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  1. Grimsrud

    Ukraine-Russia WAR updates

    What a fucking clown. "Abusing?" Mongols are made to fight. Same deal with Chechens. They're doing what they love. What they were born to do.
  2. Grimsrud

    The old Phora was a beautiful place...

    BAP showed up around the time of the Lyceum fiasco, his name was either Hyperion or beachstud90210 at the time, can't remember which. Billy was banned after the Lyceum affair.
  3. Grimsrud

    The old Phora was a beautiful place...

    Yes. Glenn Miller challenging Martin Lindstedt to a fight in a south Missouri Walmart parking lot was indeed beautiful. Gone forever :cry:
  4. Grimsrud

    Ukraine-Russia WAR updates

    Too bad Russia didn't figure out how to jam HIMARS before they were used to push them out of Kherson.
  5. Grimsrud

    Should Nerds Be Involuntarily Euthanised?

    We have to kill them all, before they kill us!
  6. Grimsrud

    Looking for archives

    It should stay that way. Anyone who doesn't have an old Phora account that wants to poke around the old site probably has bad intentions.
  7. Grimsrud

    Bidet goes to Pooland

    Important Po(o)land related tweet
  8. Grimsrud

    Ukraine-Russia WAR updates

    They are also filled with fantasies of Western economic prosperity. Many of those imbeciles believe they would be living in a wealthy nation today if not for bad old Russia. The same cargo cult mentality about western prosperity is found in most of Eastern Europe.