Your values/ideology

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
Muh personal values/principles (more or less in order of importance):

Pious mysticism and wisdom

From this flows the few ideological principles I hold:

Traditional families
Competitive co-operation

William Score

Possible NPC
Would anyone dispute the importance of the values you mentioned? Im fine with "intervention" economically though and deem it necessary to stop businesses drom betraying the people. One can either have total state control or at least corporatism to guarantee the wealthy classes do use their position in a manner to harm the nation.

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
Would anyone dispute the importance of the values you mentioned? Im fine with "intervention" economically though and deem it necessary to stop businesses drom betraying the people. One can either have total state control or at least corporatism to guarantee the wealthy classes do use their position in a manner to harm the nation.
Yea theres plenty of poople who find those values objectionable, like,

Weak-willed and hedonistic poople are often jealous of self-discipline, to the point of scorning it in extreme cases; same with strength, itz "ableism"

Atheists think piety is backwards superstition for tards.

Organized religionists often scorn mysticism as heretical and bogus

Social darwinists and knuckleheads conflate kindness with weakness

Gluttons and economic materialists think asceticism is stupid and anathema to their economic model

Progressives are obsessed with destroying tradition

Urbanoids think self-reliance is an outdated value

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
One can either have total state control or at least corporatism to guarantee the wealthy classes do use their position in a manner to harm the nation.
In my view, the state should only punish the wealthiest capitalists, while leaving small businesses largely untouched. This prevents end-stage capitalism, that is the accumulation of the lion's share of wealth at the top (which is what we have now)

Socialism is objectionable because it punishes ALL businesses. BIG business can cope with socialist regulation better than small businesses. Often to the point where socialist regulation serves as an entry barrier for newbs, bolstering the big capitalists in their market position

Rawhide "Doug" Kobayashi

Сила бога-нам подмога
Above all, I'd say my conception of good and right is based on the concept of loyalty to one's own in-group, friends etc., even at the expense of overall societal morality: I'd see a mother who helped her son bury a body as far more of a good, decent human being than one who'd snitch him to the police based on some abstract ideal of "doing the right thing", because being incapable of being trusted and being cowardly are the two most acute forms of evil I can think of in my life (as cowardliness is always bossed around by those with more power, and thus becomes the handmaiden to evil).

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
Above all, I'd say my conception of good and right is based on the concept of loyalty to one's own in-group, friends etc., even at the expense of overall societal morality: I'd see a mother who helped her son bury a body as far more of a good, decent human being than one who'd snitch him to the police based on some abstract ideal of "doing the right thing", because being incapable of being trusted and being cowardly are the two most acute forms of evil I can think of in my life (as cowardliness is always bossed around by those with more power, and thus becomes the handmaiden to evil).
This is bogus and twisted morality

If a mother is helping her son dispose of victims murdered for no good reason then she is a piece of shit, despite her otherwise decent virtue of loyalty

Evil that is loyal to another evil is corrupted loyalty. The greater evil takes precedence over the corrupted virtue. They would both be put to death under a good and decent regime

Rawhide "Doug" Kobayashi

Сила бога-нам подмога
This is bogus and twisted morality

If a mother is helping her son dispose of victims murdered for no good reason then she is a piece of shit, despite her otherwise decent virtue of loyalty

Evil that is loyal to another evil is corrupted loyalty. The greater evil takes precedence over the corrupted virtue. They would both be put to death under a good and decent regime

is bogus and twisted morality

If a mother is helping her son dispose of victims murdered for no good reason then she is a piece of shit, despite her otherwise decent virtue of loyalty

Evil that is loyal to another evil is corrupted loyalty. The greater evil takes precedence over the corrupted virtue. They would both be put to death under a good and decent regime

Evil is subjective, because morality itself is subjective to a certain point: The Bhagavad Gita states that the only true "evil" in this world is failing to complete the virtue of your karma, whatever that may be, through laziness or cowardice, and indeed that every person being a transpiring, temporal being, will fall into doing both good and evil acts: But one must become attached to neither, so that one must always be able to fulfill their prescribed duty to others, and purpose to self; Adi Shankaracharya in the Brahmana Sutras stipulates that Good and evil ultimately have no real differentiation in the abstract (beginning on pg 346), as they are both motivated by an inherent self-interest, and that the only real good is that which brings you closer to a universal knowledge and liberation from all attachments and emotions, and evil being the laziness associated with avoiding this realisation.

I often use the example of the Mesoamericans sacrificing youths in extremely painful ways as an example of 'evil' in one sense, but then to them, it was the ultimate good because the only worthy sacrifice they could think of to give retribution to the world and sustenance is the one thing they valued and loved the most: their own children.

Evil is subjective, because morality itself is subjective, due to purpose being subjective, and that doing what we can to follow our own path is the only absolute objective. That's truly the way I see it.
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Rawhide "Doug" Kobayashi

Сила бога-нам подмога
As an interesting side note, some Sufis (such as Al-Nasaf'i) do not believe in the inherent existence of either good or evil, because both occur in equal measure within the world, and, because Allah is perfect and the existence of his creation is a reflection of his perfection, anything that is either good or evil ultimately eminates from god and thus cannot be considered as something to be inherently malicious, but rather, that which Allah allows:

"There is not one bad attribute, but one group of people manifest those attributes in an inappropriate placee and say, "that attribute is bad." There is nothing bad in this world. Rather, all things are good in their proper place. If some [attributes] are not in their right place, then they are called "bad". God Most High did not create anything bad; He created everything well."

In other words, similar to the Vedic conception of evil, there is no such real thing as something that is inherently evil, but rather, attributes are misplaced in the perspective of others in a certain context of time and space (getting a bit quantum here); But even then, as this is what Allah alloweth, so too, it is perfection of nature incarnate.

This is why, from my perspective, disloyalty to your charges and cowardice are the only true evils: The former is abandoning your duty based on attributes that are not part of your own karmic destiny or dharmic calling (in this case, a mother always protecting her children as healthy, sound mothers inherently always do), while the latter is absconding from it altogether.
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Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron

Sounds like a Foreskinner enterprise. I've heard it said that genuine Satanists are persons of whom one would least expect them to be of such

...LaVey was born Howard Stanton Levey on April 11, 1930 in Chicago, Illinois. His father, Michael Joseph Levey (1903–1992), from Chicago, married LaVey's mother, Gertrude Augusta née Coultron, born to a Georgian father and Ukrainian mother, both of whom immigrated to Ohio in 1893 and became naturalized American citizens in 1900...
Here, another opportunist riding the Satanist running board:

...I assume this is one of his products.. That post to Instagram was mysteriously deleted…

...“Being called a demon is something I can cope with, and the idea of a trans demon is pretty d— cool, most of my work focusses on gothic or dark and satanic imagery...

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I've become a lot more left winged on economics when I started thinking of Corporations as the enemy instead of Government as the enemy. However I'm more centrist on social issues.

I'm moderate on race too. I want the white race to survive, but I don't want a Black and White person hanging out together to be kicked out of a restaurant or movie theater.
I consider myself a transcendental naturalist, or a Taoist if you prefer minus the pacifism. Nature is our guide. God is a coupling of nature and mankind's higher consciousness which is barely understood at this stage in our history. God's creation so to speak is darwinistic. Darwin was a priest. Economic life should be patterned on nature, which is to say countless redundant systems, therefore I am fundamentally anti globalist. Corporate bodies are the home of manifest evil. Many who work for corporations are good people but serve a power that is almost always antihuman. The world is a place of strife. This is a fact of life and cannot be ignored. Violence must be used judiciously, like animals in nature (our beloved house cats excluded) who only fight when necessary for food or when attacked. Mankind now fights for a collection of satanic corporations intent on the enslavement of mankind.

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
I've become a lot more left winged on economics when I started thinking of Corporations as the enemy instead of Government as the enemy. However I'm more centrist on social issues.

I'm moderate on race too. I want the white race to survive, but I don't want a Black and White person hanging out together to be kicked out of a restaurant or movie theater.
The trickle-up wealth accumulation is a very serious consequence of the times and system we live in, this end-stage capitalism

In the USA, Govnoment is something that is co-opted and controlled by Big Business interests, for the most part. The ancillary sectors ("defense", energy, health, unions, ideological cadres) are waxing and waning in govt influence level, but one sector has been in total control for at least 100 years: banking. Their influence has been pervasive for so long that the visions and ideas of bean-counters, usurers, and finance capitalists is infused into everything around us
In the time between my two phora stints (the one in 2006-2007 and the one in 2022-present), I realized that meritocracy is a total lie. It's not what you know, it's who you know. My whole worldview basically changed. I changed from Fox News on steroids to an advocate for the little guy and the disenfranchised.