Your Car Is Tracking You Just as Much as Your Smartphone Is

Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
Was Jörg Haider's drive by wire system and ABS possibly hacked, using the following devices?
Here, a candle gets activated via satellite:



The final exam for Tesla's latest update is... you guessed right... Costco Parking Lot

Not killing Costco customers with EVs is a stretch goal I guess. Or maybe they are expendable.

'My car just killed some white dude in the Costco parking lot' 'Have you tried deleting your cookies and shopping at Walmart instead?'

I'll wait until they send an armoured driverless vehicle into the Detroit Ghetto and it survives in the wild *with its tyres*

OK... NOW you're ready for Mars.

Empress Cheesatine

Your Swabian Empress
I have a Subaru with a Starlink console and they don't seem to do all this tracking. I got my free consumer report dealy-bob from LexisNexis and this kind of info isn't on it. I have a full Starlink sub because it has GPS and remote commands which I absolutely need in this hellscape of car theft. Costco jacked up my insurance for reasons unknown as I have no accidents and have never been pulled over and only got hit once for speeding by a photo radar vehicle. All other times I've gotten away with it. :D

I switched to Costco after Liberty Mutual tried jacking my rates $500/yr. I mean holy shit, dude!
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