“Application of the natural law varies greatly...”



...CCC 1951 Law is a rule of conduct enacted by competent authority for the sake of the common good.

1955 The "divine and natural" law6 shows man the way to follow so as to practice the good and attain his end. The natural law states the first and essential precepts which govern the moral life. It hinges upon the desire for God and submission to him, who is the source and judge of all that is good, as well as upon the sense that the other is one's equal. Its principal precepts are expressed in the Decalogue. This law is called "natural," not in reference to the nature of irrational beings, but because reason which decrees it properly belongs to human nature:

1956 The natural law, present in the heart of each man and established by reason, is universal in its precepts and its authority extends to all men. It expresses the dignity of the person and determines the basis for his fundamental rights and duties: For there is a true law: right reason. It is in conformity with nature, is diffused among all men, and is immutable and eternal; its orders summon to duty; its prohibitions turn away from offense . . . . To replace it with a contrary law is a sacrilege; failure to apply even one of its provisions is forbidden; no one can abrogate it entirely.9

1957 Application of the natural law varies greatly;

enacted by competent authority of course...

and universally...eventually...

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CCC 1956 The natural law, present in the heart of each man...no one can abrogate it entirely.9

Maybe just some parts of it?

...Dominican Sister John Mary Fleming, executive director of the Secretariat of Catholic Education for the USCCB, advocates starting with what the Catholic Church teaches about the human person when discussing sexuality with young adults. We are “made in the image and likeness of God, body and soul, intellect and will, and made for an eternal destiny that includes an intellectual and moral reality,” she says. “No question of human sexuality makes sense without an understanding of who the human person is. Bringing young people into a fuller discussion about these topics is a service to them and respectful of them.”



application of Law indeed does vary:

da joos...

...and only One of them wasn't...and other lyin' joos intent on slandering claimed He destroyed their customs handed to them by Moses...

Acts 6:12So they stirred up the people, elders, and scribes and confronted Stephen. They seized him and brought him before the Sanhedrin, 13where they presented FALSE witnesses who said, “This man never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law. 14For we have heard him say that Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses handed down to us.”



...in the tradition of applying natural law "that takes account of various conditions of life according to places, times, and circumstances."


and "no one has the right to reject" this varied application of the Law

see 10:05 of this:

A prayer for the Conversion of America​

O Mary,
Mother of mercy and refuge of sinners,
we beseech Thee to look with pitying eyes on heretical and schismatical nations.

Do Thou, Who art the seat of wisdom,
illumine their minds, wretchedly involved in the darkness of ignorance and sin,
that they may know the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church
to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, out of which no sanctity or salvation can be found.

Finally, complete their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to believe every truth of our Holy Faith,
and to submit to the Sovereign Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth,
that thus, being soon united to us by the bonds of divine charity,
they may make with us but one fold under one and the same pastor,
and that we may thus, O glorious Virgin!
all sing exultingly forever:
Rejoice, O Virgin Mary!
alone Thou hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world.

And until it achieves absolute authority again... the iron fist will cloak itself with V2 multikultie "just love everybody" common good gloves...

as V2 is a counter reformation success more than the 500 years prior...

BTW EO is also addressed here in this video...but yeah wutever
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Given that the Church truly is Israel, what practical consequences does this have for our spiritual lives? What difference does it make that we are God’s people just like the ethnic Israelites were in the Old Testament? https://catholicexchange.com/church-new-israel/

CCC paragraph
877 Likewise, it belongs to the sacramental nature of ecclesial ministry that it have a collegial character. In fact, from the beginning of his ministry, the Lord Jesus instituted the Twelve as "the seeds of the new Israel..."

As poor Stephen preached

Acts 7:37 This is the same Moses who told the Israelites, ‘God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers.’ 38He was in the assembly (ekklesia, church, the called out ones) in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our fathers. And he received living words to pass on to us. 39But our fathers refused to obey him. Instead, they rejected him and in their hearts turned back to Egypt..."

But but but those “living words” were just for da joos…


A real life varied application of this Law influencing the culture we live in:

“On various shows George has in various ways let it be known that he believes in God and that God is all knowing and powerful. George has encouraged prayer for various persons. He is opposed to Christian and Muslim fundamentalism though is tactful about it, for example saying to one of his guests "Brother" Michael Dimond "I can't believe that" when Brother Dimond said that anyone who was not apart of the Catholic Church would end up in Hell.[3]”

But this Lebanese as a Catholic must “believe that” and yet for the sake of his audience…

Imagine Protestants (or the EO in Holy Rus) becoming mindful again of true Catholicism and not the nice friendly ecumenical church of “just love everybody” of the V2 “infiltration”.

Join or die…is not just a motto for a snake…
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"1957 Application of the natural law varies greatly" ...news from the east...

hopefully it doesn't escalate to Holy Rus vs 1672833085535.png


1957 Application of the natural law varies greatly...

And more than its variation...what matters is WHO is applying it...




uh oh...seems like the 1957 "Application of the natural law varies greatly"...is getting much too greatly varied...

suddenly the very popular "just love everybody" seems to drift too far from the other traditions and teachings these men have established to appeal to the masses...to please their tickling ears...


found yet another channel addressing the problems of arising from this great variation of application:

apparently the "heresy" of a return to the former tradition of the first century church is not alone...now even a return to a tradition of a Latin application is problematic...



so again...application so diverse comes up against a need for authority and such...and so it goes...

under an authority outside of which is no salvation...

I also note the video did not address this varied application:

In the 20th century, Catholic liturgical reformers began to press for a return to Communion under both kinds, citing the practice of the church before the thirteenth century. There were spirited debates over the issue at the Second Vatican Council, resulting in a compromise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communion_under_both_kinds
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"1957 Application of the natural law varies greatly;" ...perhaps here a bit too variously applied?

Man's traditions certainly are varied from the way the Church understood His Law that first century...certainly when receiving these "living oracles" at Sinai when it was in the wilderness Acts 7:38

but just like the vax mandates...don't challenge the authority...outside of which is no salvation...dissent is heresy...



...that the pope might include state powers to maintain a particular application of His Law...hmmm is there any historical precedence for this?

happily..."The FBI says it is retracting a leaked document published on the internet Feb. 8 that appears to reveal that the bureau’s Richmond division launched an investigation into “radical traditionalist” Catholics and their possible ties to “the far-right white nationalist movement.”

phew...they might not be Waco'd...

BTW- secondary stories in the Video are the joint communion celebration with Protestants in Africa and criticism of making a certain sin a criminal offence
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1956 The natural law, present in the heart of each man and established by reason, is universal in its precepts and its authority extends to all men. It expresses the dignity of the person and determines the basis for his fundamental rights and duties: For there is a true law: right reason. It is in conformity with nature, is diffused among all men, and is immutable and eternal; its orders summon to duty; its prohibitions turn away from offense . . . . To replace it with a contrary law is a sacrilege; failure to apply even one of its provisions is forbidden; no one can abrogate it entirely.9

1957 Application of the natural law varies greatly;

thus far concentration has been on Christian applications of His Natural Laws...

...which is meant for ALL

Sure Jesus has some nice sayings...most can agree with...but follow?

Paul wrote the Romans to confirm He meant for ALL

Romans 2: 13 For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.


Here we find the U.S. government also interested in how His law is applied...NOT in a Latin tradition apparently...as that is too extreme now...much too various of an application

Happily a member of this "extremist" group put his God above country and blew the whistle on this government agency...

And also happily the FBI backed down...

before it Waco'd some of these extremists...