The Best of the Other Donkey Guy


Yes, he's a Life Long Democrat. His generation was like that and we used to have quite a few 'Socialists' at the old Phora, though this guy doesn't strike me like that.

I'm not going to get real heavily into this, but - and I speak here as a life-long Democratic voter, one who last missed an election in 1968.
In '68, home from Vietnam for 4 months, wounds not yet healed, I could not vote for LBJ's Veep, and I DAMN sure couldn't vote for Tricky.

2. There's not much I like about the Democratic party.
I despise their climate lies. Utterly fucking despise them.
I despise building highways.
I despise any new job powered by fossil fuels.
Which is 100% of Biden's.
Don't get me wrong - I'm going to vote for him, but I'd prefer

3. that the lesser of two evils was more lesser.
I don't approve of paying off student loans.
The increase in higher education costs is a racket. We're rewarding the racketeers.
Put student loans back where bankruptcy can eliminate them, let people take bankruptcy, get out,

4. As a blue collar white guy born & raised in Missouri, your textbook demographic Trumper, I pretty much dislike at least 90% of the things about Democrats that Trumpers despise.

Yes, Trump & his ilk are worse. Hawley. Cotton. Cruz. McConnell. Rubio. That fucking football coach.

5. If bankruptcy is too big a hill to climb, then just say, OK, fuck you, banks, the debt is corrupt and you can't collect it.
But no. All the rich people get their money.
I've pretty much been sneered at all my life by people with college degrees.
If you're so damn smart...?

6. But no, all the rich are held harmless. Everyone keeps their degrees, keeps their tenure, keeps their 6 figure incomes, keeps their books in black ink, and a bunch of money gets redistributed uphill.
Fuck that.
Don't even ask me about highways.
We've pissed away every chance

7. We ever had to enshrine women's bodily and healthcare rights in federal law.
We've pandered to every tiny special interest group by sexual definition, self or pre-ordained, by level of oppression.
Meanwhile, we've stayed in losing and brutal wars all my adult life.

8. For all that, my special disgust is about the ecosystem and Democratic bullshit.
Building highways. Extending airports. Expanding seaports. Building battery factories. Building lithium mines. Tripling or quadrupling copper mining, smelting, transportation, waste disposal.

9. The utter refusal to acknowledge that industrial actions are powered by fossil fuels and performed on mined materials.
The offhand confidence that we can build 3 billion electric cars and pickup trucks, in factories which we're spending half a trillion dollars to build.
10. The poisons. There is nearly no bee-killing poison imagined by billionaire corporations which the Biden administration won't approve before dark on the first day.
Of course, if they didn't this bizarre corrupt SCOTUS would probably override them the following week.

11. People always tell me that if a politician told the truth - if a politician said, "Look at the dip in this chart. That's the economic slowdown at the onset of Covid.
We know several ways to reduce emissions today. We must," they could never get elected.

12. So instead we elect a President who talks this great Climate game and literally runs the whole global economy into an orgy of fossil fuel extraction, refinement, transportation, and burning.
For (no, I'm serious) The Climate.
An orgy of mining and manufacturing, shipping and

13. Warehousing, bulldozing and paving.
Never so much fire. Never. In all of history, never, so much hot exhaust, so much mine tailings, so much motherfucking plastic in the oceans, and -
We know where all that plastic comes from.
If we don't like where it goes, like into us,

14. Into our bowels, our blood, past the blood brain barrier, into the very seat of our person, and we still won't even discuss not making it.
Yes, the entire global economy would collapse without plastic packaging.
It has to. We can't survive it. The global economy.

15. Spare me, please, the part where fifteen or fifty people tell me maturely that this isn't realistic.
There are two possibilities.
One is, the high energy high speed economy runs forever.
I think there is evidence otherwise.
The other possibility is, the various concentrated

16. Forms of energy, fire and electricity, are going to become permanently unavailable.
When I speak of collapse, that is specifically the point of collapse which I mean.
We're already in mid collapse. Donald Tmurp is living proof. Every flood, every fire, every drought,

17. The national refugee migration, coral bleaching.
Does anyone remember 1973? The Arab Oil Embargo?
We got a glance at that sort of thing when Covid landed, too.
And, you know... Toilet paper.
I don't think there is an issue anywhere in the world more critical than

18. the current accelerating socio/ecosystem catastrophe within which we are living.
The whole world is one oligarchy. Putin and his gang, Koch and his, Mush and his, Xi and his, all one oligarchy. They own all the media, all the productive resources, all the good farmland.

19. The Republican party looked at Dimnald Motherfucking Tmurp and said, "On this hill we will die. Win or lose, promised land or desert, we're with the Oligarchy and their boy Tmurp."
I'd like to see us go the other way:
We're going to tell you the truth about energy, about fuel

20. We're going to advocate for real energy throughput reductions starting now.
Imagine if Pete B, instead of flying around crowing about our latest extravagant expenditures of diesel fuel, asphalt oil, and concrete, in order to provide services to higher energy transportation.

21. I listen to Kamala Harris, to Joe Biden - no less an engineer than Nobel Prize Winner Paul Krugman pronounced Biden's plan as some kind of gold standard.
We're doing it.
Everything is getting worse faster than any scientist dared predict. They're saying so themselves.

22. We need to energy budget every day. Every economic choice.
It is no exaggeration: the everyday economic definition of "efficiency" does not take energy as a measure. Nothing matters more.
If we could halve energy use by doubling workers in any given process, that would be