New Left vs. Old Left


Class Reductionist
I think the Jews were apostates too, in general. They were sort of x-Jews.

A big thing about the American left is that White working class people have not been very receptive to it. So in order to have some base of support, they need to rely on non-Whites. I get that, but you would think the goal would be to not drive even more Whites away.


I think the Jews were apostates too, in general. They were sort of x-Jews.

That is correct. Those Jews who remained Orthodox, living amongst their own people in ghettoes and shtetls - they were not the kind of Yids who would consume or promote Bolshevist ideas. (For one thing, keeping their women strictly under male thumb was very important for the Haredim.)

Only those Jews who rebelled and moved out into the gentile world became fanatical revolutionaries.

This was the kind of Leftist Yiddish "folk culture" that spread into the Western civilization with the mass migration of Jews westwards in the late 19th and early 20th centuries:



You can find very many gentiles whose worldview resemble that of Karl Marx (starting with Engels, and Marx himself made his doctoral dissertation about Epicurus, the great materialist "enlightener" of the ancient world), and also very many Jews who are nothing like Marx (like the superstitious Hasidic Jews who go on pilgrimages to the graves their "wonder-working rebbes").

For this reason it is not quite intellectually honest to just say, "Marxism was/is Jewish," without any caveat or qualification. It simply is not that simple.
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Cultural Marxism is an ideology of White or European extermination. They tell us so, as will their white anti-white recruits. An ideologue can threaten the most genocidal intent toward Whites generally and get a job in the ivies, but let them criticize the Palestinian massacres in the Levant and such ideologues get their walking papers post haste


Class Reductionist
I'm sure a true national socialist will consider Marx a Jew because of his bloodline, but it's interesting that by religion, he was actually raised as a Protestant. I think his "On the Jewish Question" writing shows that he was at least critical of Jews.
I'm sure a true national socialist will consider Marx a Jew because of his bloodline, but it's interesting that by religion, he was actually raised as a Protestant. I think his "On the Jewish Question" writing shows that he was at least critical of Jews.
Much of what goes on with Jews seems to be via a genetic predisposition, but and I’m not an expert on Marx per se wasn’t his father a rabbi? And anyway during that period in history the mask of evil intent toward Europeans as a people needed to stay firmly on the head. But always the Jews throw their money and influence behind opportune movements that disempower European people. They certainly hated the aristocrats because power under that system was caught up in land, so naturally they advocated for the bourgeoisie,which was closer to their own source of power, stock exchanges.


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Class Reductionist
I'm wiki educated.
Marx's family was originally non-religious Jewish but had converted formally to Christianity before his birth.
Marx also had a fallout with Moses Hess. Moses Hess basically was an original Zionist. They fell out when Hess decided he was Zionist instead of Socialist.

edit: The interesting thing is that when Hitler made his race laws, he made sure Marx wouldn't be counted as non-Jewish. The way he did it was by going by the religion of the grandparent. 3 Jewish grandparents = Jew. 2 Jewish grandparents and you get to choose if you're Jewish. Those were the Nazi laws.
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Class Reductionist
Just like the right has its obsession with Jews, the left has its obsession with identity politics. I mean you have to support every single fringe group imaginable to fit into a leftist group. I'm unique in that I'm left on economics but moderate on social issues. But in the past, that wasn't so unique. There were a lot of people like that.


Hitler himself acknowledged that Marx had not been "that special," and had largely just built upon already existing radical elements (the traditions of Enlightenment materialism), but giving them a new, more politically efficient form:

Marxism was not created in a vacuum. It could only come into being in a world that was already decaying and already infected with ideas similar to it. Hitler describes the role of Karl Marx thus:
. . . international Marxism itself is just the transformation, by the Jew Karl Marx, of a long existing World-Concept into a definite political profession of faith. Without the widespread pre-existing foundation of such a poison, the amazing political success of this doctrine would never have been possible. Among millions of people, Karl Marx was the one man who, with the sure eye of the prophet, recognized the poisons essential to his plan were already in the swamp of a slowly decaying world. He separated and identified those poisons, like a black magic wizard, to make a concentrated solution he could use to speed the destruction of the free nations on this earth. All this was done to serve his race.[22]

And indeed, around 1840, when Marx began his radical career, Europe was already full of revolutionary and subversive sentiments. One of Marx's notable rivals in this area was the Russian nobleman Mikhail Bakunin, who (together with the Frenchman Pierre-Joseph Proudhon) became the founder of modern Anarchist movement.
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At first, this may seem like sheer shitheaded New Left decadence - but no, the original Bolsheviks already were like that! For they coldly labeled all peasants (or at least all those peasants who owned a little bit of land of their own, let alone employed others) as members of "petty-bourgeoisie"! Only urban workers (especially those who worked in factories) counted as "true proletarians" for them! This orthodox Marxist definition meant that great majority of the people of the Russian Empire were actually "lower middle class" at the time of the Bolshevik takeover:

Bela Kun wrote in Pravda in May 1918:

“The internal enemy” of the proletarian Russian Revolution is constituted first and foremost by the lower middle classes. The expropriation of the expropriators being carried out at present does not represent the most serious obstacle in the path of proletarian dictatorship. In the path of the expropriation of capital the obstacles are of a purely objective nature. The small group of large capitalists has not the masses on its side, and therefore speedily becomes powerless in face of the armed proletariat. The lower middle classes of society, on the other hand, represent a considerable section of the population, especially in Russia—to say nothing of the propertied section of the peasantry. To reckon with the wishes of these lower middle classes would mean the halting half-way of the work of the Revolution: it would mean an end of the aspirations towards the destruction of capitalism.
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Class Reductionist
According to Berianidze/Besoshvilli, a big part of the split between Trotskyism and Stalinism is that Stalin wanted an alliance with the peasantry and Trotsky didn't.


The Russian Communist party keeps upholding "Old Left" values:

At 75, Kharitonov is the oldest candidate on the ballot. A veteran Communist Party politician who has been a State Duma deputy since 1993, Kharitonov ran for president in 2004, coming in second to Putin with 13.7 percent of the vote.
This time, Kharitonov ran a low-key campaign, focused on Soviet-era issues, including criticising capitalism, promoting industrial nationalisation and an increase in the Russian birth rate.


Class Reductionist
The term used to stigmatize old school Marxists is "class reductionists." They fire back calling new school identity politics supporters "race reductionists." That there has been discrimination against Blacks and non-Whites in America is beyond doubt. However, most of the laws that directly address this discrimination were passed in 1965. On the other hand, the gap between the rich and the poor is not an issue that has been seriously addressed in American politics.


Like the Old Left could sometimes seem inspiring in a masculine-heroic manner (think about Stalingrad or Vietcong), so likewise "Old Liberalism" used to have much more seductive sexy appeal than decrepit modern Liberalism now does:
