Ukraine-Russia WAR updates


If they run out of soldiers, the US will just hire mercs. Then again: Russian performance in this war has been abysmal.

Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
If they run out of soldiers, the US will just hire mercs. Then again: Russian performance in this war has been abysmal.
Not to be a jerk, but I dont think u understand exactly whats goin on here

Where is GloboHomo gonna find a million mercenaries to endure something approximatin' the Battle of the Somme?

That's about the same size as the Ukrop army on the ground, give or take a couple hundred thou. The number of foreign mercs is probly way less than 50k

Nobody's gonna go thru this hell where they will surely die or become disabled, for a couple hundred ZOGbux a week

The ones who hate Russia enough to rattle their sabers in favor of supportin' Ukrainium are too fat and happy livin' a soft life to give it up to go die in a trench or buried or burnt alive


And here is a reminder that Western money is not only buying the Ukes their weapons, but also paying the wages their state machinery needs to keep on functioning at all (that is, they are currently functioning very corruptly, but Western aid makes the difference between "mere" chronic disease and outright death pangs for their social system).

In other words, the West is buying Ukraine not only "guns," without which they could not fight, but also "butter," without which they would starve.



"Those who are now being drafted and trained will not be with us until October."

So according to this source, it takes about six months of training to turn newly mobilized people into somewhat useful fighters. By this same standard, as Russia started its own modest mobilization in the late September 2022, it was not until March 2023 that those folks were joining the fray. During this time period, the Battle of Bakhmut was waged and Prigozhin's Wagner company bore Russia's burden of the fight to an exceptional extent.



The Russians are still trying to keep up their pretense of interfering to help ethnic Russians (note: settled there by the Soviets). Macron seems ready to send French troops. My guess is the US is going to double down on artillery and anti-aircraft weapons in order to slow the Russian advance. China is waiting for the West to commit ground troops so that it can open up the Pacific Theater, since in the grand Chinese tradition of cloning the inventions of others, they are trying to re-create Imperial Japan's Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.