WN and Far Right Follies (constructive self-criticism and pro-White internal debate)


César Tort is one of the most truly dedicated, and extreme, anti-Christian WNs out there. A genuine fanatic, not just some idle troll, but also a bitter and hopeless (downright nihilistic) dead-ender who in his own way signifies the bankruptcy of Christ-hating Right:

Cesar Tort (Priest of the 14 words)
OCTOBER 17, 2022 AT 8:45 PM
Richie Spencer has been the biggest (among many) Aryan disappointment of my life. I did my best for years to communicate to him my ideas all in vain.

It’s possible that Richie didn’t even read my books I sent to him e.g. Hojas Sussurantes, Day of the Rope, From Jesus to Hitler, Hate & Exterminationism, etc.​
The Aryans’ root problem is their rejection to cross the epistemological Rubicon i.e. the axiomatic Xtian introjection the Aryans received from their parents, so refusing the transvaluation of their values.​

Without rejecting Xtianity and thus crossing the Rubicon Aryans like Richie, Andy Anglin or even Brad are useless. Sorry.​
Hunter Wallace
OCTOBER 17, 2022 AT 9:28 PM
Since Christianity is the source of all our woes, you would think these guys would be able to clear the extremely low bar of opposing transgenderism and drag queens with the moral clarity of, say, Jews like Libs of TikTok, but no, they are incapable of doing even that. Instead, they have devolved into another WN personality cult before disintegrating in spectacular fashion​
In 2022, “alt-right” for the RS crowd means being gayer, goofier and more liberal than the mainstream right​


The Globohomo likes to recruit angry, alienated elements as its cannon fodder; also, this was an easy way for the SBU to infiltrate Russia, simply by sending its agents as "refugees" there.



"Neo-Nazis" who support the pathetic globalist puppet entity that is Maidan Ukraine are really too stupid to survive, and thus deserve to be weeded out by natural selection:

"Russian March" refers to this movement, which has clearly become divided by the Ukrainian war:



An outdated sense of arrogance is indeed a quick way for Anglosphere Dissident Right to lose potential allies:



It does seem that as many formerly Alt Right topics have become more mainstreamed, those fools who feel the need to be "edgy for the sake of edginess" and to always differentiate themselves from normies must try harder and harder provocations to get their edginess fix:

We’re victims of our own success.

If you oppose the Great Replacement or anti-White discrimination or support a National Divorce or define yourself as a nationalist who wants to restrict immigration and defend Christian cultural norms or you are an isolationist who supports a protectionist trade policy and industrial policy, you can do all of this within the boundaries of the political mainstream because all of this is now ordinary conservatism. JD Vance has endorsed causes like raising taxes on the rich and defunding Ukraine. Ron DeSantis believes in wielding state power to punish corporations for taking aggressive stances on culture war issues.

As all of these causes and ideas which used to be associated with the Dissident Right have been normalized and absorbed into the conservative bloodstream, it has left edgy rightwing influencers like Nick Fuentes with less and less material to work with. TRS seems to focus exclusively on Jews these days. #Ye24 is about bringing the swastikas out, denying the Holocaust and insisting that Hitler wasn’t that bad. They have to base their campaign on issues like that because that is where the line is drawn now. Neo-Nazism is still marginalized. Nearly everything else has been normalized because the line has moved.

The Jewish Question was following the same trajectory as all of these other issues. Nick Fuentes was succeeding in pushing the issue into the mainstream and was gaining political traction. Jonathan Greenblatt was becoming the public face of censorship and cancel culture. Jewish power and influence was becoming impossible to ignore. Dave Chappelle was making jokes about it. The taboo on the subject was weakening and a tiny bit of space was opening up to discuss it for the first time. Less than a month ago, it seemed like Greenblatt and the ADL were on their back foot and were losing ground.

And then … Kanye covered the whole issue in crazy sauce.
MILO and Nick who are running Kanye’s presidential campaign allowed him to drop an optical nuke on the Alex Jones Show.


What in the hell are these guys thinking?

As Nick himself said, Marjorie Taylor Greene denounced him when the swastikas came out. Who could ever predicted
that the George Lincoln Rockwell trolling on a street corner act would backfire?


They sat there on the Alex Jones Show with “send in the clowns” playing in the background. The message that was sent could not be more clear. DO NOT TAKE US SERIOUSLY. WE ARE A JOKE.


The internet will never forget that performance!

Note: Aside from these clowns and this self-inflicted disaster which they will never recover from, it was a good year. Smarter and savvier people succeeded in communicating much of our message. We’re not hearing about it because it was digested without devolving into a circus. That’s what Greenblatt and Michael E. Hayden and the usual suspects are rightly upset about.


So many of Fade's commenters seem to be mentally deficient WN 1.0 types who just refuse to see how bad and counter-productive thing this was:

Hunter Wallace
DECEMBER 3, 2022 AT 9:18 AM
The only thing that has happened here is that Nick Fuentes and America First have become politically radioactive. He was making inroads and building bridges into mainstream politics. He had sitting congressmen coming to speak at AFPAC. Nick was disrupting TPUSA events and was threatening Conservatism, Inc and was succeeding in getting young Republicans to take an interest in the Jewish Question. For a few years (2018 to 2020), it was working and he was gaining support.
We’re watching the implosion. Gosar has denounced him. MTG has denounced him. Groypers are spreading rumors about MTG which ensures that AFPAC will be radioactive and no one will ever touch them again with a ten foot pole. Nick has succeeded in associating the Jewish Question with Kanye’s insanity and marginal Neo-Nazism. This is a huge relief and win for the Republican Jewish Coalition, Ron DeSantis and the Republican establishment who are the only winners in this. National Review is delighted this has happened.
You are not “ending” the Republican Party or making it “less viable in elections going forward.” You are just strengthening the worst people in the Republican Party and the people who used to control it who are using this to trash Trump and claw their way back to power and further marginalize people like you. Nick and Kanye have put on their tinfoil hats and blazed a path to the fringe of American politics and burned all the bridges behind them. They have covered everyone around them in shit which will never come off.
Once again, Nick has gone from someone these people used to see as a threat to someone who they aren’t concerned about anymore and who is rapidly losing support and is following the Richard Spencer and Alt-Right trajectory on downward slope.


Deep down, the blasé and ironic Mr. Karlin does not believe in anything higher than himself. Thus we can see him now becoming a doomer, not wanting to support the Russian cause so eagerly when it is down on its luck - just what we could expect a materialistic and worldly fair-weather friend to do:



This immature brat has now merrily burned all his bridges to more mainstream Dissident Right figures:



Like Hitler himself, Fuentes just did not know when to stop in good time:

Fuentes was doing well, making waves and rising when he was criticizing Jews. He has been doing that for years. It was nothing new with him and people like Alex Jones were on his side and he has even made some inroads into mainstream politics with MTG and Paul Gosar coming to AFPAC. There is a greater degree of tolerance for that because everyone knows that Jewish organizations like the ADL are behind censorship and cancel culture.

We saw what happened last week when he steered it into Hitler and the Third Reich. In his own words, everyone around him bailed when “the swastikas came out.”
It is all coming crashing down for him now because many of his own supporters don’t want to be associated with that. There has always been a hard ceiling for that stuff. Time and again, we have seen people who have built a following outside of that core constituency of people who love Hitler and GLR rapidly crash back down after going there.

In my view, Gavin McInnes conceded the real substantial issue in his interview with Ye, which is the reality of Jewish wealth, power and influence over our culture. Alex Jones is also conceding the real issue when he admits that a Jewish mafia exists that controls key cultural institutions.

Is every single Jew in the world plugged into a conspiracy against White people? Of course not.

Are Jews the sole cause of our racial and cultural decline? Of course not.

Do all Jews on the planet have the same political and cultural views? Of course not.

Is a network of powerful Jews who tend to be secular, leftwing and liberal Jews led by Jonathan Greenblatt and the ADL leveraging their control of institutions to wield unbelievable cultural power to crush and silence their critics? Yes, absolutely. That’s what is going on.

Should it be taboo to discuss this and point this out? No, it is a real problem. Everyone knows it is a huge problem including Alex Jones and Gavin McInnes who have been literally destroyed by these people.

Everything that Ye said about Hitler, the Nazis and the Holocaust – all of that is history – is an unfortunate distraction from the real issue which is this Jewish mafia that exists in our own times and which flexes power to blacklist and destroy anyone who stands in their way whether it is Ye, Kyrie Irving, Elon Musk, etc.



Every incarnation of the White Nationalist movement eventually reaches its final position: sieg heiling with the bros on a street corner in Illinois, holding a solemn candlelight service around the tomb of Hitler, nostalgia for the Third Reich, crypt keepers defending the memory of Nazi Germany and so on. Eventually, a kind of weariness sets in with present day politics and some people retreat to live in the past where they become enamored with the fantasy that the past can become the present.