WN and Far Right Follies (constructive self-criticism and pro-White internal debate)


Possible NPC
Spencer is just a neoliberal who's honest about what he thinks of people. He's nothing more than this. Why are the real elites by contrast so pathologically dishonest? It is pure religion.


BAP shows his more stupid side - the pagan-Nietzschean imperialist side. This resembles the foolishness of Richard Spencer, who also liked the idea of imperial European Union; both BAP and Spencer have inherited this sort of elitist anti-nationalism from Nietzsche:



It does seem that Biden's stupid speech was meant to pander precisely for the kind of niche audience that Richard Spencer now finds himself in - namely liberals who want to look cool and cruel, ready to use overwhelming force on their enemies:

Fade sez:

"This speech was like seeing Happy Merchant memes IRL at protests. Extremely online weird people don’t realize the internet isn’t real life. Except this was a senile old man who was put up to acting out the Dark Brandon meme on national television for a niche audience of liberals on Twitter."

National Review: Biden’s Catastrophic Speech

September 2, 2022

Hunter Wallace


Joe Biden even managed to repulse conservative liberals like Charles C.W. Cooke with that ridiculous speech he gave last night. He looked like a dictator out of 1984 or V for Vendetta.

National Review:

Really, who thought that was a good idea?
Leave aside the diabolical staging, which managed somehow to turn Independence Hall’s timeless Leveler aesthetic into a Riefenstahl-esque nightmare. Leave aside the presence of the two carefully placed U.S. Marines — which, had the president in front of them had an (R) after his name, would have launched a thousand Atlantic thinkpieces. Leave aside Biden’s clenched fists and his shouting and his wholly unwarranted overconfidence. …”

Who thought that was a good idea?

Obviously, the audience was Libs on Twitter who are sharing the Dark Brandon meme.

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I understand that Meloni is not perfect, but I also understand that she must put first things first. She needs to cash out the high support her party currently enjoys at the election urns.

Meloni's party got only 4,35 % in the 2018 elections, and now is at almost 25 %! That is a big achievement that must not be allowed to slip away:

Getting all that support properly in and registered is the top priority. She cannot commit the blunder of Salvini who overreached in 2019 while poll support for his party was high, and ended up severely sidetracked. Thus she cannot afford any careless slip-ups right now; which means, among other things, no theatrical pro-Putin stuff like Salvini's infamous t-shirt stunt.


BAP acted again in a too queer manner, got called out for it, and now responds by calling his critics "Christian Marxists":




Hunter Wallace​
SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 AT 3:06 PM
I’m not a Christian nationalist.​
I just write about the news and Christian nationalism was in the news in July and August.​
As a Christian, I am sympathetic to Christian nationalism, but I have repeatedly learned through bitter experience that even good ideas can be dragged down by bad people and bad leadership, so I was hardly inclined to jump on that bandwagon. That’s the mistake that I made with the Alt-Right.​
The fact that Christian nationalism was in the news provoked an explosion in anger from the atheist anti-Christian White Nationalists and National Socialists who sperged out in hundreds of anti-Christian rants over the past two months. I got sick and tired of seeing that shit day after day.​
Then college football season started and even though I wasn’t paying any attention to football and was in fact watching videos about 16th, 17th and 18th century English and Scottish history a bunch of people started ranting about how miserable they are that normies are watching football. It just really drove home the fact that these people are deeply, deeply, deeply cranky and miserable and the thought that someone they don’t even know is out having a good time angers them.
I finally just got fed up with it. This extremely angry, bitter, negative, cranky, miserable, depressing atmosphere makes even me want to go do something else like drink a beer and I don’t even drink these days. Who is attracted to this stuff? Who looks at that and thinks to themselves … that’s how I want to feel every single day of my life. That’s how I want to spend my time.​
I just couldn’t help but be struck by the misery that I was seeing from these people and the joy and happiness of the normies that I was seeing driving around town in Auburn. The thought crystallized … no wonder these people don’t want to join the movement because that is the tone and what it sounds like is just repulsive to everyone but very selective personality types who enjoy being angry and miserable and talking about Jews all day and heckling people aren’t don’t share their monomania.​


Some momentary truthfulness from BAP, as he admits he is oftentimes just trying to rustle jimmies with his edgy takes, which are not to be taken literally (they were only "rhetorical tools"):


Lord Osmund de Ixabert

I X A B E R T.com
BAP acted again in a too queer manner, got called out for it, and now responds by calling his critics "Christian Marxists":

He is talking about a particular form of aesthetic beauty. There are three pinnacles of human aesthetic perfection: perfection of the masculine form, perfection of the feminine form, and perfection of the androgynous form. BAP has an aesthetic interest in the masculine perfection.*

* (The androgynous is aesthetically the superior of the three forms of human aesthetic perfection because it harmonises the perfections of both of the sexes. The feminine is merely the most sexually attractive to the male: not the beautifullest. Likewise the masculine is not the highest conceivable form of human beauty; it's just the type that females are hardwired to experience as the most sexually attractive. A hypermasculine or hyperfeminine body has a self-imposed limitation upon the level of aesthetic perfection of which it is capable of attaining, as maleness and femaleness are limitation insofar as they exclude whatever aesthetic qualities are thought to 'belong' to the opposite sex. So they never attain the maximum conceivable degree of human beauty, wherein the aesthetic perfections peculiar to both of the sexes are harmoniously united in the same body. The androgyne is aesthetically the highest of the three sexes. Nonetheless masculine and feminine are capable of attaining to divine levels of beauty which are infinitely superior to anything exhibited in the animal kingdom.)

It may not be my own preferred subject in any art that I do - though in my early childhood all the way up to my late teenage years I was obsessed with making artistic depictions of hypermasculanised male bodies for much the same reason I enjoyed drawing cats, blood, and curtains: there are just certain aspects of it that are fun to draw over and over again. Only people who are into drawing would understand.

My point is, you need not be a homosexual or sex pervert to be aware of aesthetic beauty in male forms. Only a very insecure person who perhaps has sexual perversions of his own would make such an assumption.

For myself personally, the beauty of the male and female bodily forms never had any particular sexual appeal. It is a purely aesthetic appreciation, and I know that because I was perceptive of it since I was three years old, and from that age to about the age of 17 I drew people of both sexes in the nude all the time, in an attempt to capture the beauty of which I was always perceptive and sensitive. I spent all my waking hours for great streches of my childhood trying to draw male beauty, and then female beauty. Now I am mainly interested in female beauty and androgynous beauty (the third sex). Never did I want to fuck any of the things I found beautiful. Age 3-12 I could hardly have been said to be have been motivated by sexual attraction, this capacity having obviously not yet developt at that age.

Just because BAP and I continue to possess the original sensitivity to aesthetic beauty in all forms that we are all born with, but many people seem to lose after years of disuse or suppression -- this does not mean that it must now be a perverted thing, just because we are adults. It's the same innocent interest that we had in childhood and which compelled us to dabble in the arts. There's nothing gay about it. And BAP being a hypermasculine individual is the furthest thing removed from gay that I could possibly imagine.

Nowadays I am interested very different objects of aesthetic perfection than the sort that attracts BAP's interest, and gets him accused of being 'gay'. What he is exhibiting has nothing whatever to do with being 'gay' or wanting to copulate with beautiful people. It was not sexual when I was trying to capture said beauty when I was a 5 year old boy with no interest in sex nor any capacity for sexual attraction. And it is equally true of me now. Aeshetic awareness of the male or female form is not a form of 'sexuality', no matter how sensualistic it might appear. Conflating it with the sexual perversion I regard as an attack upon art itself.

All that BAP has revealed about himself in the foregoing Twitter messages that you have quoted at lenghth is that he is in full possession of his faculties of cognition and perception This distinguishes him from most people who sadly are but dimly aware of human beauty in a bodily form, and are perceptive only of a person's sexual appeal, and conflate that alone with 'beauty'.

I remember how in childhood I did not experience sexual attractions to anything. Yet I was obsessed with the beauty in nude women and nude men, and wanted to draw it all the time. That's how I know that aesthetic perception of beauty in the human form is a separate thing from sexual attraction, no matter how much these may be conflated in the minds of modern hypersexualised people. Just because BAP is still in full possession of all his faculties of perception, and is not so brainwashed as to be blind or but dimly aware of the beauty that does exist in the male human form, and has been the subject of art for thousands of years - that doesn't mean he is 'gay' or a so-called 'homosexual'.

Blindness to any form of beauty is not a merit; it just means one is an idiot. It means you are literally retarded. Your faculties of perception are dysfunctional or partially shut off from lifelong disuse. You suppressed it because you were under the mistsaken impression that perceiving beauty means you want to fuck it.

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Christian Traditionalist Dissident Rightist Nigel Carlsbad trolls and makes fun of Fashy pagan Dissident Rightists (the Twitter crew hanging around BAP), exposing their gullibility and low intellectual standards:




According to the Alt-MSNBC brain trust and various other cranks and idiots in the White Nationalist movement, the biggest problem facing the White race is Christianity, especially evangelical Protestants who are conservative Republican voters and who live in small towns and rural areas.

Just 2% of White evangelical Protestants want to remove and destroy Confederate monuments. White evangelical Protestants score higher on the structural racism index than any other group in the country and consistently have the most rightwing views in the country on the Great Replacement. This group supports a National Divorce and has by far the strongest sense of White identity.



Spencer was always a malignant narcissist who never believed in anything other than Spencer, not even muh Neeeetsheee. He was willing to sell out for a long time. The problem? His personality is so disgusting and his brand so unattractive that he would do more harm than good to any cause he attached himself to. Including shitlibbery. In fact, he was one of the many reasons why I changed my own mind on Ukraine. All he cares about now is vindictive, petty, resentment driven vengeance. Really ironic for Mr. “Nietzschean Übermensch”.
The bigger problem is that e-politics attracts these types. One of the reasons why, despite everything, Christian nationalism is superior. Because it affects people who actually have families and children to protect and motherly and fatherly instincts which such narcissists with psychopathic tendencies totally lack. In the end, even American conservatism achieved more than the entire Alt-Right in all these years. And I never understood why this metrosexual, elitist dandy ever got the attention he had.


James Kirkpatrick of VDARE confesses his foolishness (that he may yet repent) - he fell into Satan's snare by turning his back on Christ just because some of His followers have behaved badly:


The Monitor

Possible NPC
James Kirkpatrick of VDARE confesses his foolishness (that he may yet repent) - he fell into Satan's snare by turning his back on Christ just because some of His followers have behaved badly:

I never believe the tale that other people have driven one out of the faith. Christianity is true, and you can find other believers somewhere. God chooses the times and seasons we live in and the people surrounding us.

(Hi, it's been a while.)


I never believe the tale that other people have driven one out of the faith. Christianity is true, and you can find other believers somewhere. God chooses the times and seasons we live in and the people surrounding us.

(Hi, it's been a while.)

Welcome! I am currently trying to get you to be admitted to the shoutbox.


I would regard this partly as unbeliever's incomprehension of what Christianity is, but partly as genuine, honest bewilderment at how some professing Christians have expertly and ruthlessly wielded worldly power, while other professing Christians are whimpering dhimmis kowtowing profusely to the infidel powers that be, not daring to assert themselves or their people in any manner:

Btw, Leftists too have made fun of these kind of pastors who make forgiveness seem easier than it really is - from the musical Cabaret, where decadent Weimar Germany performers sing mockingly about how Christian preachers do not seem to have real answers to those who are living in hard conditions:

When you haven't any coal in the stove
And you freeze in the winter
And you curse to the wind at your fate
When you haven't any shoes on your feet
Your coat's thin as paper
And you look 30 pounds underweight
When you go to get a word of advice
From the fat little pastor
He will tell you to love evermore

But when hunger comes to rap
Rat-a-tat rat-a-tat at the window
(At the window!)
Who's there? (hunger) oh, hunger!
See how love flies out the door

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A stoopid and cringe neo-Nazi, the "synagogue shooter" type, just the sort that is dim enough to be fooled into rooting for Ukraine (generally speaking, the Slovakian hardcore nationalists are not great Ukrophiles). He has now given the Slovakian shitlibs a cause célèbre:

Alas, he is now apparently dead:
