will save us, is another.
CLEF : The year was 1529, the event was the second diet of speyer, and the particular matter that brought about labeling of evangelicals as 'Protestants' was their objecting to undemocratic religious prejudice regarding the reaffirmation of the edict of worms. Names matter and even Lutheran didn't want to have his name associated to "his" refor. Better term would be restoration. "To restore his way." As Paul was a member of a sect known as "the way" which is also what the torah is called.
IXAB : As a necessary de-constructive force, the Protestants are unsurpassed in the history of religion, & their influence in that respect has been mostly for the better. But formulating correct doctrine is the area in which Protestants seem to me the most inept, both from a theological/philosophical point of view, & from a practical view (religion is after all supposed to be essentially practical in nature--the salvation of souls is a practical affair.

CLEF : They still wonder after the beast, is wh. : Most of what the first century Church (of the wilderness as stephen called it) practiced was excluded as Christianity was formed.
PETR : Ask any architect, sometimes you have to pull down before you can build anew.
CLEF : 2 Kings 22:13. [...] Just as this discovery prompted a reform.A restoration. So too continues the movement. To tear away what man built.
PETR : But Clefty would not like to build anything at all, but at best live in some mudhut or under a spread blanket.
CLEF : Even those that claim v2 emptied the seat of peter wish to merely tear away what was added.Not rebuild entirely. Just return to what was built after that first century. Petr said, "But Clefty would not like to build anything at all, but at best live in some mudhut or under a spread blanket." Even the first temple was not his desire but David's. As he does not need a house to live in but worship in truth and spirit.
PETR : 1 Corinth. 3:10. "By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one must be careful how he builds."
CLEF : Of course Pete seeks only to shorten stuff. [Clefty then quotes the whole paragraph]
PETR : That does not really add anything to the point. Namely that God wants us to build.
CLEF : God's spirit. Is holy, yes. Sure it does, Pete. Do you not know that you are his temple?
PETR : Clefty would like Christians to be like winos living under a bridge.
CLEF : Was that how the first century church lived?
PETR : Nope.
CLEF : Right, his spirit. Which? His or the holy spirit lives in us? Why would we live under a bridge? Drunk?
PETR : Clefty would like Christians to have the mentality of street bum. That is, after all, how he has been harassing us all these years.
CLEF : Was the first century church street bums?
PETR : No, they were not. They were not some miserablist rabble, even though they could preach to the most miserable ones.
CLEF : Then why you lying I want that? I'd even prefer all things in common.
PETR : Leftist propaganda! Clefty promotes "social gospel," the idea that real Christians are bums.
CLEF : Pete starts with the false piety of monks in their holy pilgrimages and ends up here. Lo. Your attempts at slander are almost as weak as your understanding of first century ways.
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IXAB : You are too bright to be a QAnon believer, Macrobius. You no doubt promote it because you think it is good for morale. Mr. Vox Day (another fellow too bright for QAnon but pushes it nonetheless) hinted that he only promotes qanon because he thinks it good for morale, but isn't quite convinced of it himself. The plain truth of the matter is that trump is a traitor, qanon is most likely Israeli intelligence, and when it comes to predicting future polittical events, there's no reason to take qanon seriously, since my batting average is far higher than qanon's (near perfect, and I make just as many predictions), and I am not "in" on anything that's going on, as qanon pretends to be. And I do not say this out of vanity; even Toad has a better batting average than QAnon.

I am not a QAnon beliver, nor a beliver in any Yankee, Scalawag, or Carpetbagger at all. My fear, from 12/2017 on, was that QAnon might mislead many. I worked very hard to prevent my /own/ people from falling for an obvious scam. Whether a man might happen to say something true or not, is a very different matter, and all men of reason can discuss such things.

@Avvakum and @Charles Silvius Haddock can be my witness.

Read my poasts moar carefully, please.... QAnon is likely aligned with the Union NSA General Flynn... read what I say, not your 'impression' of what I say... 'HLIANON is *much moar important* than QAnon' I have said many, many times. <- READ THIS, IX.

A long, but interesting discussion with poaster '1933'... read from bottoms up, gents.

This is important, which is why I pinned it to my 'lounge' @Ixabert ... BEFORE the 2020 11/4 election, mind you.

Read what I say, please, not what Millennials and Zoomers project on my persona:

Well, it's like watching the Nazis going down in ww2 and worrying about the fate of Lord Haw-Haw

My reference to the First Nation leader, 'Little Turtle' is not sourced there. Here you go:

Now, about my writings on Confederate military strategy...

Have some vidz...

The one national holiday we remember both the Union and Confederate War dead.

Coming soon to a war theatre near you. Get ready for 2.0.

My interlocutor:

no, i am an american. i think europe is in a better position if it can extricate itself from the US. and it looks like it is trying to do just that with germany's passive aggressive stance towards russian energy and nato participation.

Sorry, man... barking up wrong tree... I have too many dead white soldiers and dead niggers on my land to pay attention to Union shite.

Think of me as a Palestinian (an Orthodox, Greek speaking one, of which there are many... ask NN Taleb on Twitter about this), not an Israeli, and you will get the sides right. The West has many allies... even in England and America. We've got your back, Aryans.
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Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Clefty utterly demolished by Nikephoros, occasioning a discussion that proves edifying, and is in no wise motivated by the desire to besmirch clefty's character.

CLEF : Exactly what does that legal wand entail? Paper docs...history...criminal checks...well sure...welcome to america...
NIKE : So you have no problem with them packing your neighborhood with erstwhile "illegal immigrants" that suddenly became legal with a wave of the legal wand?

IXAB : When I envisage what clefty looks like, I see a person without a philtrum every time. I wonder why. Lacking a philtrum, or having a very weak philitrum, is indicative of bad character. Often goes hand in hand with dishonesty
NIKE : He's a harelip, IIRC.
IXAB : I didn't even know he was hairlipt, or was rumoured to be so, yet I kept picturing him without a philtrum. Perh. there is something to my intuition after all.
NIKE : So the fact they're made legal ex post facto and you're ok with them. Got it.
NIKE : I saved that snippet because I figured you'd deny it later. I was right on the mark.
IXAB : A beautiful face is a mark of superior character, clefty. Hairlip? Never met a decent man with that condition. Not sure about women though
PHOR : iM oKay WiTH The couNTry BEing fLOOdEd WITH haiTIANS aS long AS ITs DoNE LEGALLY
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Lord Osmund de Ixabert

On the Angeloid Question, Wouldwas says something surprisefully soothful for once :
Wodwozio: Jews have no independent sense of creativity or drive. The Angloid runs the show as he has since 1653.

True. Every war that Americans have fought since the ratification of the Constitution has been fought on behalf of the British Empire to advance the interests of the Crown. The Founding Fathers of America were loyal servants of the Crown.

For good and ill, the British Empire continues to rule the world; indeed, since rebranding itself a Commonwealth, and dropping the word 'Empire', the terrritories of that Empire have only further expanded, and its formidablest rivals have been extirpated, else their powers have since been considerably contracted or/and absorded into the British Empire.

The Empire has wisely opted for power instead of recognition as an imperial power.

Much of its puissaunce is per procurationem and exserted ex tacito.

Also true:
Cole: Israel has killed more American servicemen than Iran. Good hatefact for normie conservatards.
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