Liberal and Leftist "Christian" apostates exposed and criticized


This thread is dedicated to those shady actors who like to pose as Christians, but are eagerly collaborating with godless forces on the Left. (We are not talking about just clerics who sometimes say something about workers' rights, or similar sort of folks, but really blatant infiltrators or dhimmi lackeys.)

We might start with the French Revolution, since that is where the history of modern Left really begins. abbé Barruel named and shamed some of his fellow abbés:

If under the name of Clergy were comprehended all those who in France wore the half-livery of the church, all that class of men who in Paris, and some of the great towns, styled themselves Abbés, history might reproach the clergy with traitors and apostates from the first dawn of the Conspiracy. We find the Abbé de Prades the first apostate, and happily first to repent; the Abbé Morellet, whose disgrace is recorded in the repeated praises of Voltaire and D’Alembert;1 the Abbé Condillac, who was to sophisticate the morals of his royal pupil; and above all, that Abbé Raynal, whose name alone is tantamount to twenty demoniacs of the Sect.
Paris swarmed with those Abbés; we still say, the Abbé Barthelemi, the Abbé Beaudeau, again the Abbé Noel, and the Abbé Sieyès. But the people, on the whole, did not confound them with the clergy. They knew them to be the offspring of avarice, seeking the livings but laying aside the duties of the church; or through economy adopting the dress, while by their profligacy and irreligious writings they dishonored it. The numbers of these amphibious animals, and particularly in the metropolis, may be one of the severest reproaches against the clergy. However great the distinctions made between these and the latter may have been, the repeated scandals of the former powerfully helped the Conspiracy, by laying themselves open to satire, which retorted upon the whole body, and affected the real ministers of the altar. Many of these Abbés, who did not believe in God, had obtained livings through the means of the Sophisters, who by soliciting dignities for their adepts sought to introduce their principles, and dishonour the clergy by their immorality. It was the plague that they spread in the enemy’s camp; and not daring to face them in the field, they sought to poison their springs.
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Oswald Spengler referred to this phenomenon in that section of his The Hour of Decision book (1934) where he complains about "Christian Bolshevism":

At the beginning of the French Revolution we have, besides the swarm of degenerate abbés, who for years had mocked at authority and rank in their writing and preaching, the runaway monk Fouché and the renegade bishop Talleyrand, both of them regicides and thieves en grand, Napoleonic dukes and traitors to their country.

But Spengler certainly lets the Protestant clergymen to have it too; he even draws examples from the histories of pagan priesthoods to show how the men of the cloth can sell out:

During the Persian Wars the priesthood of Delphi agitated on behalf of Xerxes and against the national defence. Cyrus was able to conquer Babylon and overthrow Naboned, the last king of the Chaldees, because the priesthood of Marduk was in league with him. The histories of ancient Egypt and ancient China are full of examples of the sort, and in the West there was only occasionally truce between monarchy and church, throne and altar, nobility and priesthood, when an alliance between them against a third party promised to be advantageous. "My kingdom is not of this world" is the deep saying which is true of every religion and is betrayed by every church.

So Frank Miller did not entirely make this scene up:

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And one more look at the French Revolution; the famous Whig historian T.B. Macaulay drew, in one of his essays, a long and sardonic portrait of one of the most infamous Jacobin leaders, Bertrand Barère, who was as bloodthirsty as Robespierre, but much more opportunistic and sneakier - which is why he survived to die in old age.

Macaulay ends his sarcastic essay, where he thoroughly demolishes Barère's reputation, with this revelation:

We cannot say that we contemplate with equal satisfaction that fervent and constant zeal for religion which, according to M. Hippolyte Carnot, distinguished Barère; for, as we think that whatever brings dishonor on religion is a serious evil, we had, we own, indulged a hope that Barère was an atheist. We now learn, however, that he was at no time even a skeptic, that he adhered to his faith through the whole Revolution, and that he has left several manuscript works on divinity. One of these is a pious treatise, entitled Of Christianity, and of its Influence. Another consists of meditations on the Psalms, which will doubtless greatly console and edify the Church.

This makes the character complete. Whatsoever things are false, whatsoever things are dishonest, whatsoever things are unjust, whatsoever things are impure, whatsoever things are hateful, whatsoever things are of evil report, if there be any vice, and if there be any infamy, all these things, we knew, were blended in Barère. But one thing was still wanting; and that M. Hippolyte Carnot has supplied. When to such an assemblage of qualities a high profession of piety is added, the effect becomes overpowering. We sink under the contemplation of such exquisite and manifold perfection; and feel, with deep humility, how presumptuous it was in us to think of composing the legend of this beatified athlete of the faith, St. Bertrand of the Carmagnoles.

So Barère was basically like David French of the 1790s; a professing "Christian" serving a very godless system as a pliant lackey.
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A shocking but ultimately justified metaphor: "Christians" like Sullivan are like wearing the skin-suit of the church they have flayed:



The dhimmi Christians, who served their Muslim masters, not only by passively submitting to them, but also often by actively aiding them (and often being lucratively rewarded for their collaboration; not all of them were motivated by simple fear) are one of the most obvious historical precedents for modern "Liberal Christians" who are serving the secularist system.

For example, a large part of the Ottoman army that conquered Constantinople in 1453 was made of Christian auxiliaries from the Balkans who had been sent by their rulers to serve their overlord, the sultan. But this phenomenon actually started almost as soon as the Arab Muslims had rushed out of desert and conquered the Levantine areas populated by Christians - have you ever wondered how a bunch of Bedouins could have so soon built a navy in the Mediterranean that could defy the naval forces of the Byzantine Empire? With the help of sellout Levantine Christians, that's how.

The Battle of the Masts (Arabic: معركة ذات الصواري, romanized: Ma‘rakat Dhāt al-Ṣawārī) or Battle of Phoenix was a crucial naval battle fought in 654 (A.H. 34) between the Muslim Arabs led by Abu al-A'war and the Byzantine fleet under the personal command of Emperor Constans II.[1][2][3] The battle was part of the earliest campaign by Muawiyah to reach Constantinople[citation needed] and is considered to be "the first decisive conflict of Islam on the deep".[4]


But besides the caste of total frauds, degenerates, and transparent apostates there is also, unfortunately, the large group of people who do have genuine Christian convictions, but have been so soaked in the modernist liberal worldview that they are repulsed by any genuinely reactionary viewpoint.

Here is an example how they can be pricked back:

“I think anything close to Kinist ideology deserves to be taken to the woodshed like Jesus did the Pharisees. It’s in Kinism where you’ll find today’s synagogue of Satan circumcising themselves and their wives off from culture and the mission of postmill work.” – Darren Doane
Darren Doane is a member of Doug Wilson’s church and director of the documentary Collision about the debate between Wilson and atheist Christopher Hitchens…a step up from the Blink-182 music videos that Doane directed earlier in his career. Doane doesn’t like Kinism, as is apparent from his comment posted to Facebook earlier this week. He accuses Kinists of being like the Pharisees and the “synagogue of Satan” mentioned in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. Those are some big accusations, to be sure! Hey Darren, quick question: What do you think of the actual practitioners of Judaism today? Are they at least a part of the “synagogue of Satan,” or is that being anti-Semitic? Never mind.

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Interesting but why focus specifically on left wing apostates? Apostacy is just as much a problem among 'right-wing' Christians. Such is my impression at any rate, based on my own experience. If you disagree then it might be worthwhile to start a thread on the topc.


The de facto apostasy of "right-wing" Christians is often inspired by money, as simple and banal as that might be. For it has been written:

Many American fundies can worship capitalism, and because of that, they end up worshipping liberalism as well, because Liberalism is the ideology of free-flowing capital.

Of course, left-wing phony Christians prefer to get their fat salaries from the state (like through "refugee resettlement" agencies and other forms of omnipresent nanny-state), not from the private sector.

Lord Osmund de Ixabert

Everything you just said appears correct to me. I don't think that is the full story, but you haven't said a single falsehood of which I am aware. I thought you were perhaps motivated by ideological partisanism, but you have not said anything to justify my suspicion. My criticisms of leftist pseudochristian apostacy, some of which might be worth cross-posting to the present thread, are not motivated by a desire to validate a right-wing partisan position.​
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To genuine old-school Christians, this was the worst thing about MLK - not his personal immorality, not his Black Power Commie politics, but his publically expressed support for Christ-denying heresies.

In the 4th century, many Arians were undoubtedly men of immoral lives, while others lived more uprightly. But it was ultimately all secondary compared to the doctrine they espoused.

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Nikephoros II Phokas

Staff member
The de facto apostasy of "right-wing" Christians is often inspired by money, as simple and banal as that might be. For it has been written:

Many American fundies can worship capitalism, and because of that, they end up worshipping liberalism as well, because Liberalism is the ideology of free-flowing capital.

Of course, left-wing phony Christians prefer to get their fat salaries from the state (like through "refugee resettlement" agencies and other forms of omnipresent nanny-state), not from the private sector.

There is a very visible group of "right-wing" Christian apostates that literally worship Mammon ("wealth") - followers of Prosperity Theology.

Nikephoros II Phokas

Staff member
To genuine old-school Christians, this was the worst thing about MLK - not his personal immorality, not his Black Power Commie politics, but his publically expressed support for Christ-denying heresies.

In the 4th century, many Arians were undoubtedly men of immoral lives, while others lived more uprightly. But it was ultimately all secondary compared to the doctrine they espoused.

Giving MLK credit (or discredit) for writing the papers mentioned is being a bit generous. These were the exact papers that were definitively proved to be products of very extensive and obvious plagiarism. It's an open question whether or not MLK had an intellectual grasp of any of the theological concepts he plagiarized. The activities and ideas he espoused in his "church" services didn't delve into theological topics because his religious garb was simply a front for leftist political activities, sexually wanton behavior and criminality.
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Leftists using Christian terminology as a mere "garb" is not a new thing. In his book The Peasant War in Germany Friedrich Engels wrote - with admiration - of Thomas Müntzer:

His theologic-philosophic doctrine attacked all the main points not only of Catholicism but of Christianity as such. Under the cloak of Christian forms, he preached a kind of pantheism, which curiously resembles the modern speculative mode of contemplation, and at times even taught open atheism. He repudiated the assertion that the Bible was the only infallible revelation. The only living revelation, he said, was reason, a revelation which existed among all peoples at all times. To contrast the Bible with reason, he maintained, was to kill the spirit by the latter, for the Holy Spirit of which the Bible spoke was not a thing outside of us; the Holy Spirit was our reason. Faith, he said, was nothing else but reason become alive in man, therefore, he said, pagans could also have faith. Through this faith, through reason come to life, man became godlike and blessed, he said. Heaven was to be sought in this life, not beyond, and it was, according to Muenzer, the task of the believers to establish Heaven, the kingdom of God, here on earth. As there is no Heaven in the beyond, so there is no Hell in the beyond, and no damnation, and there are no devils but the evil desires and cravings of man. Christ, he said, was a man, as we are, a prophet and a teacher, and his “Lord’s Supper” is nothing but a plain meal of commemoration wherein bread and wine are being consumed with mystic additions.
Muenzer preached these doctrines mostly in a covert fashion, under the cloak of Christian phraseology which the new philosophy was compelled to utilise for some time. The fundamental heretic idea, however, is easily discernible in all his writings, and it is obvious that the biblical cloak was for him of much less importance than it was for many a disciple of Hegel in modern times.


The Polish conservatives, who are some of the most loyal right-wing supporters that the Vatican still has left, are beginning to openly grumble:

Catholic Church’s resistance to secularization and dechristianization of society is minimal

The Church, as the guardian of certain values, seems to be surrendering its role

September 05, 2022

editor: REMIX NEWS

author: DO RZECZY


People walk by the Temple of Divine Providence, a major church in the Polish capital Warsaw.

A two-day conference titled “Limiting and transgressing religious freedom from a domestic and international perspective” took place over the weekend in Warsaw. One of the panelists at a session on religious freedom in public debate was the editor of Do Rzeczy, Paweł Lisicki.

Lisicki argued that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church was doing remarkably little to tackle the trend towards secularization and dechristianization of Polish society. As examples, he gave a Jesuit expert James Martin being cited in a court case as stating that picturing the Holy Virgin Mary in a rainbow-colored background was a legitimate form of expression, as well as Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia in the Vatican condoning the new abortion law in Italy, which makes abortion on demand widely available.

It is absurd, argued Lisicki, that the Church, as the guardian of certain values, seems to be surrendering its role. He traced the present trend to the beginning of the pontificate of Pope Francis. The Do Rzeczy editor acknowledged that the situation may not be as dramatic but did not feel that the resistance was sufficient.

There were too many clerics willing to capitulate and accommodate while those who disagree with this stance too often remain silent, he added.


The dhimmi Christians, who served their Muslim masters, not only by passively submitting to them, but also often by actively aiding them (and often being lucratively rewarded for their collaboration; not all of them were motivated by simple fear) are one of the most obvious historical precedents for modern "Liberal Christians" who are serving the secularist system.

Even though they preach seemingly opposite ideals (submission vs. individual freedom), Islam and Liberalism could both qualify as "Christian heresies" (if interpreted in a very wide and general sense - they are both surely also much more than that); here is another similarity between them:
