Protestant Foibles (Prod self-criticism thread)



This failure is readily explained with two elements: loss of faith and elitist, quasi-racist attitude.
The first is self-evident: if you have a shred of fear of the Lord remaining, you don’t bless sexual perversion. But this is exactly the thing you do if your faith has died and feel-good “inclusiveness” has taken its place. The sect members in England believe in the new god of inclusiveness and niceness. The 85% believe, with all their faults, in the real one.
The second is also apparent: there can be no doubt the English “Anglicans” knew this was coming. There is also no doubt that, under normal circumstances, such a divisive, massively unpopular proposal would not have gone forward. But you see, the white and bent guys and gals in England clearly think very little of the black and straight members of the sect. Come on, who do these people think they are? Shall we submit to a bunch (actually, a multitude) of coloured guys telling us, the original article, what to do and not to do? Ppppfff!!
And so it came to pass that the Anglican Communion was… not Anglican anymore, because it is now completely separated from its English origin.

Gawn Chippin

Arachnocronymic Metaphoron
...the English “Anglicans” knew this was coming...
Aberrationists now served Anglicancelcultorture:

...“Despite 25 years of persistent warnings by most Anglican Primates(?!), repeated departures from the authority of God’s Word have torn the fabric of the Communion...


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This is a complicated issue; I agree that Protestants cannot afford, in a shallow modernist manner, to simply dismiss monasticism as a phenomenon - it must be taken seriously, one way or another. But on the other hand, my own Prod conviction is that those monastic orders that are not engaging in active missionary work (or in fight against evil like their stated great predecessor prophet Elijah did) are indeed indulging in spiritual escapism:



Roman Catholics (and Jews) have always liked to make fun of, or despise, this WASP thriftiness and supposedly tasteless food:




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81% of Americans over 65 are Standing With Israel.
Just 27% of Americans under 34 are Standing With Israel.
Keep in mind that this is the peak of the news cycle when the memory of the surprise Hamas attack on Israel is going to be the most salient in the public mind. Nearly 3/4ths of young people who would be called on to fight in a major war in the Middle East over Israel … DO NOT CARE.
I’m going to get in trouble for saying this, but it is obvious. It is old people who watch cable and network television, who are on Facebook and who listen to Michael Savage and Mark Levin yelling on talk radio who are Standing With Israel. It is old people who are Israel First Dispensationalists. Everyone else my age or younger was raised on the internet and shaped by the Iraq War and its aftermath. Christian Zionism is a passing phase that is dying with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.
Zoomers are checked out. Good luck trying to get them to fight Iran. The core audience watching FOX NEWs, CNN and MSNBC is over 70.


The phony-baloney Mormon theology does not deserve to be blessed with high birthrates - truth matters, and lies will eventually catch up with you:
