Protestant Foibles (Prod self-criticism thread)


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This is indeed a matter of simple consistency - no one who holds the Deistic, Unitarian and Masonic American "founding fathers" in high esteem should have the right to yap about classical pagans (I myself am ready to criticize them both):



Like Thomas777, I also tend to believe that the phenomenon of "Christian Zionism" is a mile wide and an inch deep - it came into being as a by-product of 20th century political changes (the founding of the state of Israel being one of them), and it cannot handle really serious challenges.



Like Thomas777, I also tend to believe that the phenomenon of "Christian Zionism" is a mile wide and an inch deep - it came into being as a by-product of 20th century political changes (the founding of the state of Israel being one of them), and it cannot handle really serious challenges.
no surprise at all you ignore Vatican 2

or the origin of all this Jesuit Futurism



The way Protestant fundies allow themselves to be used as pawns for Christ-denying Jews resembles in many ways how misguided Eastern European nationalists (in countries like Ukraine or Poland) allow themselves to be used as cannon fodder against Russia. Both these groups could have potential for great and good things, but they have been maneuvered into very counter-productive positions:

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Looks like Thomas777's prediction is working out:

Poll Watch: Young Evangelical Support For Israel Plummets


Christian Zionism was a flash in the pan that was very popular among one generation in one country that was raised on the television. It is already on the way out.
“Support for Israel among young Evangelicals has plummeted by over 50% in just three years, posing a potential threat to American backing for the Jewish State.
“This should be a wake-up call for Israeli policymakers,” said Dr. Yoav Fromer, head of The Center for the Study of the United States (CSUS) at Tel Aviv University. “For decades, consecutive Israeli governments – especially under Benjamin Netanyahu – have taken for granted the Evangelical support and neglected other groups within American society, including Jewish Americans.
Other findings: As of late 2021, only 33.6% of young Evangelicals under 30 support Israel, compared to 67.9% in 2018. At the same time, in 2021, 24.3% of young Evangelicals said they support the Palestinians, compared to only 5% three years before.
Moreover, nearly half (42.4%) of young American Evangelicals under 30 said they supported neither Israel nor the Palestinians in 2021, compared to 25% in 2018. … ”
19th century Southerners were not Israel-obsessed Dispensationalists.​


Protestants are often accused of pandering excessively to bourgeois sensibilities (at least when they are not of distinctively lower-class variety). Many Marxist critics (and those RCs who eagerly echo their views, like E. Michael Jones) even claim that the Reformation was "ackshually" all about making Christianity compatible with modern capitalist economy and middle-class manners.

And sadly, like many other slanders, this one also contains elements of truth. Gary North thus confessed the "bourgeois" leanings of Calvinist churches, that usually have highly educated clergy, but at the same time become contaminated by the ideas of secular-humanist academia:

Presbyterian seminaries in that era indulged in a form of academic initiation, a suicidal practice that led irrevocably to the capture of all of them by the liberals: they sent their young candidates for their faculties to Germany to swim in the cesspool of theological liberalism for a year or two. About all the guidance the young men received before departing was a warning: "When you inhale, be sure to keep your mouth above water." Can you imagine Martin Luther insisting that every Lutheran scholar spend a year studying theology at the Vatican? But even this does not do justice to the degree of absurdity. Can you imagine Luther recommending that they study in Istanbul?8
The denomination recognized higher academic degrees as the main criteria for permanent positions, and the humanist world that granted such degrees was hostile to the orthodox faith. Thus, the lure of Harvard, Princeton (University), Yale, and the German theological swamps was too great, just as it has been too great for Christian colleges in the twentieth century. Academic prestige had been the golden calf for Presbyterians for three centuries, but the worship of this idol became an all-consuming lust after the secularization of higher education in America.



I do not think it was quite so simple, but there is no doubt that the Prohibition movement empowered female busybodies, and thus had a proto-feminist effect.