Who is the Best Internet Troll?

Perhaps. Eventually Evolution doesn't care what you think or why you think it.

The three way battle between Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryotes is very instructive.[1]

Laws (behaviours) and the relation of behaviour to genetics guarantees that Law evolves... if it doesn't then those people die out.

A law of a people must eventually have some value for the organisms and their reproduction, or else it dies out. What good is being a Jew? Why should Nature care?

I am a naturalist so no disagreement from me. Nature is the pattern that needs to be honored one way or the other for success in this world of strife. Where are the Shakers today?
Weev denies being Jewish and I think you get banned on Andrew Anglin's site if you suggest Weev is Jewish.
Weev once said when accused of being Jewish "You mean a Semite?" and then denied. I would say he is parsing the semantics here, i.e. he is of Khazarian extraction, although I doubt such a thing as pure Khazarian Jew.

Here is a long academic answer. As to a shorter answer, I'd assume that it has something to do with traditions of rape and assimilation, by having the mother pass on most of the membership and some of the cultural knowledge you can insulate your group from having an event like culling your first borns and most of your males.
Okay. Yes, that would make sense. Also, Kane stated something very interesting. I didn't know about maternal versus paternal. It sounds like it is a mixture of these two responses that would explain the answer to my question. He said the following:
I think it goes by the mother because you can prove who the mother is and because the baby literally comes out of the mother. Before genetics you couldn't prove who the father was.
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Guess who the imposter was? Jonathan Lee Riches showed me that you could file bogus lawsuits through the middle district of Florida.


Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
I had to do a lil digging as the link wasnt parsing the thread correctly. Copying here for poasterity

Counter Semite;11178855 said:
Dear Dr. David,

I have jew ass cancer. Thanks to the Jews I never had health insurance. Please contact me about leaving you as my sole heir (appx 350,000 USD counting the house and I already let my kids know). I'm also going to be sending you half of my social security every month because I know you'll spend it wisely to SAVE OUR RACE. Thanks for your hard work, doctor. Have a white day.

inno a satana;11180025 said:
I guess I should have looked a little deeper... That post looks like the person is a National Bolshevik or something. What's Jew ass cancer anyway?

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Possible NPC
Some of the characters on the old Phora were hilarious. Il Ragno was a genius writer (although perhaps not the nicest person in the world). Fade was often funny, and many others. Most of their names I forget now. Early Stormfront was actually great too (while it was still small and everyone pretty much knew each other). VNN Forum and MootStormfront were great forums for trolling too. All those old forums were great. So much better than anything on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
I liked those days only because I was bigger in those days. I could write a forum or blog post and it would disseminate. Now with social media, I hardly get any readers or engagement at all. I had pretty much circle of crust wide readership. Now I'm back to the drawing board, scheming about how I will get a new audience. The good thing about reddit though as opposed to twitter or substack is that it's based on categories instead of having a giant list of followers.


Possible NPC
I wouldn't use the word "best" but the most effective troll I know of is Oliver D. Smith, combining absolute psychopathy with a focussed work ethic.

There's something about an internet forum that makes for more effective trolling than modern websites. I think it's because on an internet forum, each post is treated equally, while on modern websites, you only have a "comment section." A comment isn't equal to an opening post. Comments don't receive equal attention as posts in a thread.

In the sub "whatsmyideology"
Here's one:
Basically i am a free business communist who is a national militarist fascist hyper proggressive but is there a better name for it
entire post:
Economics:I want to kill the rich and i want to kill people like jeff bezos elon musk and mark zuckerburg in a violent revolution but i think people can sell whatever they want like guns or swords or drugs and no pon control btw and i think the state should not have taxes like bro fuck taxes Social issues:I want for all men to have less rits and we need to overthrow the partriarchy abortion should be mandatory and also transgenderism is based and i think straight people should be the only ones to be taxed also we should genocide bigots Race:i think white people and are more intelligent and black hispanic asian arab indian slavs jews ect should all be genocided and also we need to captured escaped ones(i want an ethnostate) Goverment:i think that there should be a goverment to enforce all these laws however the main reason the goverment should exist is to stop opposition also i am against free speech if u say smth i disagree with you should be killed Foreign policy: i think the us should go to war with pretty much everyone we should invade canada and mexico and then go into central and south america and we should declare war on the uk and eu and invade them also invade the middle east and africa and go to war with the brics nations as well as everyone in the pacific ig we could allow some countrys like mongolia and greece to exist Basically i am a free business communist who is a national militarist fascist hyper proggressive but is there a better name for it


Bring back the Troll Bar.

(old timers know that this was a bit of a 'javascript bookmark' [back when those were legal] that could make people 'evaporate' from the SB using the magick of CSS and JS... worked everywhere in the Crust at one time)


Vijay Prozak and the A.N.U.S. needs a place here.

I dunno what ever became of this guy and his troll collective but he was the Weev analog of his day

A highly intelligent and effective troll, more smarts than comedy tho

I consider him as primarily a philosopher, and only secondarily as a troll
Thank you. I'm still here, like many GNAA alums, and writing at amerika.org and deathmetal.org.


What's GNAA?
The uh... Homosexual African-American Association of America.
