Web3 and Samizdat


Samizdat (forbidden texts) is hard with Web1 and Web2... neither has a notion of 'distribution' (an inconvenience) or really of 'immutability' (a deal killer for censorship).

You can take a hash of data and know for sure you are seeing the same data (at least for now, until quantum computers ramp up (if they haven't already), and with some hashing algos) but sadly it is hard to *find* what you want -- think of BitTorrent. You need trackers, but those get trashed by TPTB, and you need a distributed hash table, but those will get you a DMCA takedown notice if you put the wrong data into them and it pisses someone off. Such is life in Web 2.0.

We learned, long ago of course, that any *CENTRALISED SERVICE* was vulnerable -- the Elite can 'hack' DNS or 'the Cloud' and run Assange or Anglin off the web. Their crowd of Toadies (I doubt the elite have l33t skillz) can even make a go at running you off TOR. Admittedly, a network invented by the Union Navy and 'Intelligence Community'.

Web3 is harder -- first, it has a heuristic (technically not an algorithm because that is provably impossible) for hardening the 'distributed' part, and it has not just a Turing Machine (approximation) but a global *UNIVERSAL* Turing machine (approximate too of course), the EVM or Ethereum Virtual Machine and its financial contracts -- the difference between a mere TM and a UTM is of course the whole point of 'mathematical universality'. A UTM takes an integer and makes a programme out of it -- rather like Goedel numbers and Number Theoretical Proofs -- as Kronecker, the Cantor-skeptical said ... 'God made the Integers, all else is the work of Man.'

No one can really own the integers, so no one can defeat Universality. But oh, have they tried. (((Monkeys))) with sticks and rubber hoses can do fine where Angels fear to thread.

All well and good and as I described at the auld phora. (so look up the weird pastebin link or 'geoengineering' and maybe you will find all the old threads)

So, let's look at my old 'web2' solution to Samizdat and how it needs to change for Web3 -- oh, by Web3, I mean, using the 'blockchain' for provable time of transaction, together with a go at distributed transactions that solve the Sibyl attack and Byzantine Generals coordination problem. And the EVM -- in other words, Bitcoin and Ethereum and the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) as examples. http://webtorrent.io is also worth looking at, and has lots of nice IPFS features.


The web2 solution I came up with had predictable flaws, but I called it pURL + Markdown + Pastebin.

The basic idea is you can author in syntax called markdown, put the result on pastebin (a hacker sharing site for text), and link it with a pURL: https://purl.archive.org/purl/asset/d/patient-zero

In this example, I've created a 'persistent' URL (pURL) using a purl resolver hosted at archive.org (a somewhat censorship resistant site). to a PDF I'm hosting in an Amazon bucket.

Thus, if you click purl.org//asset/d/patient-zero you should get a PDF version of a thread from Salo on AIDs and Patient Zero (the Samizdat) by redirecting to here:

That's the 'pURL' part.

Now PDFs are fine but you really want something not 'so big' that the end user can convert to HTML or PDF or the latest format. That's a bit harder... so we use a purl that points to pastebin.

Here's an article on Geoengineering and Climate hoaxes that I first linked on the Phora, and turned into Web2 Samizdat...

If you take that text from pastebin... you can paste it into https://dillinger.io/ (left hand size), 'save your session' [ far left panel and it saves the work as an HTML5 file your browser can find in the future, even offline?] and select 'render as PDF' (or HTML if you prefer) and now you have a handy artifact which you can read, torrent, etc. and pass it on.

So what's the problem... more to come on this thread. But bascially, DNS, pastebin, and even dillinger.io might be shut down if 'the Bees are angry' as Pooh Bear might say.

previous go at this topic: https://tunisbayclub.com/index.php?threads/about_purl.362/


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So... you want to make 20 Million USD selling jpegs of 'Bored Niggers'... here's my short explanation of ERC-721:

Here's a bit of ERC-721 metadata standard with a few edits to point the way:

    "title": "Asset Metadata",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Identifies the asset to which this NFT represents"
        "description": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Some semantic web juju I''ll explain later about how how to connect web2 and web3 named entities"
        "image": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Your weaponized meme here, stored in IPFS: https://tunisbayclub.com/index.php?threads/meme-laboratory-weaponised-memes.49/"

What is 'ERC-721'? https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/3.x/erc721

tl;dr - 'the way to connect web2 and web3 is using the Semantic Web'


Preview of coming attractions


Not just hair. Maybe blogs too.

DM me if you want to be a geeky technical member of the NextCrust in web3 architecture -- I'll give you an email address where you can contact me, or just say you want me to contact you at your email address of Whitespace Record.

Ludovici said, that the role olf the Aristocracy is to set TASTE for a culture. I am intervening in Duh Culcha of Duh Region now, if you get my Chicagoland drift.

tl;dr Fleek (3.0.1) is the new Substack (2.5). Choose wisely.
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This thread is more important than it looks.[1]

[1]: https://whigdev.com/white/index.php?threads/the-game-of-threads.2649/

Now on 'web3' (fleek [sign up for free acct at fleek.co and select the free plan] is a pinning service for IPFS, the interplanetary file system), as well as something for Blockchain which I will discuss sometime.


This file, in the IPFS system, as a 'content ID' (CID) of

the 'ancient-lab-1401' is just a human readable 'commit ID' (if you know what Git is and how to use it in anger). In fact, this particular 'blawg' is just an .html file you can already find in the Macrobius Github: https://github.com/macrobius/KitsapSearch/tree/master/games/GameOfGames -- but that's the point. If Github decides to 'cancel Macrobius' then the files are still mirrored in IPFS.

So, when I uploaded that github repo to fleek, they gave me 'verify' link to double check they had it published in IPFS:

You can directly verify that fleek is pinning your IPFS content ID (expect to wait a long time of you click this... FREEDOM ISN'T FREE and certainly isn't as fast as whatever the Regime wants you to see. Get used to that.)


There are plenty of services willing to be the backend CMS (content management service -- like WordPress or Vbulletin5 say) in the 'static website' concept of late-Web2.5, and 'serverless architecture'. Such services have serious problems though -- they are central servers and easily taken down in censorship operations, for example.

IPFS is a critical part of the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) eco system. NFTs often use Ethereum ERC-721 metadata standard to store... multimillion dollar Bored Apes and things like that. SBF and his Elite Elf Girlfriend[2]: would be *very* sad if the powers that be took down IPFS....

[2]: https://www.gawker.com/money/are-these-caroline-ellisons-tumblrs

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