Unconstrained Analytics on What the Muzzies are up to



We warned that there would be turbulence from the Islamic Movement going back to last June. Al Issa of the WML fronting for KSA laying the groundwork for defamation of Islam, China brokering a detente between Iran and KSA, Color Revolution in Israel, the list goes on. So, when Oct 7 occurred, it was understood not as a discrete event but as the opening play of a sustained operation that already had the street activities prepared, narratives set, and an attack on Mudi(sp?) - something also amplified by ISI and the Kalistani stuff.

Start knowing what you see.

2) BTW - the first pieces on Christian Nationalism posted in 2022, the ones that lined out the interactive nature of Islamic Movement assets with Marxist (and, alas, Lincoln Project GOPe) assets, along with coordinated interactive narratives capable of supporting interoperable C3 - could be understood to reflect the early phase in the OPE process (Operation Preparation of the Environment) for upcoming events dependent on a pre-sculpted information battlespace.

This means that nothing that happens will be random, especially those that appear to be so.

With the Left wanting to isolate patriotic Christians by treating them as unbalanced and under-sophisticated, the Islamic Movement wants them roughed up and disoriented to transition them to an anti-semitic posture b/c they see Conservative Christians as among the strongest allies of Israel.

But what are these narratives building to? The de jure criminalization of Christianity (much of which has already been de facto criminalized)?

Manufacturing the conditions for something like another Waco?



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