Second Coming of the Tears in the Rain Thread


Q* and Artificial Intelligence

Archived from Forbes

About That Mysterious AI Breakthrough Known As Q* By OpenAI That Allegedly Attains True AI Or Is On The Path Toward Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)​

In today’s column, I am going to walk you through a prominent AI-mystery that has caused quite a stir leading to an incessant buzz across much of social media and garnering outsized headlines in the mass media. This is going to be quite a Sherlock Holmes adventure and sleuth detective-exemplifying journey that I will be taking you on.

Please put on your thinking cap and get yourself a soothing glass of wine.

The roots of the circumstance involve the recent organizational gyrations and notable business crisis drama associated with the AI maker OpenAI, including the off and on-again firing and then rehiring of the CEO Sam Altman, along with a plethora of related carry-ons. My focus will not particularly be the comings and goings of the parties involved. I instead seek to leverage those reported facts primarily as telltale clues associated with the AI-mystery that some believe sits at the core of the organizational earthquake.

We shall start with the vaunted goal of arriving at the topmost AI.

The Background Of The AI Mystery

So, here's the deal.

Some suggest that OpenAI has landed upon a new approach to AI that either has attained true AI, which is nowadays said to be Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) or that demonstrably resides on or at least shows the path toward AGI. As a fast backgrounder for you, today’s AI is considered not yet at the realm of being on par with human intelligence. The aspirational goal for much of the AI field is to arrive at something that fully exhibits human intelligence, which would broadly then be considered as AGI, or possibly going even further into superintelligence (for my analysis on what this AI “superhuman” aspects might consist of, see the link here).

Nobody has yet been able to find out and report specifically on what this mysterious AI breakthrough consists of (if indeed such an AI breakthrough was at all devised or invented). This situation could be like one of those circumstances where the actual occurrence is a far cry from the rumors that have reverberated in the media. Maybe the reality is that something of modest AI advancement was discovered but doesn’t deserve the hoopla that has ensued. Right now, the rumor mill is filled with tall tales that this is the real deal and supposedly will open the door to reaching AGI.
rest at the link
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My take -- Q* is actually a reference to a Maine Coon Cat named Queequeg.

About Q* and Kleene Closure -- Q* could be satisfied by the null set, in Kleene's Logic. I think they might mean Q+.
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Me talkin' about the Q* stuff on muh fambly slack, about the claims in [1][2]:

The real question is, are any of the speculated leaks true, and/or what is the underlying truth behind them.

If the speculation that training an AI managed to break AES is true that would be 'stop the presses we're at the end of History and the Singularity is nigh' for sure.

If it's just a modest improvement in basic math skills it is still impactful, but not apocalyptic. I don't think anyone reading this could solve some of the trigonometric problems that LLMs have been demonstrated to get right at very low rates (like 0.1% of test runs)

The reality is somewhere between Uncle Skar's word to Simba: 'You have no idea' and down right End Times.



Consolidated thread of mine, from the Phora Nova, Tunis, Twitter, and Whitespace:
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