[MEDIA=rumble] and [MEDIA=odysee]


Whether it is easy to convert links in XF2 to embedded media is entirely a matter of whether those platforms make it easy to parse the URL and have good OEMBED suport.

Some platforms are easy, and some (like Gab) are infuriating.

I'll test at Whitespace and if successful poast on this thread with instructions.
Not super urgent, but it would be nice to have Rumble and Odysee links converted into embedded vids in the same manner as YouTube. Assuming this is possible, which I do.

Thread on this -- it might these days be BROWSER DEPENDENT as Google and Chrome are very aggressively breaking the web, since they have Edge on their side too. There are things now that work in Safari or Firefox but not elsewhere @Charles Silvius Haddock

Even @Grug Arius has reported Waterfox vs Firefox difference.

This is deep hacker shit at this point.

Hackers of the Crust, Unite!

Shit -- I see this thread is broken on some platforms https://whigdev.com/white/index.php?threads/macrotube-embedding-test-thread.3410/


Note: the Whitespace thread no longer works as browsers have moved on... investigating

tl;dr -- all the GAFAM browsers are doing security stuff with HTTPS differently, and it's breaking shit like VB5 or XF2 badly so you can't make it work unless you buy into the (((Jew Racket))) of SSL (technically TLS 1.2 these days).

These are RHOSGOBEL RABBITS, Gandalf... I'd like to see them TRY.

(Why yes, I DID just go to the Puyallup state fair last month to visit the rabbit barn... it's how we say 'Let's roll' in the PNW, @Charles Silvius Haddock )

Radagast was Aryan as fuck, proven multiple times. Probably retired to Freeland on Whidbey.

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Some anomalies I'm seeing these days, which convince me the 'Mobile Web' is basically broken:

- Some important web apps (*cough* slack *cough*) have stopped working on recent Chromium, but work on Chrome and presumably Edge. Gotta love those GAFAMs

- @Grug Arius just told me certain things don't work for him on Water Fox that probably work for Fire Fox...

- the above XF2 failing for Macrotube v2

It's all about digital certificates and the NWO and Globalism I assure you all. We'll be looking into it.