New Left vs. Old Left


Another reminder that Old Left (at least if we are talking about Marxists) will inevitably transform into New Left sooner or later - the Stalinist "Thermidor" was just a temporary aberration, as Communism could not consistently embrace conservative values without ceasing to be Communism:

Here is another example of this regrettable phenomenon - from Ecuador - of how the Latin American Left is slowly but surely losing the moral framework they inherited from Christianity and sliding towards sexual nihilism:

Lately, RC looks more like a big-tent party of the left willing to branch out beyond its old model—statist developmentalism heavy on extractive industries and redistribution but light on protections for the environment, Indigenous communities and women and sexual minorities.
Pabel Muñoz, the newly elected mayor of Quito who comes from the party rank and file, recently supported a grassroots environmental movement. Correísta insiders I interviewed for this piece expressed a desire to “transcend extractivism” and turn Ecuador into “the Dubai of clean energy.”
On social issues, many correísta leaders have also rethought their social conservatism even as Correa himself hangs on. Marcela Aguiñaga, a correísta official in Guayas who once echoed Correa’s socially conservative views, has lately reinvented herself: “We are going for the youth vote, the feminist vote and the environmentalist vote,” she recently said. Last year, the party let its lawmakers vote their conscience on a bid to decriminalize abortion in cases of rape.
Cultural Marxism is a different bag of leftist beans than what proceeded all the way back to the French Revolution, although it had a germ in the anti White Russia of the Bolshevik Revolution. Cultural Marxism is better described as anti White Marxism which queers its historic fundamentals but no matter, it is about power plus revenge of the spiteful mutants. I personally suspect that deep down Jewish Marxism has always been anti European in essence but now the beast can show its face.
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Here is a man who well symbolized or typified the transformation from "Old Left" to "New Left": Kwasniewski was the president of Poland in 1995-2005, and in that time period he played a considerable part in moving Poland into the modern Western culture-sphere - in other words, spreading Liberal rot. He served the devil (or the godless globalist system) well, and received plenty of honors and rewards for that.

But now the devil is beginning to demand his dues, and Kwasniewski is just a sad, impotent old man, who does not even have basic masculine dignity left as he gets scolded for daring to hope for offspring.

All these Eastern European Socialist types need to convert to some sort of "National Socialism" (and of course also find God; Kwasniewski being an atheist made it easy for him to sell his soul for success) if they want to avoid this sort of ignominious fate:

The older generation of the Polish left should also fight for their dreams of having grandchildren

The scolding of former Polish president, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, for having the audacity to say he hopes to be a grandfather was a sad sight, writes Jacek Karnowski
July 07, 2023​

Former President of Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)
It has been a long time since I have seen such a sad scene after former left-wing Polish President Aleksander Kwaśniewski was scolded by an interviewer for saying he hoped he would have grandchildren despite his daughter insisting she does not want to become a mother.
In an interview on Polish commercial television TVN, Kwaśniewski was asked by the interviewer, Piotr Jacoń, how he felt about his daughter’s public declaration that she does not want to have children.​
Kwaśniewski responded by saying that he hoped he would one day become a grandfather. The interviewer looked shocked and reprimanded the former head of state for questioning his daughter’s right to live in the way she wants to live.

Kwaśniewski’s daughter is a TV presenter and in a recent interview she declared she did not want to have children and was rather tired of constantly being questioned about the subject. The interviewer, Piotr Jacoń, is a journalist whose daughter has transitioned into becoming male. Jacoń recently took great offense at a satirical commentator asking him on screen, “What gender are you today?” He publicly condemned the satirist, with the unfortunate joker getting canceled in some social and professional circles.​
The former president was rather sheepish in response to Jacoń chastising him. He just said he had told the truth as he felt it, but did not argue with the interviewer’s assertion that he had no right to dream of having grandchildren.
This is a pity.​
Remaining silent is tantamount to accepting the intolerance which is making debate in the West impossible. The politically correct mantra is that generations don’t have responsibilities toward each other. This is the road to young couples having pets instead of kids and for the elderly to end up in care homes.​

Jacoń’s view is that parents may not dream of having grandchildren, as this may upset their offspring, who may not want to have them. But what’s wrong with wanting to have the joy of having grandchildren and saying it?​
The older generation of the left should have the courage to fight for its rights, such as the rights to want grandchildren and contribute to the raising of another generation. There is no need to succumb to lunatics, who want to push our civilization into nihilism. They should not have to suffer opprobrium from those whose own family relations have failed and who want to destroy the lives of others.
The road to singledom is one which always ends in tears and then loneliness.​



Germany: Momentum Builds for Left-Wing Anti-Immigration Party

A hotly anticipated left-wing, anti-immigration party seems set to emerge as multiple MPs pledged support to Sahra Wagenknecht the past week and Die Linke entered crisis talks to avoid a schism.

Sahra Wagenknecht

Five to ten MPs from the German Die Linke party have quietly pledged support for a left-wing, anti-mass immigration party rumoured to be formed by disgruntled former party leader Sahra Wagenknecht in a move that could split the German left down the middle.
A current MP for North Rhine-Westphalia, Wagenknecht has earned a reputation in German left-wing politics as a radical outsider with vocal opposition to Berlin’s generous asylum policies and its commitment to NATO in Ukraine. Wagenknecht left Die Linke acrimoniously in March, amid speculation that she was exploring the potential for a new left-wing migration-critical party.​
It now appears that Wagenknecht’s plans for a new party are about to come to fruition, as Die Linke leader Dietmar Bartsch warned that a potential split would essentially end Die Linke as both a parliamentary and social force.​
An avowed Marxist-Leninist party formed after the collapse of communism, Die Linke has struggled in recent years, placing sixth in opinion polls, as right-wing populists in the AfD corral populist momentum.​
Wagenknecht appears undeterred by detractors and party comrades, saying that Die Linke is already on the path to becoming a “meaningless splinter party” unable to rally support despite growing discontent with Berlin’s ruling coalition.
Wagenknecht is popular among grassroots Die Linke members in the former East Germany, where her anti-war views resonate. She is also supported by fellow socialist MPs Klaus Ernst and Amira Mohamed Ali.​
Ali announced her resignation as co-chairman of the party on Sunday, August 6th, in support of Wagenknecht, who has been targeted for her strong anti-immigration, anti-woke beliefs. As a result, Die Linke officials commenced last-ditch emergency talks to avert a bitter split.​
If fully realised, the emergence of a viable socialist party that campaigns against mass immigration would signal a major change in German politics, with opinion polls showing that Wagenknecht and her theoretical party would be the largest in certain regions, overtaking the AfD.​
Mainstream parties are already reeling from the success of the AfD soaring to second place in the polls. This alignment of views between Wagenknecht and the AfD would challenge several conventional policies in Germany, such as immigration, the EU and sanctions against Russia.​
While disavowing previous endorsements of Stalinism and Russian militarism in Ukraine, Wagenknecht has been outspoken in her anti-war and anti-NATO rhetoric, calling for the dissolution of the military alliance on multiple occasions.​
Her 2021 book The Self-Righteous (Die Selbstgerechten), which reached number one on German non-fiction bestseller lists, denounced elitist attitudes among Western leftists and condemned support for mass immigration as a betrayal of working-class interests.
Thomas O’Reilly is an Irish journalist working for The European Conservative in Brussels. He has an educational background in chemical sciences and journalism.


Possible NPC
By any objective standard, Oliver Anthony's "Rich Men North of Richmond" is an Old Left ballad. By the convoluted political logic of our time, a song attacking the corruption of wealthy elites and lamenting the economic plight of the working class is "right-wing":



I have said before that Robert Fico is like an archetypal example of Eastern European "Dixiecrat" Socialist - with conservative social values, even though promoting Leftist economics (and practising some good-old-boy corruption).

These kind of Old Left guys must soon decide whether they are going to openly defy the new Western faggoty-globalist Left orthodoxy or submit to it:

Winner of Slovak Elections Threatened with Expulsion from EP Group


Former Swedish PM, President of PES, Stefan Löfven during a Pride march
No sooner were the results of the parliamentary elections in Slovakia been announced, than floodgates of attacks against the winner Robert Fico (SMER-SD) opened. Apart from the usual legacy activist media’s character assassinations, now it is the president of the Party of European Socialists (PES) in the European Parliament who is threatening the election-winning Slovak party with expulsion from the group.
Swedish politician Stefan Löfven has sent a message to the winner of the Slovak elections in which he warned that he will monitor SMER’s decisions towards Ukraine, and will personally make sure that SMER is expelled from PES in case the Slovak Party does not change course. This echoes the conflict between the Hungarian government party Fidesz and the head of the European Peoples Party (EPP), Manfred Weber, concluding with Fidesz leaving the EP group in March 2019. Back then it was the of issue migration and gender ideology that had resulted in a split.​
In his video reply to Löfven, Robert Fico pointed out that his party, SMER, has been a full member of the Party of European Socialists for more than twenty years.​
The left is losing almost everywhere in Europe, so the victory of a genuine left-wing party in a parliamentary election in an EU Member State should be welcomed,” said Fico, calling the message from the PES president “a message of blackmail.”
“Truly beautiful, democratic. Either we say what the US wants us to say, or we will be expelled. Either we join and obediently carry out the policy of one single opinion or we become pariahs if we are going to say that the EU should launch a peace initiative in Ukraine, that it is better to stop the killing immediately and negotiate peace for ten years rather than let the Russians and Ukrainians kill one another for ten years without a result. The chairman of the PES has consistently followed the philosophy that whoever is for peace is a warmonger, whoever is for war and killing is a peace activist,” Fico added.​

The winner of the Slovak election added that Löfven’s message is undemocratic, disrespectful of the right to a different opinion, and it is authoritarian. “Blackmailing sovereign politicians is not right and we are sovereign politicians… We are very sorry that there is a war in Ukraine, we have condemned the use of Russian military force, but we do not intend to change our views on peace in Ukraine,” the SMER leader continued, before concluding:​
We reject the policy of a single infallible opinion. If the tax for pursuing a genuine left-wing agenda in Slovakia and expressing sovereign opinions is to be our exclusion from the international party, we are prepared to pay such a tax.
Strong words from Fico, but his main problem is that he is operating with an outdated academic conception of what it means to be a socialist. Today’s socialists almost unanimously share a certain set of policies: pro-mass migration, pro-gender ideology, anti sovereignists, supporting a European superstate at the expense of national competences, multiculturalism, and of course, strong support for arming Ukraine, thus continuing its fight against Russian occupation. These are the core values of European socialist movements, yet Fico supports none of these.​
Fico has a point in saying that Löfven’s position is undemocratic and disrespects the right for opinion. But that exactly is the criticism that conservative parties have leveled at the feet of left-wing movements for years. Hence the question is why would Fico want to stay in a parliamentary group with socialists if his party’s manifesto diverges from the new socialists’ political goals in virtually every single point.
Fidesz has remained in the political right-center ground while the rest of the former conservatives in the EPP swung towards the left. Viktor Orbán took it on the chin, and after its suspension, Fidesz had decided to leave the group that had relinquished its original ethical and political profile. Fico will inevitably have to make a similar step in the near future if he wants to be true to his voters and to his election promises. Then it only remains for Löfven to explain how calling for negotiations between warring parties became a cardinal transgression against socialist principles.​


And another reminder that dedicated Communists like Ben Norton are our enemies, no matter how "anti-imperialist" they might be - see how hostile he is to any notion of bringing Dissident Right and Dissident Left elements together (that guys like Max Blumenthal and Glenn Greenwald are more open to):

It's rare to find economically focused leftist these days who define socialism as purely class struggle. Take the subreddit r/socialism. It defines socialism as both class struggle and gender/ethnicity politics. I have to watch what I say carefully about identity politics, as to critique it in a way which I won't get banned from the subreddit.

See the definition
Socialism as a political system is defined by democratic and social control of the means of production by the workers for the good of the community rather than capitalist profit, based fundamentally on the abolition of private property relations.

Socialism is also a sociopolitical movement dedicated to the critique and dismantling of exploitative structures, including economic, gendered, ethnic oppression.

As a movement, socialism confronts these different systems of oppression as mutually conditioning, intersectional, and/or dialectically related within the current hegemonic order. It seeks to overcome oppression in a holistic manner without neglecting any particular axis so that it might be eliminated, and genuine social emancipation may be realized. We recognize that Socialism cannot be achieved while structural oppression continues and workers are divided.
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It's rare to find economically focused leftist these days who define socialism as purely class struggle. Take the subreddit r/socialism. It defines socialism as both class struggle and gender/ethnicity politics. I have to watch what I say carefully about identity politics, as to critique it in a way which I won't get banned from the subreddit.

See the definition
So-called cultural Marxism is indeed the order of the day. Even though that is a bit of a misnomer as it would be more accurate to call it racial Marxism with Whites filling the demon role formerly occupied by the owners of the means of production. My theory is that as Jewish sociology Marxism has always been fundamentally anti-White and it is only in our current days that the mask can come off.


My theory is that as Jewish sociology Marxism has always been fundamentally anti-White and it is only in our current days that the mask can come off.

If Marxism was really "Jewish sociology," then what was the role of someone like Friedrich Engels in it?

Also, a significant figure in the development of "Cultural Marxism" was this guy, an Italian with Albanian roots:



I see classical Marxism as a sort of "brotherhood of the damned," where those apostate gentiles who had become as alienated from traditional Christendom as Christ-denying Jews joined forces with them, inspired by the feverish dream of creating a new world on the ruins of the old one.

Modern decadent neo-Marxism is largely about that apocalyptic dream having died out - these kind of Marxoids are content, de facto, of living as destructive parasites of liberal consumerist society, content with the scraps that woke capitalism throws their way (like queer rights).