National Fuhturism: Old Constantin Von Hoffmeister Website


Class Reductionist
Constantin Von Hoffmeister is correct, by the way, that Bolshevism was made not by religious Jews, but by apostates who left Judaism behind. He wrote that in his article "Jewish Bolshevism, European Liberation."
The Jews were certainly overrepresented in the Soviet government. But this fact is utterly irrelevant and meaningless. These brave Jews divorced themselves from their reactionary religion and embraced European socialism (Russian Bolshevism), thus automatically becoming honorary Aryans. Hence, the Bolshevik Jews were not bad Jews but good Europeans (in the Nietzschean sense as like all true overmen they overcame their own former selves, morphing into something new, noble and self-sacrificing)

The interesting thing is that in the same article he supports Zionism, when it would seem the above statement is more of an assimilationist stance.


Constantin Von Hoffmeister is correct, by the way, that Bolshevism was made not by religious Jews, but by apostates who left Judaism behind.
I think it is a mistake to view egalitarian movements as anything but peasant revolt. They are not materially different from one another: Jacobins, Bolsheviks, Pharisees, and Sophists seem to believe in the same subsidized individualism.


I think it is a mistake to view egalitarian movements as anything but peasant revolt. They are not materially different from one another: Jacobins, Bolsheviks, Pharisees, and Sophists seem to believe in the same subsidized individualism.

Alas, oftentimes the most efficient and ruthless "egalitarianism" comes from the top, from absolutist royal rulers! I invite you to read this thread of mine:

Julius Caesar himself started his career as an "egalitarian" populist politician, beloved by the plebs and hated by the elitist Roman aristocracy.
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The common people rejoice at seeing despotic rulers "taking vengeance" on their behalf on proud noblemen:

The Russian masses expressed their feelings in their popular poetry, and the sense of that is already known to my readers. The Russian people not only submitted to Ivan—it admired, applauded, loved him.
Herein lies the whole philosophy of the populace. It seems to have forgotten all about Ivan's wars, and all it remembers of the administrative reforms simultaneously effected is their levelling action.
'All the masters and princes,
I will flay them alive. …'
sings the Tsar Groznyï, Ivan Vassilovitch.
Or, again:
'I will have you cooked, every one,
Boïars and princes, in a caldron!'
The Groznyï is a pious man, and the poets admire this quality of his, but,
'As soon as he has heard Mass,
He'll cut their little heads
Off princes and boïars. …'


Alas, oftentimes the most efficient and ruthless "egalitarianism" comes from the top, from absolutist royal rulers!
Royal absolutism was a response to revolt by the nobles, if memory serves. Healthy monarchies rely on lesser aristocrats a great deal and on the Western side of the Hajnal line, manorial feudalism kept this alive.

Russia is a different case because you had a European upper caste ruling over Eurasian peasants who outnumbered them thousands to one. It is more similar to the situation in Mexico, India, or South America than what happened in Europe.